It had been three years since my family had last gone on a vacation to Florida, something we did annually before the recession hit. Since we now had enough money, my parents decided (under the popular demand of my sister and I) that we go to Walt Disney World, again. We were both teenagers, and our parents kind of saw this as a bit juvenile, but decided it would be fun anyway. I could not wait to finally go back, and neither could my sister. Being avid theme park goers as well, we were especially attracted to the creativity and the, well, “magic” as one would say about the rides there. They never got old, and had their share of nostalgia and excitement. However, there was one other reason I wanted to go.
You normally associate Disney World with words such as excitement, fun, and happiness, but with these characterizations, come counterbalances. After scrolling through OMG Facts one night, I came across a rather interesting fact. It was about an abandoned water park in WDW, apparently named “River Country.” I was absolutely appalled by this, since I had previously thought of Disney in a more idealistic and perfect way. The water park was directly on the shores of Bay Lake, being that huge, stagnant body of water adjacent to the Magic Kingdom. River Country was, and still is, on the same side as the theme park just mentioned, but right next to a resort called Walt Disney’s Fort Wilderness Resort. Surrounding the water park on the resort side is a large, green wall, with signs dotting it
The place opened in 1976, and used water from Bay Lake in most of the park’s attractions. It was very rustic and wilderness based in design, and contained artificial rocks that resembled those used on another attraction, Big Thunder Mountain Railroad. There was a dam present to keep chunks of dirt and mud from getting into the water too, so guests did not have to worry about swimming in an artificial bog created by water from the lake. It was open for 25 years, closing its doors in 2001, and in 2005, a statement released by Disney said that the park would be closed for good.
So, for about 11 years, River Country has been sitting abandoned. Nature is in its advanced stages of reclaiming the area, but the slides remain, and so do the artificial rocks, and the small pond (now a swamp) that was used for swimming. Many urban explorers have infiltrated the area, jumping over the walls to get footage of the abandoned water park. One of the most controversial things about the park nowadays, is why it closed, which is what I was destined to find out.
I wanted to see some real footage of the area before it closed as well, since from what I heard, it was very joyous and bustling with tourists, compared to its ghost town status today. I was without internet at the time, so, about two days before we were planning to leave, I went to the local library, which archived many old videos that people in my community had dug up in their attics and donated to the library to be part of a small historical society. Hoping that I might find some good footage, I asked the librarian if they happened to carry any videos concerning family vacations. She nodded, and brought me to a small section, containing many old VCR cassettes, and a few DVDs here and there. After about half an hour of searching, I finally came across a cassette with the words “The Old Fashioned Swimming Hole” inscribed on the top of it. This was a term used to describe River Country during its glory days, so I took it, almost certain that it was the footage I was looking for. I asked the librarian if I could sign it out, but she told me that the historical videos had to stay in the library. I could, however, watch the video in a small conference room behind the front desk.
The librarian led me into the windowless room, and I took a seat in front of the television. She left the room and closed the door so that the audio would not disturb any of the other library patrons. I popped the cassette into the VCR under the TV, and turned the lights off so I could see the video better. I was expecting the quality to be low anyway.
For about half of a minute or so, the screen was grey, and was accompanied with a loud beeping noise, typical for old VCR cassettes. The grey soon disappeared, showing footage of two individuals in front of the entrance to River Country. They were both men, and it was either very late at night, or very early in the morning, as nobody else was in the park. Very few of the water park’s lights were on either. On the bottom left corner of the screen, the date “ November 1, 2001” was displayed. This was significant because the water park closed for good the very next day, on November second.
The two men were talking about how they had been denied entrance to the park in the morning, since it had reached its guest capacity limit. They also stated that at only these hours of night could they get passed the park security. The two walked up to the bigger water slides in the park, which led directly into the pond, supplied by the green water of Bay Lake. Once they both got to the top of the slide, which was encircled by artificial, orange rocks, one man prepared to slide down. The two laughed over what seemed to be an inside joke, and finally, the cameraman ended up pushing his friend down. I heard him scream in delight as he descended to the pond. The cameraman then proceeded back the way they came to get to the slides, and across a bridge that traversed the small lagoon. He ended up back at the pond’s shore where the sound of a splash was heard.
This is when the video started to… unsettle me a little. After waiting at the shore of the pond for about three minutes, nobody surfaced. The cameraman began to cry his friend’s name frantically, and started to run back to get help at the Fort Wilderness Resort. He stopped abruptly though at what seemed to be the kiddie area, a small, shallow pond, on hearing a faint cough. He instantly turned around, and saw a barely visible shadow about ten or so feet behind him. Relieved, the cameraman started to approach his friend, glad that he was okay, but again, he abruptly halted.
The friend’s head was hanging down, and he slowly inched it up. The cameraman started to hyperventilate, as the features of the other man’s face began to show. Crimson, dry blood was caked around his mouth, and some was even dripping off his chin. He was missing all the hair on his head as well, but, one of the most disturbing parts of this image, was that…there were patches of skin missing that revealed parts of the man’s skull and jaw bone, and he was even missing his right eye, leaving an empty socket. I became severely nauseous at the sight of this, to the point where I was swallowing my own vomit. My heart also began to race as fear started to settle in my body. As the last minutes of the film approached, the horrendous figure muttered something , something that sounded like “there is no hope under the water”. With that, the cameraman ran for his life, wheezing and panicking throughout his ordeal.
I wanted to turn the television off and run myself, so I bolted to the door leading out of the room. I reached for the doorknob, but paused. The television was giving off the sound of an old furnace found in the basement of a home, just in a softer tone. This tone, for some unknown reason, kept me from moving anywhere. I was just staring blankly at the television.
