



“Mmm…” my hand slid over to my phone, attempting to tap the “dismiss” tab as the alarm blared in my apartment room. After missing it twice, I sat up and glared at the phone. My heart spiked. “Five-twenty-five!” I shrieked, jumping into the air and sprinting over to the shower. […]

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Project Omni

Project Omni

My eyes drifted without purpose; it took me a moment to retrieve my unending thoughts. Left to reflect on the boundless horrors, void of compromise. My fellow scientists were having an intense conversation in a neighboring room with our military personnel, discussing potential plans of action. I had a pocket-sized

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We are all one be one with us

We are all one, be one with us

Truth is, most people can’t handle the truth and most often prefer to live in the comfort of their own delusions. Very few of us are an exception to this, I thought I was and now I question if I am not… Our delusions are in a way like a

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The Truth Behind the Mandela Effect

Everything that people think they know about the Mandela effect is incorrect. The phenomenon has been occurring for years, only most dismissed it as a fluke. In the most severe cases those experiencing the effect were diagnosed as having some sort of mental illness, and subsequently medicated, or committed.  Then

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Renaud Herbert Hansen

Mr. Hansen’s body was interred in a stately mausoleum of his own design years ago, and yet he still works for us.  I’m forced to interview with the remains of the sad dotard almost daily. The world honors Hansen for his invention of countless beloved animated characters, and it’s that

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A Lonely Machine

Roger glanced around the desert once more. Nothing but the cloudless sky and the sand scattering in the wind, with a few cacti dotted around the landscape. With nothing else to do, he checked his magazine, already knowing how many bullets he had. Full. Adjusting his helmet, Roger sighed and

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deep mind

Deep Mind

I think therefore I am. René Descartes originally wrote those words in his book entitled Discourse on the Method, and I believe they make for a fitting epigraph to my current predicament, which I will get to shortly. But first I want to discuss the nature of the technological singularity,

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