
Video Games and Gaming

Ravengrove online

Ravengrove Online

Back when I was still in high-school, I wrote and published a short fantasy novel called Legends of Ravengrove. It was supposed to be a bleaker, more cynical take on the sword-and-sorcery genre that was popular at the time. The story revolved around a cast of unlikely adventurers that were

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I made a horror game about liminal spaces that nobody will ever play

I made a horror game about liminal spaces that nobody will ever play

I’m sure there isn’t a single person reading this that doesn’t know what liminal spaces are by now. But, just in case: The concept of liminal spaces relates to physical locations that are typically transitional in nature. Hallways, waiting rooms and parking lots are classic examples. The liminal aesthetic can

I made a horror game about liminal spaces that nobody will ever play Read More »



My alarm clock went off at 11:30 AM, signaling the start of my day. I got up and made myself a pot of coffee as I normally did and began my day. I lived in a small town, and worked from home, so, given that I got to set my

Kenopsia Read More »

I know the real reason why silent hills was cancelled

I know the real reason why ‘Silent Hills’ was cancelled.

The following randomly appeared in my Gmail inbox in 2016. I have no idea who sent it and I have no idea why it was sent to me of all people. All I know is what it said: I know the real reason why Silent Hills was cancelled. For those

I know the real reason why ‘Silent Hills’ was cancelled. Read More »

Janes retina

Jane’s Retina

Have you ever heard of Jane’s Retina? Unless you were big into the home brew floppy disk games scene in the 80’s, specifically in San Francisco and the surrounding Central California region, it’s unlikely you’ve heard of it, let alone played it. While unconfirmed, it is generally believed that the

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Before I start this off, I want to apologize to everyone who may be affected by this in a negative way. I’m writing this for journalistic purposes, and to hopefully spread some awareness about something that has plagued me for a good portion of my life. That’s all. My name

Cirice Read More »

Rule 34

My first love was Misty from Pokémon. Those legs, that sass, she was absolutely perfect. No one else could ever compare. When I played the games, I’d hang around her gym and pretend that we were on a date. I built my team to be strong against her weaknesses so I could always protect her. I used to fantasize that she’d become intrigued by me when I had beaten her. That she’d become obsessed and fallen head over heels in love with me. It was just a silly fantasy, but I enjoyed it when I was younger.

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