
A. K. Kullerden

Sea of a fractured circus

Sea of the Fractured Circuit

There’s never one point where something ‘clicks’. Some like to believe there is, that hobbies or skills reach a well-defined turning point, an ON-OFF switch. It’s never that simple. Even the most abrupt of changes occur over time, not in discrete, quantum moments. That’s why the worst changes are still

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Has anyone heard of a pill called Ichor?

Has anyone heard of a pill called Ichor?

Before anything else, I want to make it clear I’m not a journal-keeping kinda guy, so apologies if the formatting’s out of whack. Usually I get by just fine with my memory. A lot happened in July this year. So much that I’m still processing it four months later. What

Has anyone heard of a pill called Ichor? Read More »

By a lake

By a Lake

Truth be told, I’m still not sure how or when I came to this place. I have the memories, the whole chain of factors is all there, it’s just buried and muddled and I find my head swimming trying to piece it together. Which is why I don’t bother. I

By a Lake Read More »

I've been dreaming things I shouldn't

I’ve been dreaming things I shouldn’t

Dreams are a wholly different experience depending on who you ask. Some claim to have bizarre and vivid experiences every night; others say they don’t dream at all. If you were to ask me, I’d say it’s not so black-and-white. That, I’m somewhere between the two extremes – though I

I’ve been dreaming things I shouldn’t Read More »

This cruel place beyond the blizzard

This Cruel Place, Beyond the Blizzard

“Do you think we’re dead?” I gave Eleanor a perplexed look. “I can see your breath. And we’re talking right now, so…” “No, no,” she muttered, shivering in the keening wind, “not here. No sense in asking that here.. I mean out there.” I stared out past the dark sea,

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I got invited to a party that didnt happen

I Got Invited to a Party that Didn’t Happen

My head loilled back, allowing me a view of the clear night sky. I’m no astronomer, but I had a childhood fascination with stars and constellations. There was the Big Dipper, Ursa Major. Gemini. Orion, and- I did a double take. Right in the centre of Orion was a big,

I Got Invited to a Party that Didn’t Happen Read More »

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