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Tag… You’re It!!

Tag You're it

Estimated reading time โ€” 6 minutes

Ten people. Ten people in ten different places doing ten different things, but all sharing one single thought… “What if it really works?”

You see, in our little town of Sawnhurst, California, there was an age old tradition tied to a myth so old that is origins were not remembered nor could they be traced back to their beginnings. It was just something that had become a Halloween Tradition for some, a creepy story to share around Halloween campfires for others, and for a very unlucky chosen few, a Halloween nightmare, or so the stories go

What is known is that at 11:00Pm every Halloween , ten of the townsfolk show up at the entrance to the town’s only cemetery. It’s not known for certain what the purpose for this gathering is but rumor has it that they are all being allowed one hour to visit with someone they know who has died and with whom, for reasons of their ow, , they have a desire to see once more. And from 11:00pm until midnight their dearly or perhaps undearly departed appear to them and communication is possible between the dead and those who have been left behind.


Now mind you, these are simply the tall tales that seem to be almost a requirement in almost every small town in America as it has been since the beginning of time. Nothing is known for certain about this annual ritual by the general townsfolk because the none should who return sure ain’t saying a word. Notta one single danged gosh darned word.

Now you heard it right, I did say ten people showed up at the cemetery entrance and yes I did say nine would leave. As to the soul that is never seen again, well, that’s all there is. They are simply never seen again. As for those who do return, I’ve heard tales that back in the beginning some relatives or friends of the one who was lost might tried to stir up a fuss a wondering what happened to that soon or daughter or husband wife er what have ya but if they stirred up too much trouble one morning folks in the town wake up and find they just disappeared. Course not all of them disappear. Some just wake up one day struck plumb dumb. Yep, wake up acting like all the sense in their heads took a late night train to Hollywood and left behind a slobber monster with the IQ of a cooked carrot. But now those who s loved ones don’t come back to them by the final stroke of midnight keep their questions to themselves and not be trying to raise any ruckus. Folks seen to feel it’s safer that way.

Now what’s that you asking? Well a course you can see into the cemetery and your darned tootin if the whole population hasn’t tried to get a gander at the happening that go on for that magical hour but all they see is the ten people form a circle holding hands and being what sounds like one of those singsong pomes ya know like the little unsure always coming around with. And then a thick fog appears it of nowhere and just disappears all those folks then when the big clock down in the town proper behind to count off the twelve strokes of midnight, ten people simply walk out of that there cemetery just the same as they walked themselves in there. But don’t go a wastin’ yer time trying to get them nine who return to talk cuz it ain’t gonna happen. Not one of those who return had ever said a single word about what goes on once that for rolls in. Not a single person. Not a single word. Not once. Ever.

And so the mystery forever remained for most of the people of this mostly forgotten town. Except for those ten who would meet at the cemetery gates each Halloween. Jimmy is one of the ten and tonight is Halloween. And yes, Jimmy shared the same thought as the others chosen to meet at the cemetery gates. Thoughts of, “what if it’s real and what if it works?”

Jimmy had been chosen by Ronnie, whom he knew and while they weren’t exactly friends they did attend the same high school. Ronnie was a senior while Jimmy only a freshman.

When Ronnie first approached Jimmy and told him he had been chosen as one of the ten and that he would be granted one hour with his sister, Carol, who had been found dead three years earlier at the age of nine, Jimmy at first laughed it off thinking himself chosen to be the victim of one of the constant pranks freshman were always being subjected to at the hands and minds of seniors and basically laughed it off. But Ronnie was persistent and finally convinced Jimmy he was for real. Ronnie told Jimmy to meet him and the others at the cemetery gates at 10:45 pm and don’t be late. He further explained that he would have only one hour with his loved one and when the town clock started counting down the twelve strokes of midnight here better be it of the cemetery or he would start spending eternity with his loved once sooner than planned.


As the day off Halloween slowly edged towards night and the time to meet the others at the cemetery grew nearer, Jimmy found himself growing more and more nervous. At last the appointed time arrived and Jimmy began making his way to the cemetery gates where he discovered the others had already arrived.


Ronnie dressed in black as we’re all the others as they had been instructed, welcomed the ones he had chosen and walked with them they the cemetery gates and into the cemetery where he asked them to form a circle and to join hands. He once more explained that they must take care to be it the cemetery by the final stroke of midnight or they would remain forever. He then informed them that one of them would not make it. The others didn’t think anything other than Ronnie was trying to scare them so said nothing, altho a couple did make what the hoped were scary monster sounds which Ronnie ignored.

Ronnie explained that they would each in their own turn repeat the change of, “by the light of the noon on All Hollows Eve give me one hour free from my grief. Bring forth,” and here they were to enter the name of the person they wanted to see from the other side.

Ronnie then said he would now choose the first and called on a girl named Cindi, a cute little blond, who like Jimmy was also a freshman in high school. Cindi stepped forward and repeated the chant of,. “by the light of the Moon on All Hallows Eve give me one hour free from my grief. Bring forth my father Tom.”

To everyones amazement a dog rolled in but through the food they could see a shadow begin to appear and Cindi squealed with delight and yelled,”Daddy,” as she cheerfully ran towards her father.


Jimmy was the next to be called and after repeating the chant his sister appeared and for an hour they laughed cried played and Joe’s and finally Jimmy said, “I guess I just wanted to say I Love You one more time,” and as his sister opened her mouth to respond the town clock began counting of the twelve strokes of midnight so whatever she planned on saying was forgotten and she instead yelled,”go Jimmy run ,” as she slowly faded away.

Jimmy ran as fast as he could and was or the cemetery gates before the sixth come had finished but hadn’t gotten fast when he heard what sounded like arguing and turned to see Cindi frantically trying to push Ronnie aside as he continued to block her from exciting the cemetery gates.

As the ninth stroke was sounded out Jimmy ran back to try and help Cindi move Ronnie out of the way asking Ronnie, “what the hell are you doing? Let her out.” But Ronnie easily pushed Jimmy who landed rough and hard on his but just as the final chime sounded. Jimmy turned to watch as Cyndi’s image slowly faded until it was gone entirely. Jimmy got up and approached Ronnie demanding to know if Ronnie had lost him mind and told Ronnie,”you as good as killed her. I seen it. What is wrong with you? ” To which Ronnie calmly replied a sacrifice must be made this year as it has been every year as it will be in years to come. Tell ya what Hero next year you get to decide because yaa wanna know how the leader gets picked every year? It’s really quite simple and you won’t go to the cops or anyone or say a single word about this to anyone. Not one single word to anyone ever and next Halloween you will pick the ten and choose the sacrifice or you be the one who fades away and do you why? Like I said it’s quite simple,” and with that Ronnie gently reached out and touched Jimmy on the shoulder and with an evil grin said loud enough for only Jimmy to hear, “Tag… you’re It!”

Credit: Danelda Jordine

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