
Latest Creepypasta Stories

The leaves told her so
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The Leaves Told Her So

Charlotte woke early in the morning on April 25th, 1678. She rose from bed, brushed her usual mess of blonde hair, and put on her favorite red dress and matching red shoes. She had always ...
My wife keeps introducing me to people who arent there
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My wife keeps introducing me to people who aren’t there.

I thought she was playing a practical joke the first-time she did it. I was in the kitchen, getting dinner ready when she walked in the front door mid conversation. I expected to see her ...
The Cricket
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The Cricket

It was her platinum blonde hair with silver highlights that stood out most in his memory. And that she was pale, thin and amazingly beautiful. He backtracked his thoughts. No not pale. Milky white. Her ...
5 Angel Numbers That Bring Bad Luck
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5 Angel Numbers That Bring Bad Luck

Most of us associate angel numbers with luck, prosperity, and positive things that are about to happen in our lives. And indeed — the essence of angel numbers is that our guardian angels are letting ...
The ghost of Levi Johnson
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The Ghost of Levi Johnson

It was a stormy night on Welkes Street. The street sign creaked back and forth as the wind blew past it. Heavy rain water flowed into drains on every corner as debris from trees was ...
5 Ghost Towns in Pennsylvania for Your Scariest Adventure
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5 Ghost Towns in Pennsylvania for Your Scariest Adventure

If you’re seeking thrilling adventures, visiting and wandering around abandoned ghost towns is probably one of the activities that might make you feel excited. And if that’s the case, you should know that Pennsylvania is ...
God didn't answer my prayers but something else did
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God didn’t answer my prayers but something else did

Rachael and I were high school sweethearts. We met through mutual friends and hit it off like a house on fire. Our weekends were spent hanging out enjoying each other's company. Our first big stumbling ...
Walking the line
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Walking the Line

I awoke in a standing position, my eyes suddenly shooting open and my legs weakening as I began to stumble. I panicked as I felt myself falling forward, instinctively reaching out to grab the nearest ...
The Island of the Dolls - Mexico‘s Creepiest Place for Brave Explorers
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The Island of the Dolls – Mexico‘s Creepiest Place for Brave Explorers

You’ve probably already heard about Annabelle, the queen of the evil dolls. But all horror enthusiasts know that the plot of all three movies is fictional and haunted dolls don't exist. But what if I ...
Top 5 Haunted Universities Worldwide Feeding Your Deepest Fears
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Top 5 Haunted Universities Worldwide Feeding Your Deepest Fears

If you were asked to recall some excitingly mystical details from the Harry Potter movies, chances are one of them would probably be Nearly Headless Nick wandering around Gryffindor. The ghosts living at Hogwarts School ...
Easton School for the gifted
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Easton, School For The Gifted

I had no prior belief in the preternatural, paranormal, or mythical. I was very much the atheist and a practical man, but the events of that night changed me for the worse. I'm hoping that ...
Sea of a fractured circus
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Sea of the Fractured Circuit

There’s never one point where something ‘clicks’. Some like to believe there is, that hobbies or skills reach a well-defined turning point, an ON-OFF switch. It’s never that simple. Even the most abrupt of changes ...
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