
anonymously authored

O’Malley’s Family Restaurant

As younger siblings tend to do, I absolutely worshipped my older brother Calvin. He always seemed like the coolest person in the world to me. Everybody liked him. He was president of his class, a star baseball player, and just had an all-around great personality. All the girls thought that

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The Silence of the North Woods

The first thing I remember of my arrival in Ahtunowhiho, the small Native American village in the northern reaches of Minnesota, was the smell. The familiar aroma of soaked dirt permeated the air and was instantly noticeable as soon as the doors of the cramped, twelve-seater plane were opened. The

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The Dark Wraith

Most of the information known about these spirits is unsurprisingly dubious at best, as the survivors have often been paranoid to the extent of insanity. From what I have seen, the commonalities of past victims include staying within the light, becoming terrified of any unexpected noise, and jumping at merely

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The Tulpa

Last year I spent six months participating in what I was told was a psychological experiment. I found an ad in my local paper looking for imaginative people looking to make good money, and since it was the only ad that week that I was remotely qualified for, I gave

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A 2ch thread from December 2011 about… um… Well, about confusion, we’ll say. To aid in your reading, #OP is always the original poster – the ‘main character,’ if you will. #2ch is just a generic handle used to specify someone not the OP posting. #2ch is not all the

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The Russian Sleep Experiment

Overview  Widely regarded as one of the most popular and widest spread Creepypastas ever written, The Russian Sleep experiment is notorious as much for the gruesome nature of its content as for its plausibility. To this day, a large portion of the articles written about the story are attempts to

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Rugrats Theory

Original Version The Rugrats really were a figment of Angelica’s demonic and unimaginable imagination. Chuckie died in 1986 along with his mother, that’s why Chaz is a nervous wreck all the time. Tommy was born in 1988, but he was stillborn, that’s why Stu is constantly in the basement making

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The True Story of the Theater

It’s not something whispered about in certain circles, it’s not something that comes in a plain-looking jewel case, it’s not by a nameless untraceable developer… and it’s certainly not supernatural. The game in question is indeed called The Theatre (r before e), and was developed by a company called Salida Software. I’m fairly certain it’s an English company, despite the Spanish name. As far as I know, all they made was learning software (I have a maths suite from them somewhere around here), so The Theatre was probably meant to be some sort of edutainment game. The game was obviously never finished, probably from lack of funding or the whole company going under.

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Lavender Town Syndrome

Lavender Town as seen in Red and Green The Lavender Town Syndrome (also known as “Lavender Town Tone” or “Lavender Town Suicides”) was a peak in suicides and illness of children between the ages of 7-12 shortly after the release of Pokémon Red and Green in Japan, back in February 27th,

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