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Tales From an Ex-Convict
Part 1 My father spent 14 years locked behind the thick steel doors of the Barry Telford State Penitentiary located right outside Texarkana, Texas. Recently I took an interest in the darker events that have happened ...

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The Duxbury Chronicles
Part 1: “The Detective and the Hangman” Plymouth County Massachusetts, December 21, 2015, 11:21PM. Five miles outside Duxbury. Detective Johnathan Mcarthy stood in the ankle deep snow, blowing hot air into his cupped hands, while examining ...

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Part 1 In 1997, my friend (who we'll call Chris) moved across state. At that time, we were 10, we didn't really have much of a way to see each other besides getting a ride by ...

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The Remover
Part 1 When I left my office, I already had a premonition that something awful was going to happen that evening. I’m not psychic. I am quite perceptive, though, and the signs were easy to read ...

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Amber Alert
“No accountin’ fa taste, I suppose,” the soiled old man blurted into his face as he shuffled past. “Watch it buddy,” Chad responded in turn before receiving the accused end of a gnarled and bony finger ...

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Humper Monkey’s Ghost Story
Chapter 1 I stepped off the bus into three fucking feet of snow. I was the only one on the bus, and the driver had laughed viciously when he slammed the door to the bus and ...

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The 12 Rules
Rule 1: Don't stray from the installations access roads. I spend a lot of time doing contract work for the Army. They contract a hell of a lot of mechanic work out to civilians. Saves on ...

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Jeff The Killer: Scars of Corruption
Publisher's Note: This is a sequel to the Jeff the Killer reboot. To read that part first, click here. To read the original Jeff the Killer story (unrelated to this series), click here. From the prologue ...

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I had been alone in the police interrogation room for over an hour. I checked my cigarettes to find I only have one left “damn.” I said as I pulled one out and lit it. I ...

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Ted the Caver
3/23/01 Due to the overwhelming number of requests I have received to tell about my discoveries and bizarre experiences in a cave not far from my home, I have created this web page. I will outline the ...

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All of Our Mistakes Are Never Forgotten
Day 0 As much as I despise having to type this, I’ve since come to terms with my wife’s suggestion. When I first told her of my assignment in the Arctic, she refused to let me ...

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Tales From the Gas Station
PART ONE At the edge of our town, there’s a shitty gas station that’s open twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week. If you were to go inside, you’d see row after row of off-brand ...

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Cursed Sands
Part 1 I've been many different things at different points in my life. I'm an eight year veteran of the United States Marine Corps who served in the Gulf War. I was, for a relatively short ...

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Human Nature
CHAPTER 1 Laura pulled her cellphone out of its storage compartment and queued up the first video before wondering if she really should watch it again. They had, technically, only been in space for eight hours ...

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The Hollows and the Hills
Part 1 I am often asked how it was that I first became interested the true crime genre. It's the sort of question I frequently get at conventions, book signings, panel meetings, and interviews, but the ...

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Part 1 I work in restoration. Your house or business floods? My crew comes in, dries everything up, cleans the baseboards, preps the place, tosses the ruined stuff into a dumpster and hauls it away. We ...

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The Hidden Webpage
Sometimes I find it hard to believe that I’ve been an internet user for twenty years now. That’s older than some of my co-workers. It’s over half my life. And still the internet feels like “the ...

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Vilify [vil-uh-fahy]: verb (used with object), 1. To speak ill of; defame; slander 2. To make vile. * * * * * * He awoke into an imperceptible brightness; lights, many bright lights, coming in from ...