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The Last Words

Estimated reading time — 3 minutes

One morning my family and I went to my grandparent’s house in Mississauga. My sister and I always used to play in their large backyard which overlooked a sprawling ravine. I was especially excited today because my sister and I had planned a hike down the ravine before lunch. The climb down was quite a bit more difficult than I had expected due to the steep hillside, but my sister, being three years older, seemed to make short work of it. Once we reached the bottom we were off into the woods.

It was only a minute or two before we came across an old rundown hut. It looked as if someone had been squatting in it years earlier. We slowly approached the front door and I got a bit of a glimpse inside. Everything was dirty and mouldy and looked as if it had been long abandoned. Without warning my sister loudly yelled out “We have to leave. Now!”. The sheer panic in her voice was enough for me to not even give it a second thought. We quickly turned away from the hut and started to run. I barely got one step in before I saw it. In plain view there was a pile of severed limbs from the elbows and knees down. I could barely comprehend what I was seeing or how I had only just now noticed such a horrible monstrosity. Every little remnant of skin had been savagely torn away revealing the rotting wet flesh beneath it, all stacked in a disturbingly neat pile against an old mossy maple tree. I stood in shock starring at the tidy pile of torn limbs for what seemed like hours. Eventually my sister frantically tapped my arm in horror. She was starring terrified at a second tree to our left which was covered in all of the missing skin. Tightly stretched over the bark and nailed into place as if trying to give the tree a second skin. It was then that we both heard the sharply clear whisper, “They’ll never find you“.

I instantly felt the urge to scream at the feeling of absolute terror as we started running as fast as we could towards the steep incline of the ravine edge. I used my hands as extra momentum against the steep terrain. My sister was quite a ways ahead of me. After running for what seemed like forever I could hear my mom’s cheery voice laughing and joking with my grandparents in the backyard. I saw my sister disappear over the sharp crest of the hillside. I could hear her screaming to my mom and hear them both realizing that I hadn’t made it to the top yet.


I was just able to see into the back yard, see my mom running towards me, and it happened. I slipped at the edge of yard and started to slide back. I had only missed my mothers outstretched hand by mere inches. I had almost stopped myself sliding as my foot caught on something and I tumbled. I couldn’t even feel the pain of rolling through the sharp brush on the hillside as I was being overcome by the fear of where I was falling to. As I tumbled I repeatedly caught glimpses of the tattered old hut. I noticed a faint figure of a large man covered in dark blood creeping ever closer to the bottom of the hill’s edge. This was it. I was going to land directly at his feet. With a final grasp at a tree branch I hit the ground with an bone shattering thud. Then nothing… Only darkness.


I could feel my body shiver in a piercing sweat. I took me quite a while to realize that I was in my bed, so frightened that I literally could not move. I could still feel the nightmare man’s intense stare as I tried to regain my composure. I laid perfectly still with my eyes shut as tightly as I could clench them. And out of the darkness in the same sharp crisp whisper, I heard, “They’ll never find you”.


Credit To – Matt Pamenter

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22 thoughts on “The Last Words”

  1. this was a very interesting story though at the last paragraph, was it just a dream? i am not a very big fan of the “waking up,thinking,it is just a dream, then finding out you weren’t dreaming’ idea. but anyways this was a very good story. i agree that it is very unique.

  2. I really enjoyed this. It was creepy and made me wince picturing the skin and limbs near the creepy hut. I gave it a 6/10. It’s not gonna keep me from sleeping (Like the Bedtime series) but when I wake up from a nightmare, I will probably pray I don’t hear any whispers…

  3. The above comment from Shaft pretty much nailed my thoughts on this pasta. A 7.8 rating? A lot of people on this website need better taste. It deserves no higher than a 5.

    1. This is an informal internet writing submission, not a rough draft for a publication in a literary magazine. You may want to stick to getting your stories from Barnes and Noble if you don’t want to see flawed work and even then, good luck.
      To me, a 10/10 means “Go and publish this thing”. Now I don’t know what amazing writers your have in your dot of the world, but this has potential and isn’t bad enough to put below a failing grade.

      1. I’ve read stories on here that creeped me the hell out. I’ve read beautiful, strange, terrifying, and over all excellent pieces of writing on here. Compared to those, this one is way below average. I’m not looking for a literary piece of fiction, I’m just looking for well written, creepy stories. You know that also make sense.

  4. This was good until the last paragraph which confused me.
    Was the whole encounter merely a dream, and then it turns out this man IS real? If so, I’m not a fan of the whole ‘person wakes up from dream only for the dream to occur in real life’ trope. It’s been done frequently and seems like a fairly cop-out sort of ending.
    My second though was that maybe the events were all real and the narrator woke up in the man’s hut. But if so, why wouldn’t their family have come after them?
    I feel like it would have been better without the man and then at the end have something reveal that the grandparents are actually the creepy murderers.

  5. seems like alot of pasta’s ive been reading lately are trying to get a catch phrase going,like Jeff the Killer…i read ‘dont look down’ yesterday and then today, ‘they’ll never find you.’.. kinda lame

  6. Not horrible, but not very good. A lot of the prose was confusing, and how did the grandparents not know about this hut when its so close to their house? How would they never find him if the huts so close? Wouldn’t the mother have seen the “nightmare man” abduct her son and called the police? Also, you should proofread your work, especially when it’s this short. Too many errors took away from the reading enjoyment 5/10

  7. It was good… give it 8/10. But the number of stories ending with the main character waking up from nightmare followed by their nightmare becoming true IS TOO DAMN HIGH!

  8. Man that was good. Short but oh-so sweet. The only thing I was disappointed about was the ending. Having someone whisper that right after waking up would definitely be scary, but it was completely detached from the rest of the story.

    I mean, wouldn’t it have been a creepier twist if he woke up to reveal he was the large man all along, and his dream was what his latest victim might have been thinking? Chills, man

    1. He woke up in a bed and literally could not move as he had nothing to move (his limbs were cut off) and realised himsel being in the very hut he saw and heard the man’s voice becaus he was standing near him.

  9. I loved this one, although some glaring (i.e., staring?) spelling errors distracted from it a little bit. Despite that, though, it was fairly original and just vague enough to leave some breathing room for your imagination. Well done.

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