The cameraman was still sprinting, but did not seem to be making any progress. He had ended up back at the large pond where the slide had dumped his friend. You could hear him sobbing softly, fearing for his life. Suddenly, the tape began to gradually slow down, as the man frantically looked from side to side. The audio volume, along with the furnace sound, went up as the video lagged. Haltingly, the cameraman turned all the way around, and shrieked at the sight of his friend. The video paused on this frame, exposing the caked blood all over the other man’s face. The top of his skull bone was now completely exposed, his right eye still missing. His mouth was wide open, and coming from it, was what looked like a combination of the water from Bay Lake, and bile. This stayed on the screen for about ten seconds, and switched to a black screen, displaying one single message:
The epidemic begins today.
Instantly, the power went out, and I was left alone in the darkness of the conference room. I became so terrified, as I could not see a thing, and I could not see the door either. I began to shake in absolute fear. River Country had closed because of this, and it was obvious. Walt Disney World had been keeping a disgusting secret. I rushed to the other side of the room, disoriented…
But all I felt was warm breath seeping down my neck, and the smell of bile….
CREDIT: Anonymous
Publisher’s Note: River Country is an actual abandoned water park that has been sitting dormant in Walt Disney World for over a decade. Oddly, the lights are still on within the area, and the music still plays as well. Many theories have come up about its closing, but one of the most plausible ones, and one that has been confirmed by WDW employees, is that a deadly type of amoeba was found within the water of Bay Lake, which was used to supply many parts of the theme park. This amoeba can cause severe illness or death, so as a precautionary measure, Disney closed the park for good…
Copyright Statement: Unless explicitly stated, all stories published on are the property of (and under copyright to) their respective authors, and may not be narrated or performed under any circumstance.
This gave me some spooky shivers lol
Hey guys you know when this story was made? NOVEMBER 2ND 2012! November 2nd was the day the park closed for good! HAH! I see what ya did there
So can someone tell me if the friend bit the cameraman because the part in the story where it says the man had mouth wide open and it went to a back screen which displayed one single message ” the epidemic begins today”
I had the pleasure of visiting in 1999 and still miss the park since its closure, so naturally this kind of pasta interested me. I’ve heard that they had a filter system for the water they used from Bay Lake which would make the new law for bodies of water reason less plausible. I’ve also heard of the brain damaging amoeba, but as the details are sketchy, I’m not convinced of that either. Money is the other reason cited and I suspect that the park’s age, combined with the recent Recession probably forced Disney to close it for good. Anyway that’s off topic, so I’ll just say COOL CREEPYPASTA! :)
Actually your right about most of the talk about the amoebas except in 2012 oklahoma had an issue with a similar case in which lake water was contaminated with a bacteria that rose to the surface at certain temps, three people died due to the effects it had on them within a few days. Most showed signs within an hour of swallowing lake water.
Up until the amoeba thing it was a very believable story. Amoebas only work in fresh water lakes that reach temps over 90* even in Central Florida (where I have lived my entire life and also worked as a lifeguard at pools, beaches, and lakes) that size lake probably rarely ever got that hot. Also, amoebas don’t work that fast and don’t really show any signs similar to the skin eating bacteria described. It’s an bacteria that you basically have to snort out of the sand at the bottom of the lake (most commonly by diving into shallow water) and then it affects the brain. Sorry if I ruined the fun… SCIENCE!
The amoeba thing wasn’t part of the creepy pasta it was explaining why it was explaining the real reason the park was shut down
The rather creepy thing is, when the last image of the video was described, I could visualize it perfectly. Makes me want to paint it. Yeesh.
The last sentence confuses me, though. Did the DisZombie crawl out of the screen or…? Ehh, just a creepy ending I suppose.
I don’t think I wanna go to Disney land or Disney world again.
Awesome story I just went too Disney too
Cry needs to read this!!
It was closed because of FL strict new laws on what kind of body’s of water could be swam in safely. Disney’s River country failed to meet the new terms because the short time they were given to meet the new laws. Several attractions at wet and wild Orlando were also closed because of this law.
Well there was a brain eating amoeba in the water that was used through most of the park. And a kid actually got it and died in the 90’s I believe. So they closed it down.
>"After scrolling through OMG Facts one night…"
>"I was without internet at the time"
Are you a wizard ?
Still, nice story.
maybe it was on two different days
I assumed they read the story on OMG facts at home and then went to the library while they were in florida.
This was so creepy, actually gave me chills at the end. The beginning dragged on but it was still really great! River Country has always freaked me out.
But who was friend???
I live a few miles from there for the past 11 years and haven’t heard of the story? I’ve heard of the amoeba thing but not the Fort Wilderness thing.
I really love those kind of pasta :D especially when it involve disney ~dont know why though…
Because Disney has capabilities to be creepy,fun,sad,ect
. I too would love to hear more wired and creepy true things about Disney.
Creepy! I live in Florida and have stayed at Fort Wilderness. I’ve never heard of this abandoned-due-to-deadly-amoeba-park. But then again I am pretty young, it was probably before my time. But it isn’t odd that the lights and music are still on, Disney most likely just has all the lights and music on a timer and they haven’t bothered to turn that park off.
Kind of unrealistic that you found a video that just happened to be about the place you’re talking about. Let alone it being the reason why it was closed. Also, how did the video even get there?
That was pretty good. I’d give it an 8/10. It’s really more sad than creepy; a rotting wasteland.
Dammit Disney!!!!!!!
Ha! I loved it. My family and I went every year from the late 80 s until my brother and I were too old. We always stayed in Fort Wilderness too. I didn’t know it closed down. In 1993(I think) they had the lake closed because of bacteria that killed a kid.
…And then the Disney zombies were given uniformes and still work at the park to this day.
Soo..why didn’t it affect anyone else sooner?
Great story though! :)