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A Lucid Reality

Estimated reading time — 3 minutes

It was about midnight when I finally passed out. I had been working my ass off on writing an article about some metal patient saying his dreams are becoming real. Crazy bastard. Either way, I needed sleep. I did my regular nightly routine. I brushed my teeth, changed into an old t-shirt and boxers, crawled under the covers, and fell asleep listening to the sound of the city streets. All was well, or so I thought.

At around three I was awoken to an odd sound. It sounded like something was dripping out onto the carpet in the living room. Typical shitty hotel plumbing, I though. I got out of the bed to assess the problem. It was pitch dark, so I hit the lights. It immediately seemed like I was on the surface of the sun. I instinctively closed my eyes and reached out for something. I reached out and drabbed what seemed to be someone’s shoulder. My eyes burst open to see a pale, grinning face with the word “SMILE” carved grimily on its forehead, with a mixture of saliva and blood coming out of a gapping mouth full of long, dirty, sharp teeth.

“AH FUCK!” I shouted. I was about to run away when the thing grabbed my arm. I was paralyzed. I felt its cold grib engulf my entire body.


“Going somewhere?” it said in a two toned, demonic voice. That’s when I snapped out of my trance. I broke away from its grip and began running. I made it though my hotel door alright, but as I neared the front door, I felt an intense pain run down my back. I looked over my shoulder to see the thing’s nails covered in fresh blood. My fresh blood. This didn’t stop me though. I kept running toward the door. I ran outside into the loud, busy streets of New York. I started screaming for help, but it seemed like no one was looking at me. No one even seemed to recognize I was there. As I was begging and screaming for help, I felt the thing grab me again. He spun me around and plunged his nails into my stomach. I fell. The last thing I saw was the thing laughing hysterically at my dying. As I fell into an abyss of darkness, my eyes suddenly burst open. I was in a hospital bed. It was morning. I could hear a heart monitor beeping along with my pulse. I was alive. It was all a dream. A twisted, twisted dream.  The doctor was standing there when I woke up.

 “Oh good you’re awake!” he said.
“Where- where the hell am I?”
“You’re in Bellevue hospital, we found you running around outside of your hotel screaming for help. Someone called the police and they took you here. We thought you were on drugs at first, but we ran a test, you seem to be clean. We figure you must have had some very vivid nightmare and began sleepwalking.”

At first I was confused, but then remembering the dream, it all made sense.
“Oh, well that’s a relief.” I said


“Quite indeed, you seemed to be having an extremely terrifying nightmare. Either way, you safe now. If you need anything just call and the nurse will be right with you.”

The doctor was getting ready to leave, but then I found something strange about this whole thing.
“Wait, if I was just sleepwalking, then why the hell am I in a hospital?” I asked.
“Oh yes, when the police found you, you were passed out. They thought you had overdosed. But when they picked you up, they saw blood along your back and stomach. Somehow you managed to get three cuts all the way down your back and a deep puncture into your stomach. Don’t worry though, we stitched you up and you should be out of bed in no time. Anything else I can answer?”


I was speechless. The doctor left. Everything went silent it seemed like; accept for the patient next door to me. He seemed to be laughing hysterically.


Credit:  Tony Spampinato

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29 thoughts on “A Lucid Reality”

  1. I really liked this. The grammar was a little screwed up, but you could easily comprehend what it was supposed to say. But otherwise, asdhaldhasld I loved it. c:

  2. Was I the only one who read the last few paragraphs as the doctors and police found him simultaneously screaming and running around, and passed out?

  3. That was pretty lame. I’m sure that if someone ran around screaming with huge punctures in his body, the doctors would want to know how they got there. If his wounds were THAT bad, I’m sure the reason for him being out at night screaming his head off would be a little more than obvious.

  4. So, basically he was experiencing what happened to the mental patient in the beginning of the story, and ended up being next door to him in the hospital?

  5. I am familiar with the being of which you speak, and I can assure you, he will return. I confess that his name is beyond my knowledge, but I will learn, eventually.

  6. Eugh, the grammatical/spelling errors totally ruined it for me. I also feel like the ending left a lot to be desired. 2/5

  7. Why wouldn’t the doctor mention that he had a deep wound in his stomach and scratches on his back? Forget about the dreams/creature. He needs a better doctor.

  8. HrabiaDiSaSteR

    when i imagined some hannibal lecter-look mand with weird black eyes and bright white-yellow light around it i was drowning in goosebumps!

  9. I’m with HorseManDemon. That’s what I came here to post my disdain over. However, I couldn’t bring myself to read past that second sentence. I just…couldn’t.
    Why doesn’t anyone proofread anymore!?

  10. “Metal patient”

    So he’s a robot? Or like hardcore fuck-yeah rocker? \,,/

    Either way… Bitchin’!

  11. wow at the middle i thought “oh well the guy will obviously get to a mental instatute where he will obviously be the guy that he wrote the report about” but no it just smacks me across the face. nice job though. 7/10

  12. A lot of room to improve, but maybe if you keep it up and revise the spelling a little you might get somewhere!

  13. The grammar and spelling totally pulled me out of this one.
    I’m usually not a Grammar Nazi over one or two errors but seriously, what the fuck?
    The word is grip not “grib”
    “…accept for the patient next to me.” I think you meant to use the word “except.”

    Either way, the story itself wasn’t too bad; revise your grammar and spelling.

  14. Hm.. new monster to join the ranks~ basically imagined Jeff with the word SMILE carved into it’s forehead. it wasn’t the best pasta but it was fun, I usually get bored with pastas that leave a vague idea of what the monster looked like. Still i’d love to see what else this monster would do to the protagonist, so the attack wasn’t a dream but then what?

    I half expected the doctor to turn to him as he was leaving for the patient to realise it was the creature.

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