
cosmic horror

The Weaver

The Weaver

My vision was hazy. I could feel warm liquid trickling down my forehead as I attempted to lift my head. The car’s blinker thundered inside of me like a heavy bass. I tasted the blood inside of my mouth, and the coolness of the night seeped into the cracks and

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The angel of death

The Angel of Death

Extract from records found at scene, author unknown. Dated October 1883: Matted fur stuck to the Beast’s sides, sweat dripping down its flank as it expelled rancid breath. Thick ropes of saliva swung from pus-stained teeth, protruding from black-lipped jaws like shattered battlements. A single black eye glinted out at

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We found an abandoned structure in the middle of the wilderness. I wish we hadn't.

We found an abandoned structure in the middle of the wilderness. I wish we hadn’t.

Just outside of the town I live in, there is a massive densely wooded park that is largely forgotten. It’s not that people don’t know it is there, but it’s simply more of an afterthought. It’s not ideal for hiking, it doesn’t have any kid-friendly play areas, or even a

We found an abandoned structure in the middle of the wilderness. I wish we hadn’t. Read More »

The Littlefork Bodysnatchers

The Littlefork Bodysnatchers

Over the past few decades, a disturbing rumor has spread throughout the backwoods settlement of Littlefork. People there tell tales of so-called “alternates,” who kidnap and impersonate the small town’s residents. Taking the form of their victims, they appear human at first glance. But the alternates possess uncanny facial features

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Eternal sleep

Eternal Sleep

Arthur Gaunt had spent his whole life as a slave to curiosity. Above all else, he yearned for truth and an answer to those questions he had never thought to ask. No matter where or when, a nameless force pulled him towards an unnamable place, some origin point, where the

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Persephone Syndrome

Persephone Syndrome

The time was 12:55pm, Friday August 4th, 2028. It was a hot day in Tulsa, Oklahoma, as all days are in the middle of Summer. That didn’t stop the party though. Legions of people were celebrating this momentous occasion. The wealthy chase It, while the less fortunate wait in anticipation

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i found a book that does not exist

I found a book that does not exist

I found a book that does not exist. It cannot exist because if it does, it means I’ve gone mad. I love books, I always have since I could learn to read at a young age. People think books contain just words, but they don’t, they contain creation and life.

I found a book that does not exist Read More »

something watches over me and its not an angel

Something watches over me and it is not an angel

Have you ever heard the idea of spirit guides or divine protectors? How about the idea of long deceased family members watching over you and guiding you through life? I’m sure you have, I mean haven’t we all? Well mine is, different. For the longest time I assumed I was

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what we found beneath the great sphinx of giza

What We Found Beneath The Great Sphinx of Giza…

Between 1991 and 1993, American author John Anthony West and his team of archaeologists conducted a series of geological and seismic surveys around the Great Sphinx of Giza. The resulting seismographs indicated the existence of several unexplored tunnels and cavities in the bedrock beneath the monument, the most notable of

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town of the giants

Town of the Giants

“Yo. You reached Richie. Leave a message. I’ll get back to you eventually.” Rose grimaced, disconnecting the line before it rolled over to voicemail. She tossed her iPhone onto the passenger’s seat. Rose squinted out her windshield, the reflection of her still lit iPhone obscuring the already difficult view. The

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There’s a Giant Person in the Sky

I think I’ve lost my goddamn mind. Everything was fine until I walked out of work this afternoon. Dan, my cube-mate, and I were walking out of the building talking about our plans for the weekend. We had been pulling overtime, one of our clients was being more needy than

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I hate the water. Always have, always will. Oh, sure, I’ve swum in pools and jumped off diving boards like any other person, but I have never once allowed my feet to leave the ground at a beach or lake. Something about not having solid ground to stand on freaks

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