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Old Man

Estimated reading time — 3 minutes

I don’t know how scary you will find this, but I can tell you that I was horrified.

When I was around 12 years old, my parents rented an old shingled house in Massachusetts, about a mile from the beach. We were staying there for the summer, and we were all pumped for 3 months in historic New England.

The house was previously owned by a woman named Virginia. She was unmarried and lived there for many years with her elderly father, whom I don’t know the name of. She was a perfectly normal woman who rode horses and kept a beautiful garden across the street. My parents never met her father, and we only talked to her a few times, as the rent transaction was done mostly through a realtor.


The house was quite nice. It looked small from the outside, but once you went inside, there were countless small rooms. There were many cupboards and closets and two slender spiral staircases leading up to one of four tiny rooms upstairs. One of these rooms was mine.

Being twelve years old and having an overly active imagination, I was terrified of staying upstairs by myself at night. My parents slept downstairs in a room that was a new addition to the house, and I hated the idea that they were so far away. Finally, after a few sleepless nights and plenty of power tears, my parents agreed to let me sleep downstairs in the old living room, which had a fireplace and two doors:one leading to the kitchen and one to the new living room.

I was extremely happy with this arrangement and I felt sure I would finally be able to fall asleep that night.

That night, after saying goodnight to my parents, I lay down on the pull-out sofa, contented. But not for long. Immediately after closing my eyes, I felt the weirdest sensation. I felt I was being watched, or like someone was just over my shoulder. I opened my eyes, fearing the worst, but no one was there. The room was silent. I was completely alone. A little unnerved, I shut my eyes again, and once again felt the presence. It’s hard to explain, but you know how blind people are more able with their senses? It was like that. Even when I opened my eyes a second time and saw no one, I knew there was a man in the room. I can’t really explain, but I felt certain that there was a man watching me sleep. However, since I had no evidence, I just shut my eyes, curled in a ball, and fell into an uneasy sleep.

Fast forward a few weeks. One of my friends was sleeping over and we were, of course, staying at the house. Despite her protests that we should sleep upstairs, I insisted we stay downstairs. Even though nothing ever happened upstairs, I was still a little wary.


That night, after gossiping for a few hours the way only two 12 year old girls can, we fell asleep. I should mention that I never said anything about the man in the living room (that’s where we were staying). I didn’t want my friend to panic.


I slept soundly that night. I guess it was probably because I had someone with me.

The next morning, when I woke up, my friend was already awake and staring at me. Katie, she said, I’m like not crazy. But like last night in the middle of the night I woke up and I felt like-

Oh my God, I said. Did you feel like there was a man watching you sleep?


At first, she said, her voice quavering. But when I opened my eyes, there was an old man standing in the doorway to the kitchen. He smiled at me and then he left.

Our eyes grew wide as we stared at each other in terror, and then slowly turned to the door. We had shut it the night before. Now it was open just a crack.

I told my parents about about this after my friend left and they disregarded it, thinking I was letting my imagination get the better of me. But at the end of the summer, when I went home and had internet service again, I searched the history of the house. Virginia lived there for almost 20 years with her elderly father, a registered sex offender who was diagnosed with dementia at the age of 83. He returned to the house with his daughter and died a few months later in the house.

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Copyright Statement: Unless explicitly stated, all stories published on are the property of (and under copyright to) their respective authors, and may not be narrated or performed under any circumstance.

22 thoughts on “Old Man”

  1. Again a story with no gender until the end…
    Is this like a new trend on this site?
    This is the 4th story since yesterday, where the author mentions no gender, it’s OBVIOUSLY a boy, and in the end it’s like… “We giggled like 2 girls” or “That girl in the photo looked exactly like me!” and i though… Man, you are like 14 years old… how much can you look like a girl?

    Seriously, at least spend ONE damn second introducing the main character. It’s plain stupid when the main character is “I”… because I am male, and I have no idea who YOU are…

    Besides that, nothing happened in this story, nothing AT ALL…
    but hey, you get a bonus point for at least being in the right category, what 50% of the people on this site CAN’T seem to manage… Story seems 100% realistic, because nothing happens.

  2. The sex offender thing. Im starting to love the story but when the story tells about the sex offender hahaha come on why this?? Pwede nmang iba ee bakit sex offender pa.

  3. xXCrimsonHorrorXx

    you obviously tried your best to make this really eerie and suspenseful which I think you did VERY well, so good job on that! :) although, you made this story very cliche. With horror stories try to use any piece of your imagination into it (the scary part of your imagination) and don’t use too many of the obvious things like: someone who previously owned this house died a few years ago or: It felt like someone was watching me. Please try to use quotation marks on any other story you may type. Anyway, all that aside I REALLY loved how suspenseful you made it, I was like: Oh crap, oh crap… she’s just twelve don’t do it stupid old man!! XD

  4. I actually had something somewhat similar to this happen to me in my family’s cabin up in Maine. Except it felt more like the man was watching OVER me, like he was guarding me or something, rather than just staring at me watching me sleep. Anyway I found this story interesting, the ending had a nice twist. Great job.

  5. I don’t care that you didn’t use quotation marks, it was still a short, and chilling story. It was fun to read at midnight because it made me feel like there was actually someone watching me. And then my dad came to my room and stood in the doorway for a few seconds to say goodnight and it scared the crap out of me after reading this… anyways, good story!! I like when people keep the stories short, but add a chilling twist. I loved the sex offender part.. that’s the part that really creeped me out. Well done!!

  6. It was slightly over rated and not that suspenseful. Over all I like the idea but the lack of detail shows. It’s funny though because I actually live in Massachusetts.

  7. I sorta don’t know why this got so many stars? I was pulled in at first, but then the story went nowhere, just boom, over. Nothing really happened, they saw a man and that was it. Kind of uneventful. Also, quotation marks – not optional. Always use them when someone is speaking.
    I think you could work on this and make it really awesome, you just need to have more of a complication in the middle to strike any fear.

    1. It’s a common theme on this website… Every second story i read, has literally NO content…
      “i was alone at home, suddenly gh0st, i wuz scared, then ran away”
      11/10, best pasta ever!

      Are there really people that think that those stories are good, or are that just troll votes?
      Because those people REALLY might want to look up what a STORY is…
      Going “i once had a friend at my house, we wuz spooked, wet our pants 10/10, would wet pants again!” is NOT a story…

  8. I have to say I piece of writing like this could use some work but with this I can tell that you have the potential to do more and do them better than this. just branch off of this create something simalar to this, writing is like art, there’s different types of writing you just have to find your specialty.

  9. BlueGrizzlyBear

    That sent a shiver down my spine, that was a good one. It would have been an interesting ending if the man left his daughter and disappeared for a while.

      1. You must not read many Creepypasta. because Candle Cove is one of the most boring pastas out there… Literally nothing but exposition ever happens in those stories…

  10. Gosh. I really wasn’t expecting that! At first I was a little annoyed that this seemed more like a blog entry rather than a crafted story (which is my problem with most submissions in the “based on a true story” genre). Once I got over myself though, I enjoyed the story for what it is. I thought the ghost was kind of sweet in a creepy way – you know, not really dangerous, just an ethereal observer. But then you dropped the sex offender bomb and I literally said “holy shit” out loud. That factor alone completely changes the dynamic of the whole post! Ghostly pedophilia (I’m assuming/interpreting) is creepy. Certainly not genre redefining, but clever nonetheless.

  11. Grammar-wise and story-wise, you did fairly well. It was clean and straightforward. But the plot is overrated. Not to mention that I read this after The Lawman (or) A Silver Running Thread, and that’s a tough act to follow.

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