



My name is James Matthew Peterson, and something strange has been going on in my apartment. I moved into my new place on the lower east side of New York in April, and at first everything was great. Rent wasn’t too crazy, and I had adequate studio space for my […]

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There’s a Giant Person in the Sky

I think I’ve lost my goddamn mind. Everything was fine until I walked out of work this afternoon. Dan, my cube-mate, and I were walking out of the building talking about our plans for the weekend. We had been pulling overtime, one of our clients was being more needy than

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The Wormhole

I stared at the odd hole that had appeared in my arm overnight. It was located on the inside of my forearm just before the bend of my elbow. I’m positive it wasn’t there when I went to bed last night. How can I be so sure? Easy, because there used to be a mole where the hole is. It’s like the mole collapsed in on itself and became a hole.

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