

I was the leader of a hooligan firm in the 90s Now I’m cursed for life

I was the leader of a hooligan firm in the 90s. Now I’m cursed for life.

I awoke upon a field of frozen ground, shivering in the bitter cold as I tried to find my way in the darkness, and stumbling across the pitch while my eyes tried to adjust. It was almost pitch black, the only illumination coming from a pale orb in the sky […]

I was the leader of a hooligan firm in the 90s. Now I’m cursed for life. Read More »

sticks and stones

Sticks and Stones

My heart was already racing when I sat down in the passenger seat of the filthy and foul-smelling land yacht of an ancient Cadillac. The large man who was to be my chauffeur for the night barely spoke a word as we sped from one downtown city road to the

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the shattering

The Shattering

Present Day: Midwest, USA- The Incident Miranda’s toes curled slightly as her bare feet slid out of bed to go check on her children. It was about 11:40 at night and they had been sleeping for a few hours, but she felt too restless to get any rest herself. She

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Old Man Winter

Thank you for coming, doctor. I honestly didn’t think the renowned psychoanalyst, Jeffrey Gilland, would see me. Then again, it isn’t every day you are handed the opportunity to interview an insane colleague. And I am your golden ticket to a more profound reputation, aren’t I? Please, you don’t need

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