It’s late in the afternoon, and you decide that you want to invite your friend over for dinner, to celebrate your new apartment. The apartment itself was pretty- a simple place, nonetheless, but elegant in a simple way. But the look of the place had nothing to do with what was actually going on inside.
Boxes had been knocked over. Right after you put books on newly refurbished shelves, they seem to appear right back in the box from whence they first came. These little happenings have occurred throughout the week that you’ve lived in your home…
…but no matter. You’ve learned to ignore it. Meanwhile, you set the table in preparation for your guest, and when she finally rings the doorbell, you let her in and greet her with a smile. She sits down and you begin eating your home-cooked meal of roast beef, mashed potatoes and green beans with iced tea when suddenly you catch a glimpse of a dark shape moving in the mirror that sits on the far wall of the kitchen. You ignore it, as you’ve ignored everything else.
After a few minutes into the meal, your friend looks up and opens her mouth, as if she wished to say something, and then her face twists into a horrified expression as she lets out a scream of pure terror. Your eyes widen-it seems as if she’s looking right at you, and you wonder if something’s wrong with your appearance. You reach up to feel your face and are relieved to find that everything’s normal…or as it should be, anyway. Your friend’s expression continues to warp until you finally decide to look behind you—
And then, not an inch away from your face, a wide, reeking, sharp-toothed grin sets below a noseless hole with piercing black eye sockets as blood drips from every crevice in this creature’s face. Oddly, you don’t scream. You can’t. Panic has gripped you, and the being leans in and—
Your eyes snap open as you let out a yell. You wildly take in your surroundings. Your apartment. Boxes are around you. You’ve fallen asleep while preparing a meal, and then you hear the doorbell. You answer it. It’s your friend. She smiles and walks in and you both sit down to a nice meal of home-cooked roast beef, mashed potatoes, and green beans with iced tea, when she looks up and opens her mouth, as if to say something, and then her face twists into a horrified expression. She lets out a scream…
Copyright Statement: Unless explicitly stated, all stories published on are the property of (and under copyright to) their respective authors, and may not be narrated or performed under any circumstance.
ohmaigash she/he saw the effin future OAO
i dont get how some people dont get it… it was obviously a dream
he’s in an eternal time loop or something.
I don’t see why he was so scared though, he only wanted a kiss.
It would have been better if the end was something like: She smiles and sits down to the delicious meal you have prepared. She thens looks up and opens her mouth as if trying to say something. You remember you dream. You then notice she is looking at you. You rush to the mirror to find the horrible face in your dream. You scream and wildly throw yourself at her, breaking her neck.
That was like wut? I got me at the beginning but you should have it like crawl over your face and eat your guest or something
but over all its nice.
Won’t you wine and dine with me…
I’d immediately turn around with a punch, hitting that thing square in the nose.
Amateur pasta. Rather uncooked and short. Predictable. Nice ending though. 6/10.
Ur welcome to cook me dinner every night! Although if I open my mouth and “scream in pure terror” your first reaction should not be to see if theres a green bean stuck to your face…
You said “actually” and “simple” twice each in the opening paragraph. Ugh.
At the comment above me…i was thinking that too! This was….eh
Lol wut? I don’t under stand this at all
Sounds like insidious to me.
Alzheimer’s anyone?
Aww he just wanted a kiss, that’s all!
And roast beef, mashed potatoes, and green beans with iced tea sounds SO GOOD right now…
Predictable, nothing really special. I liked it up until the end, it needed some sort of twist. Meh 4/10
Well what on earth is going on with the tenses at the beginning?
in my opinion you should have ended it with saying you opened the door for your friend thats just me though
psh i liked it until the end, it needed a twist :/ moderate pasta
that sounds so delicious I’m so HUNGRY
Reminds me of Final Destination.