
Creepypasta Stories Sorted by Category

Mr. Kixxs
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Mr. Kixxs

May all natural or intention of assumptions die here and remain here for as long as I, Holden J., shall live; notwithstanding how short that may be…. I hope that makes it clear straight off that ...
Doppelgänger Ritual IV
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Doppelgänger Ritual IV

Department of Parapsychology, London. Item no. 1282. 15/03/1996. Found in the sub-basement of Gallowsditch House, Highgate Village, London . Item is a box containing papers and broken shards of mirror. The box is made from oak, ...
Explain This?
Average Rating:

Explain This?

I am 53 years old, and the memory of this experience, which occurred when I was 11, the sheer terror I felt, is still as fresh as the night it happened. Retelling the tale to my ...
The Womb
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The Womb

The gloomy interior of an abandoned factory. The air is dank and fetid. Somewhere in this crumbling, dark space the sound of machinery can be heard. The creak of metal grinding on metal, the hissing of ...
Will You Play With Me?
Average Rating:

Will You Play With Me?

I never wanted to reveal my story, but it has to be done. It's been so long, and nobody's known. But now I confide in you, the reader, to read my story, and attempt to comprehend ...
The Mind
Average Rating:

The Mind

The mind. A realm that is mysterious to me even to this day. Though I take refuge there during long, hot days to get away from the bright, burning sun, escape there in the afternoon, when ...
So Cold
Average Rating:

So Cold

Allow me to introduce myself, my name is Bartholomew Jackson and I desperately need to get this story out by any means necessary. Your belief on the matter that follows is not required, but I would ...
Ice and Bone
Average Rating:

Ice and Bone

I was struggling to identify something, anything, within the icy presence swirling around me. For eight years I had anticipated and feared this day. My eyes were rushing from side to side blindly; I couldn't focus ...
Slenderman Doesn't Exist
Average Rating:

Slenderman Doesn’t Exist

"Slenderman isn't real." That's how this story starts. That's how this story will most likely end. I don't lie. My name is Raksha, and this is my story. "Slenderman isn't real." Helen has said this a ...
The Sounds of Love
Average Rating:

The Sounds of Love

Everyone hates addressing “the elephant in the room”. The elephant in my room was the loud creaking, shaking and obnoxious moaning above it. As a graduate of biology, I understand the importance of “getting off”. What ...
Crime Scene
Average Rating:

Crime Scene

I walked up to an old house in shambles. It sits in the middle of a farm in rural Wisconsin. The paint was faded almost entirely off the wood paneling of the two story farm house ...
Hell Of A Water Bill
Average Rating:

Hell Of A Water Bill

Alberto Nujas scrambles out of bed, quickly glancing at the clock.  It’s two thirty-two in the morning, but when you gotta go, you gotta go.  Alberto closes the bathroom door and locks it before doing his ...
A Horrid Nightmare
Average Rating:

A Horrid Nightmare

Sam knelt down before her mother’s grave. Tears welled up in her deep brown eyes with remembrance and sorrow. She felt a large sturdy hand on her back; it was Michael’s. His icy blue eyes pitied ...
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"58, 59, 60" I counted. Josh took note. We moved on to the next box, this one full of electrical wires. I began counting. It was nearing twelve o'clock at night. Inventory was tedious, the warehouse ...
Storm-weathered and Fear-worn
Average Rating:

Storm-weathered and Fear-worn

Seven feet tall. Skin gray and pallid. Eyes of pure black. Breath fetid and rotting. The smell of decay upon its lips. Wings, paper-thin and laced with veins. Blood of putrid green. That’s how I’ve always ...
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These. Damn. Chills! I don’t remember when they started, I just remember having them…always having them. They’re the reason why I always wear layers, even in summer. Why I sleep with so many blankets. Why when ...
The Handsome Soldier
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The Handsome Soldier

As a little girl growing up, my parents always tried to protect me by telling me legends and tales. My city is pretty notorious for strange behavior or paranormal happenings that have been occurring since the ...
The Girl in White
Average Rating:

The Girl in White

I was always a quiet child. I preferred playing alone outside to being around people. My dad thought it was because I was socially undeveloped, my mom was convinced I was just more creative then my ...
Average Rating:


I awoke in a deep sweat again. The noise always wakes me up. That damn bell...Can't believe it's supper already. A guard walked up to my door and unlocked it. "Supper time, ya crazy bastard. It's ...
The Greatest Downfall
Average Rating:

The Greatest Downfall

I hope someone discovers this. I write to no one in particular, in hopes that this can be read by all.  I write this with the intention of giving a warning- straightforward, concise, and blatant in ...
The Shadow
Average Rating:

The Shadow

Boxes. Boxes everywhere. Stacked on top of each other, scattered messily around the warehouse and some were torn open as if a child had been rummaging through them. The boxes held nothing of interest, at least ...
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