

The secrets of Mr Thomas

The Secrets of Mr. Thomas

In every neighbourhood, on every street in North America there is that one person who just doesn’t fit in with the rest. Sometimes they are an elusive recluse that rarely ventures much further then the mailbox. Sometimes they are a grumpy senior citizen who seems to hate all things fun.

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The scoutmasters tale

The Scoutmaster’s Tale

Scoutmaster Tom sat with his troop around the campfire. It was their first overnight trip and the five boys were all giddy with excitement. All around them the woods echoed with the song of chirping crickets and gentle breezes. The boys roasted their smores well chatting about girls using a

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The final report

The Final Report

Police report Detective Richard Miles The following report is concerning the incident occurring the evening of July 13th 2022. I firstly wish to apologise for the tardiness of this report however I needed to make sure that I took time to understand the details of everything that took place that

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the landmark

The Landmark

Have you ever been driving down a familiar road and notice a landmark that stands out to you? In the city you know where you are by the intersection or by your favorite stores and coffee shops. However things are a little different on country roads. When driving down an

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return to northridge

Return To Northridge

This is a sequel to “Village in the Shadows.” Please read that story first here. “How long has it been since you have been here?” Father Richard asked. Father Mathew barley heard his mentors words. His mind was a maze of horrors and memories well he traveled down the familiar

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the mystery of blackfeather woods

The mystery of Blackfeather Woods

The following is a collection of official police reports and files from the Stirling County Sheriffs office. They are part of an unsolved criminal investigation and deemed sensitive material. 911 call: June 20th 2021, 12:04am Dispatcher: 911 what is your emergency? Caller: Hello my name is Kevin Watts and I

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traveler in the dark

Traveler in the dark

The glow of the setting sun entrenched the peaceful Italian countryside in a blazing red haze. The small rural highway was surrounded by rich forests currently going through the enchanting transformation of autumn. The picturesque landscape was unfortunately lost on the highways sole traveler Chiara Gallo. She sat behind the

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