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Did Boy Kill? He Killed Them All.

Estimated reading time — 2 minutes

This is Part 5 and the last installment of the Did Boy Kill? series. You can read the previous installments in the linked tag.

They are dead.

They are all fucking dead; my husband, Tim, the Catholic and Voodoo priests, Dr. Hamani… everyone. And it’s my fault… and your fault. All you fucking Redditors. Snooping and prying and searching and meddling. I’ll say this; you all are a resourceful, twisted bunch. Everything from articles to incantations to recommendations for shrinks, priests and doctors flooded my PM box. Since I was desperate enough to try anything and everything I could read, I found myself trying to hide the mess. A bloody mess created by your need to meddle. And now these “friends” are all dead.


I can’t even be thankful for the one thing those incantations you all sent me did. They brought my son back to me. The only problem, the biggest of problems really, was that the real Timmy, Jr. WAS the problem. Come to find out, my son has a gift (or a curse depending which side of the coin on which you land). Turns out the reason my son’s body was possessed by those two murder victims was because he placed them there. Call him a demon, a reaper, a summoner… who cares anymore. All I know is that my son, my true son, isn’t what I remembered him to be… and perhaps he never was. Looking back, I should have known all along that he was evil reincarnate. It would have been better to have Nimer, Sr. and Bridget around.

There were signs: animal abuse, speaking in tongues (though I thought it was just kid gibberish), the cutting. And this was before the first possession. It’s not worth getting into the details anymore. It only excites you all further and that is all this was for you all. My family’s torture was just your entertainment. What in the Hell was I thinking coming to you people?

I’ll end this by just mentioning how amazingly creative a 4-year-old murderer can be (lock up your household chemicals and knife set). One would have to be “creative” to be able to pull victims within his own human form only to relive their murders again, decades after they happened. What kind of vile evil finds enjoyment from something like that? It is probably the same reason he kept me alive; for the torture of it. It’s probably why he picked that poor Bridget girl…the abuse and the torture…and the septic tank…it has left me no choice but to question my faith now. If there is a God, he will understand why I did what I did. He will know it was what needed to be done.


Redditors, cops, whoever reads this, please consider this my confession letter. While I did not kill everyone that is currently rotting in my basement, I am the one who killed the boy on the race car bed. And I’ll be the one lying on the floor next to him.




P.S. Mom and Dad, I am so sorry. Please forgive me and please believe me when I say that it was the only choice. I love you both so much.

Credit To – StupidDialUp

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20 thoughts on “Did Boy Kill? He Killed Them All.”

  1. i read this whole series and it was just terrible. yes i was confused with the names the entire time and this ending was the worst. i’m at a loss for words i disliked everything about the last story to the series. it went from confusing to ok interesting to this is a terrible ending. 0/10 for the whole series. just booo.

  2. Wow that was soo weird! Love it, and didn’t see that ending comming.A very under-rated pasta.I’m camping this one of my favorites.Well done!

  3. Oh my god, this was terrifying. I loved it! I clicked on this link expecting to find something similar to the “BUT WHO WAS PHONE?!” meme, and was pleasantly surprised. This is an amazing story, and you are an amazing author. I dabble in horror stories myself, but I could never write something as mind-fucking as this. I am awestruck. Please, write more! It doesn’t even have to be the same story- just write something! Such talent cannot go to waste! lol Keep up the good work!

  4. Yummy pasta! I like it! :) Love the twist although I agree that the ending was kinda half cooked but still 10/10.

  5. Way too abrupt and unexplained. It’s really disappointing – remember when you’re creating something like this you need to make sure you’re inspired to do it. Otherwise it ends up with quality like this – bad.

    The series itself had a lot of potential and could have been developed into something special. This, however, has just ruined it. I understand not wanting to continue a work, but then you should just leave it. If you feel the audience would be cheated, I’d suggest just writing a post explaining you don’t want to continue it. Honestly, not having an ending would’ve been better than this.

    I’d like to see someone else take up this story (with the author’s permission) and continue it, ignoring this installment.

  6. Seems like this mom found out the hard way why you should never read from the Necronomicon while pregnant…

  7. This was a captivating series. There were moments that gave me genuine chills. I honestly found myself glancing around the room, semi-casually scanning my surroundings for Timmy jr. Great job! An astoundingly deliscious pasta which deserves far more ratings.

  8. I am kind of disappointed with the end of this. Not that my feelings really matter. :) The incorporation of the creepy articles, the build up, the complex relationship between these spirits inhabiting the little boy. I felt there was a great set up, with enough information bordering on reality to give it that extra “but what if?” creepy edge. And then it just kind of ended. I feel like it ran out of steam and you rushed to tie it all up, leaving it unsatisfying in the end. The explanation was rushed. You simply told me what happened, rather than letting me learn about it. I think it could have used a few more days/entries. Maybe one excited about having her son back, noticing things going wrong, slowly discovering. Instead, this last part just fills like an infodump. It sound like it was creepy and terrifying to live through, but now I’m just getting the reader’s digest version. I really think the finale needed to be fleshed out.

    Now that I’ve griped about my free entertainment for a whole paragraph, there was a lot about this I really liked. I loved the tone of the mother throughout. You remained within the realm of the believable for responses to everything going on. The fear and confusion of the parents was used and expressed really well. The descriptions were pretty good throughout, creating scenes that I could get into. And the characters, especially Bridget, were described well and played interesting roles in the whole tale. The idea is fantastic, and I wish more time had been spent on that in the end. I think this was really great until the end, and there it stumbled. But I did enjoy the read regardless of any subjectively perceived flaws. Thank you for writing, and best of luck with future projects!

    1. I agree!! I really wish this story well part 5 would have been more as us learning what happen instead of just telling us I want a part 6 saying she couldn’t kill herself I have to tell you what really happen like you said it was rushed! and yes you opinion does matter that why your on here to help the writers do better on there next story we the readers are the reason they write if we didn’t give feed back there would be no reason to write them!

  9. Not where I thought you were going with this, but well done. Too many crappypastas about “evil children” and it’s become such a cliche. Timmy Jr. was the central issue without being the focal point. Well played, my friend. One of my new favorite pastas. Series overall is a 7.5/10 in my opinion.

  10. This series has been pretty goodso far.Personally,i think that this series is underrated.It is very interseting,and captures your attention.

  11. I wanted to thank everyone for taking the time to read and rate this series. I started it as a post in the subreddit Nosleep and it grew from there. All of those articles are very real and, imo, more terrifying than the story itself. I know the ending is abrupt and maybe out of left field but Sarah felt it was time to call it quits :)

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