



As the sun sets in the distance, dark clouds hang in the sky above, absorbing the last glimmer of daylight. Ben, a middle-aged man with tired eyes and a thin beard, stares through the windscreen of his small, worn-down car while he waits at the traffic lights. He thinks about

Gamble Read More »

My bestfriend was a ghost hunter I wish I never went

My Bestfriend Was a Ghost Hunter, I Wish I Never Went.

“Come on.” The voice was distant but still clear. “You’re dragging your feet. You didn’t have to come. You wanted to. So let’s go.” Her voice had irritation to it, almost offensive. I groaned and steadied my pace, walking only a bit faster. “I’m coming, Celine. Jesus Christ.” I snapped

My Bestfriend Was a Ghost Hunter, I Wish I Never Went. Read More »

I was the leader of a hooligan firm in the 90s Now I’m cursed for life

I was the leader of a hooligan firm in the 90s. Now I’m cursed for life.

I awoke upon a field of frozen ground, shivering in the bitter cold as I tried to find my way in the darkness, and stumbling across the pitch while my eyes tried to adjust. It was almost pitch black, the only illumination coming from a pale orb in the sky

I was the leader of a hooligan firm in the 90s. Now I’m cursed for life. Read More »

I know the real reason why silent hills was cancelled

I know the real reason why ‘Silent Hills’ was cancelled.

The following randomly appeared in my Gmail inbox in 2016. I have no idea who sent it and I have no idea why it was sent to me of all people. All I know is what it said: I know the real reason why Silent Hills was cancelled. For those

I know the real reason why ‘Silent Hills’ was cancelled. Read More »

the girl in the middle of the road

The Girl in the Middle of the Road

She was just sitting there, in the middle of the slender, two lane back road when I was making my way back home that night. The route I favored to get back to my small, secluded house, was often annoying to traverse in the mornings or afternoons, as the thin

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My Mother’s Death Still Haunts Me

August 4th, 1983; my mother is killed in a head-on collision by a drunk driver. The intoxicated individual took a turn onto an off ramp and floored it down the wrong side of the highway. It was the dead of night, and at 1:37 a.m., this drunkard collided with my

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The Family Spirit

    It’s funny how the strangest traditions seem ordinary when you’ve grown up around them. One of my friends can’t get through Thanksgiving dinner without someone spanking the turkey, and another kid in my high school said they threw a tea party to celebrate every A. I’ve heard about

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