

Follow the green lady

Follow the Green Lady

“My dear, are you awake?” Nikki Chambers had fallen asleep on her best friend’s tombstone when she heard those strange words from a woman with an airy, almost velvety voice. She lifted her head from the granite to see the woman’s low vamp, tawny slippers, and flowing green skirt. She

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I met my doppelganger and he stole my life. But this was only the beginning of my nightmare.

I met my doppelganger and he stole my life. But this was only the beginning of my nightmare.

The day my life changed forever started like any other…that is until I was thrust into a situation beyond my understanding or wildest imagination…forced to commit unthinkable acts just to survive. It was just a normal Tuesday, and when I got up that morning I had no idea of what

I met my doppelganger and he stole my life. But this was only the beginning of my nightmare. Read More »

I am a Block Warden trapped in a Hellish Realm

I am a Block Warden trapped in a Hellish Realm

I sat on my hard, worn-out couch, chain smoking as I stared at the constant black and white static showing on my ancient television set. I’m so tired but cannot sleep. I can’t remember when I was last able to rest, let alone feel safe or secure in my home.

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Hells library the secret atlas

Hell’s Library – The Secret Atlas

Prologue (The Librarian) I’ll confess that it’s been very difficult for me to write this account, as I finally reveal my family’s dark secret to the world. A few years ago, I would never have considered going public about the twisted collection that I inherited, painstakingly maintained, and added to

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I grew up in Belfast during the 1970s. There was something far worse than gunmen stalking the streets

I grew up in Belfast during the 1970s. There was something far worse than gunmen stalking the streets.

It was tough coming of age in West Belfast during the early 70s, that’s for sure. I’m not making excuses for myself but – like many in my generation – I was caught between a rock and a hard place. I grew up in a working-class Catholic family and like

I grew up in Belfast during the 1970s. There was something far worse than gunmen stalking the streets. Read More »

I’ve witnessed Hell’s invasion of the Earth. It can be stopped.

I’ve witnessed Hell’s invasion of the Earth. It can be stopped.

War is Hell. It’s an old adage but an accurate one. The death, loss and suffering which comes from violent conflict touches everyone involved – civilians and soldiers alike, and on all sides of the dispute. No-one walks away unscathed. Some wars are necessary of course. Nations have the right

I’ve witnessed Hell’s invasion of the Earth. It can be stopped. Read More »

Hotel Morte the convention

Hotel Morte – The Convention

Greetings friends and horror aficionados. Thank you for joining me for the second story from the terror-filled annals of the Hotel Morte. I imagine you have questions following the first instalment, in which I described the premature demise of Mr Hillman in all its gory details. Hopefully I will be

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A stay at Megiddo hills

A Stay at Megiddo Hills

In June of 1986, I received a call to inspect the well water quality of the small town of Megiddo Hills out in rural Indiana. It was to be a short drive from my home in Indianapolis, and the company promised to pay me a slight bonus, given its great

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