
Cthulhu Mythos

The Shambler In The Attic

The Shambler In The Attic

‘Must you have battle in your heart forever?The bloody toil of combat?Old contender, will you not yield to the immortal gods?This nightmare cannot die, being eternal evil itself.The horror, pain and chaos.There is no fighting it.No power can fight it.All that avails is flight.’ -The Odyssey. Dear James,I write to […]

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I hate the water. Always have, always will. Oh, sure, I’ve swum in pools and jumped off diving boards like any other person, but I have never once allowed my feet to leave the ground at a beach or lake. Something about not having solid ground to stand on freaks

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The Unfamiliar

The darkness is insurmountable here. The air reeks of saltwater, decaying fish, and other human stenches that I cannot even begin to imagine even if I felt the desire to. An unearthly black fog has settled over the city, as it does every night, and I yearn for a daylight

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Mr. Scott

“You may commence, Chief Inspector.” The two constables started to write down notes as I began, my sweating forehead reflecting the bright shine of the desk lamp despite the harsh cold temperature. A notebook with a cheap webcam was recording our talk. “We were called the September 29th, Dundee division.

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The Pit

It seems strange, now, to recall that place. Almost as if it were a dream, or some imaginary tale I once heard as a child. But the evidence is damning, As much as I like to think it did not, It happened. I was a private investigator at the time,

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Lost Tombs and Those Lost Within Them

I could barely keep from collapsing as I ran through what seemed to be the never-ending darkness of the godforsaken catacombs. When I’d first signed on to serve as Professor Nickel’s field assistant, I’d assumed that the shrunken old man and I would spend days standing over a blanket of

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“Swallow something, canned, frozen, Ungodly festering source. Dragging and kicking and screaming for more, That burns, burns, burns, burns.” – Made Out Of Babies, “Cooker.” “I’m not going to sleep well,” thought Olas to himself. He was sweating through his shirt to the point where peeling it off would take

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