
Suspense Thrillers

I stumbled into a gang initiation, and now I about to become their victim

I stumbled into a gang initiation, and now I about to become their victim

My hand was resting on my thigh, nervously caressing a little box tucked away neatly in a corner of my pocket. My date for the evening was sitting on the other end of the table and was animatedly talking on the phone. Well, not my date exactly โ€“ Chloe and […]

I stumbled into a gang initiation, and now I about to become their victim Read More ยป

A token of gratitude

A Token of Gratitude

There’s a certain impersonal charm to grocery stores. People pass each other, usually avoiding eye contact and cloaked in a security blanket of inconspicuousness. And the homeless that you often find outside of these places, well they might as well be a light pole or a park bench, hiding in

A Token of Gratitude

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