There is a certain website online that seems to serve no purpose. The website is completely black, with nothing to click on, no links, nothing. It is said that if you logged on at exactly 2:59 AM, an image labeled themostbeautifulthingintheworld.jpg will be uploaded and having seen it, you will vanish, never to be seen again. Some say that the picture contains the portrait of a person, whereas others say that the picture is in fact something terrifying. Whatever the case, at exactly 3:00 AM an image will be uploaded that makes you wake up instantly in your bed as if awoken from a dream.
Copyright Statement: Unless explicitly stated, all stories published on are the property of (and under copyright to) their respective authors, and may not be narrated or performed under any circumstance.
soundz kool
ahhh guys…lol P4INKiller actually died O3o who’s wants to go after him?
Is it boobs?
ugh not scary how come this isn’t crappypasta
I googled it and it showed a picture of a fat man dancing to the Har;em Shake. It was a GIF file
I googled themostbeautifulthingintheworld.jpg
It’s just a girl, guys -_-
I searched on google and it was snow. What’s the site?
Wait, if there’s an image that appears at 2:59 AM that makes people instantly disappear, how do we know about it? It makes sense the only people who see it should be gone.
The people that woke up only know about it…
Poopstick, i totally agree!
Found it. The picture was damn lovely. I even set it as my wallpaper. One problem though, every time someone looks over my shoulder they cease to exist. Pics or it didn’t happen, am I right?
I’m gonna make a website and have it show a butt. I’ll title it the most beautiful thing in the world and have it turn on at 2:59 then show crap in a toilet at 3:00 am. Anyone who agrees I should do this mention my name and state you agree. :D
So……. there is no link to this, huh? Just everyones bullshit “OH THIS IS DA LINK DUDES!” ….
Lame. I wanted to disappear and wake up later in my bed.
it’s CLEARLY chlidbirth…
You vanish, never to be seen again…. THEN you wake up a minute later? Explain.
Like Facebook?
“There is a certain website online that seems to serve no purpose.”
Really? Only one? I could fill page after page with URLs of sites meeting this criterion.
I googled it and found a fucking plate.
what is the link of the website?????
@Noctivagus I think it’s just meant to scare others, as many people with sleeping troubles tend to wake up in the middle of the night at about 3:00ish.
Seriously… if you vanish at 2:59… then why the hell would there be another pic that has you wake up in your bed? How could you even see said pic? How would anyone know it happened? *head explodes*
black page ah? i was thinking i was gonna see one but no that cat scared the shit out of me
dude…that thing…scared the shit out of me
The real website is
so anyone found the site yet?
And Femanon was never heard from again…
Bizarre Cube should make website, I’d spread it round xD. I’m not checking out at 2:59
Is it this site?
Seriously, it’s just a black page, somebody try this.
Ok… so it’s a little girl drowning a little boy in his own blood… not the website we were looking for.
oh it’s a pair of socks
You ain’t seen nothing yet if you think tubgirl’s the most horrific image in the world. =) Tubgirl’s downright softcore compared to some of the stuff I’ve seen…
You should see my porn.
The most horrific image in the world – TUBGIRL?!
It’s funny. If you search the filename on Google, it shows you a tiny pic of a puppy wearing a hat.
Is it going to eat me?
Link please. ;D
the pictures of the shit i took last year
>>There is a certain website online that seems to serve no purpose.
…Somehow, I doubt anyone on 4chan would upload anything that could ever be described as “beautiful.”
Bizzare Cube should make it, and we should all spread the legend.
im confoosed. if you vanish from seeing the first image “never to be seen again”, how do you wake up after the second one loads at 3:00?
I was wondering the same thing. My best guess is lack of consistency.
That’s if you look at it on 2:59. You vanish.
But if you look at it on 3:00. You wake up.
ROFL Rick Roll!! xDD that IS the most beautiful thing in the world
No, the website is
lol, that’s sooooo awesome(not)
The website is
Dude! I almost clicked on the link before i read it!
.jpg? The outlines of “The most beautiful thing in the world” are dotted with artifacts?
Wasn’t there another story like this somewhere where this was done in photoshop?
The idea behind it was that you open a random image at night and zoom in on random spots, like, seven times, and then you open your eyes. Supposedly if you did it right, the most horrific image in existance would be on your monitor, and if you managed to look at it without screaming you’d go to heaven or something.
Holy shit. Bizarre Cube, you win an internet.
this website should be made and everyday at 2:59 a video called the most beautiful thing in the world pops up and its a rickroll.
You should post it if you really have it… Some of us may be curious about it…
P4INKiller is dead.
He sent me the link before he looked, but he never got back to me.
Bahaha you two didn’t catch it.. P4INKiller..said they wouldn’t post it until they checked it out… It says you will vanish….
Load the sight, man! Must see!
we’ll be waiting on that. :p
I think I found it, but I won’t post it yet.
I need to explore first just to make sure it’s safe.
What is the link to the website?
Someone actually made a tumblr for it