You get back to your apartment after a long day’s work and you want to get inside and rest. You were about to pull out your keys and unlock the door, but you notice it’s open. Turning the doorknob and stepping inside, You notice something different. You stand in the doorway trying to figure it out. then it hits you. this isn’t your room. As you turn and leave, something catches your eye. There is a man hunched over a dish of flesh, eating it with his bare hands, tearing into it as a wild animal would with its prey. Red dripped down the side of his mouth, and the smell that emanated from it was sickening. You were paralysed by the sight.
Unconsciously, you start cover your nose and mouth. This accidentally bumps your elbow against the doorway. You freeze. He stopped eating there was something wrong. Then he looked up and started searching for the source of the noise.
His eyes scanned the room till they found you.
Your legs start moving on their own, and you find yourself running, running away from that room, and the horrors within it.
The man silently stands up, locks the door, sits back down, grabs another slice of pizza, and mutters quietly to himself:
“Crazy vegans”.
Credit To – Walrus King
Copyright Statement: Unless explicitly stated, all stories published on are the property of (and under copyright to) their respective authors, and may not be narrated or performed under any circumstance.
Omg ??
…Laughed hard at this. 10/10!
Ahh. Got me! That was great! Thanks for sharing xD
I hated this until I realized what he meant. 10/10
We need more of these. I like the scary and creepy stories but it’s such an eye-opener when a fun one like this pops up out of nowhere.
Well done!
Love it!
I like pizza…
why would a vegan think that pizza is flesh…? the pizza portion threw me off. if it was a rare steak or something, this would make more sense.
I wrote a story so similar to this one!!!
Hahaha, love it!
are you kidding me?
So funny. It’s like a micro parodypasta
At first, it seems disturbing. But then, it turns straight up hilarious. :D
That was fun!!
It was funny, yes. But I was annoyed with all the typos.
I was betrayed by my emotions…nice. :)
i wanted to add i know this is micro but you could do a lot with this topic with it being pizza not like bacon or a burger you could some really grusome descriptions for cheese like “. There is a man hunched over a dish of flesh, coated in a melted substance of bodily fluids, eating it” my minds going wild with idea now
im vegan and omg i love this haha its scary true and funny all in one good job
I see what you did there
As a vegan, I can say that this was freaking hilarious the first time through. Then I realized it was kind of insulting…I’m not that crazy…
This was so funny.
I’m eating pizza right now..
After reading all those creepy stories, this made my day entirely! hahaha 10/10!
“Crazy vegans”
I can’t… I just can’t
I love it, but I wish you had said ribs instead. Then it would make much more sense when you wrote “…a dish of flesh” (pizza is more than just the meat toppings, you know?)
Great. Now I want a pizza. :P
I enjoyed this story and decided to use it as a test for audacity editing. I liked it so much I uploaded it when I was finished. =)
At first I thought he was a zombie or cannibal, but hes just a man who loves his pizza
Haha! Hilarious! I don’t think very many others could’ve come up with an idea like this!
ooo I loved this one. haha. for some reason i pictured the man to be in a suit eating the bloody meat. I dont know why. ironic. I I love how it ended in a disturbingly comical manner though.
Lol crazy vegans
Well…….that was amazing
This was hilarious
Omg I thought this was going to be another really disturbing pasta. Then I read the last paragraph. Amazing twist at the end!
lol , now I want a pizza ! Great little story
Interesting and twisty but the multiple changes in tense were distracting.
Best Pasta EVER!!!
OMFG wow
this was a funny story at the end i loved the story twist at the end it was good
Reading this in class and every one looked at me like I was crazy when I started laughing.
xD Thats so funny… loving it ^.^
Im like thinking he will chase him and then eat him up and i saw him like a monster in my head, then like what will happen what will happen!? Crazy vegans! I love it! :P
it’s funny i like it
lulz XD
Extremely well written. I seriously didn’t know what was going to happen.
Aha! xD So it was from a vegan’s point of view… legit o.o
Maybe not use you as much, and maybe not as rushed. But I liked it
That was great, excellent twist
This was great. As soon as i started reading i could visualize everything giving me that sense of connection. And i love how you chose your words so carefully making sure to create a suspenseful tone even tho the end result was so simple and plain
What a delightful, tasty little snack! My skin crawled with the flavor, and then a clever joke washed your pasta down with a laugh! Most excellent taste.
that was to good
damnit, those vegans, forcing their opinions on us meat eaters…
Somehow, i knew i was gonna love it.
Damn Vegans. Think they know everything.
This was really creepy till the end. Whet I cracked up.
that was awesome I was disturbed and then I just started to crack up
God fucking yes
I know this website is full of scary shit but, damn dude, why scar me for life?
You’re scarred for life by a man eating pizza, not flesh???
NNIICCEE, we start to think that he’s a cannibal when it’s only pizza. April foolz.
Not sure how I feel about this.
are you vegan?
I think we found the vegan
Damn vegan. Burn him at the stake!
burn him at the steak
Now I Want A Steak Thanks Guys :P
can we at least cover him *in* steak *sauce*?
im vegan and i liked it i thought it was really true and funny :p
I don’t get it + I’m vegan… UGH!
*a evil smirk spreads across my face* *throws bloody meat at Yvonne*
Don’t taunt the vegans…!
So funny!!!!!
At first, I was very disturbed by this, and then I just laughed.
Same here. At first, I was surprised that it was so short, but I read it anyway. These are the kinds of stories that show that even a Creepypasta can be funny. Very good.
I agree. I love it when they turn out funny!