
Latest Creepypasta Stories

The Med Student
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The Med Student

An unpopular young med student had been particularly annoying one day and some of her classmates decided to play a trick on her. They snuck into her room after she'd gone to bed and placed ...
The Tapping
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The Tapping

It's about 9:35 at night. The show on your TV is silent, the volume turned down. Maybe you're one of those people that has to have a static noise and picture, even when listening to ...
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This morning I stepped out of the shower and this bathroom was fine: white walls, white tiles, sink and counter with toothpaste crusted all over. Three out of the four lightbulbs over the mirror were ...
The Man At The Crossroads
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The Man At The Crossroads

There is a certain road near the Everglades in Florida, which, if you drive down it alone in the rain, day or night, you will suddenly have a very real feeling of being completely lost ...
The Classified Ad
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The Classified Ad

Every year, for an unknown number of years, an ad is published in the New York Times Classifieds section. The advertisement is short and lists a seemingly mundane household appliance: a refrigerator, a vacuum, a ...
The Wal-Mart Prophet
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The Wal-Mart Prophet

There is a Wal-Mart somewhere in Indiana, with a concealed trapdoor in the frozen food section. If you tap on the door three times with your left foot, a voice will ask you for a ...
House Of Mirrors
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House Of Mirrors

In the heart of Washington, there's a house that used to be owned by a family of five. Nobody really knows what happened to them. Their neighbors at the time say that there were no ...
The Notebook
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The Notebook

Somewhere in the world, there is a collection of books. Perhaps it's in a dusty, unpainted shelf in the back corner of someone's attic; perhaps it's in a set of musty boxes in the basement ...
The Pendant
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The Pendant

You jolt awake to some noise off in the distance. You look at your red lettered clock: 3:21. You hear it noise again. Someone's knocking on your door. There's no reason to be afraid, you ...
Sleep Paralysis
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Sleep Paralysis

It's a simple enough thing. It's all a part of the body's sleep processes. Sleep Paralysis, right? No big deal, really. Your body produces a chemical that paralyzes your body during R.E.M sleep to prevent ...
The Guardian Angel
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The Guardian Angel

And I am always with you. I was there from the time you were born. I stood in the delivery room, staring down at you before you could even open your eyes to see me ...
The Baby Doll
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The Baby Doll

In rural southern Illinois a toy company began selling "realistic" baby dolls to expectant mothers. But apparently after the mother had her child the toy baby would start crying. Eventually the "rocking motion" advertised to ...
The Girl In The Picture
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The Girl In The Picture

One school day, a boy named Tom was sitting in class and doing math. It was six more minutes until after school. As he was doing his homework, something caught his eye. His desk was ...
The Orchard
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The Orchard

You're in a strange room. You don't remember how you got there, but you know that you don't necessarily need to be there. As such, you decide it would be a good idea to leave ...
Observe & Absolve
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Observe & Absolve

There is an abandoned mental hospital at the top of a hill in Worcester, Massachusetts. Once every 5 years an old rusty box spring appears within the courtyard of the hospital. If you can sneak ...
Arcadia, The Lost State
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Arcadia, The Lost State

The 51st state of the United States, Arcadia, was admitted to statehood on January 17th, 1977. Exactly 4 years to the day later, Arcadia disappeared along with all its residents, and all memory of its ...
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