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Estimated reading time — 4 minutes

In Edmonton, Alberta, there is a hotel called the Canterra, off of Jasper Avenue and 109th Street. During the night, go here and ring the doorbell. Should you be let in, look to see who the guard on shift is. If the man looks in his mid twenties, yet the hair on his head and face both are white as snow, take a seat beside the security desk. If it is any other guard on shift, leave and return in a week’s time.

Here you must wait. The guard will say not a word, nor answer any questions you may ask. He hears you, but he will not respond. He will only give you a sad look, as if knowing something terrible awaits. When the time is 2:52 AM, the guard will rise to perform a patrol of the building. Follow him only on this patrol – if you follow him at any time before 2:52 AM, you will be forcefully removed from the hotel, and lose your chance.

Say not a word as you walk the halls behind the guard. He will check that the rooms are all locked, as well as patrol the stairwells. When you both reach the 5th floor, you will notice that it is remarkably colder than the last four. Yes, the floor is deafeningly quiet – it is normal. When the guard secures all the rooms on the floor, you will both stop at a door that seems much older than any other door you’ve yet seen in the hotel. This is room 512. Only this particular guard has access to this room, Take note of the key of which the guard uses to unlock this door – it will be important later.


At this point, the guard will open the room for you and allow you to pass through. It will be quite dark, but do not yet be afraid – the worst is yet to come. Take a deep breath, close your eyes, and step through the doorway. Do not open them until you hear the door close behind you, for seeing the transition can be maddening.

It will be almost unbearably hot, here. You will find yourself in a long hallway with numerous turns. There will be thirteen doors lining this hallway – do not open any of them. Take note which door has a splash of white paint on it, this will be critical soon. When you reach the end of the hallway, you will find yourself in the living room of the suite. In each corner of the room you should see a tall figure, each with burnt flesh. They should all be sitting on the floor, hugging their legs with their heads upon their knees and facing their respective corner. Their fingers will be chewed away until their tips are nothing but sharp, boney talons. Do not address these figures; do not touch them: they are Her guardians.

In the centre of this room, there She should be. She will be sitting in an old, ragged reclining chair. It is impossible to say how She will look, for Her appearance changes for everyone. She should, like her guardians, be asleep. Do not awaken her from her slumber.

For now, you have time to rest. There will be food and drink set out upon the coffee table in front of Her, and you are welcome to it. Do not partake in the pie, however, for it will numb your legs.

Should you be so bold, take a look outside the window. It will resemble a hellish version of the avenue which the hotel is on. The buildings will be burnt-out husks of their former selves, the river valley beyond will be dry and cracked. Fire will appear to be on the horizon, and the ever-burning sun will resemble blood set ablaze. Should you stay for hours on end, you will find no reprieve from the heat – there is no night here.


Now, look to the streets – you will find the same figures there as the ones in the room. They, however, are awake – shuffling, screaming and wailing from their back maws. They have no eyes in their sockets, but by some twisted means they can still see. Take care not to attract their attention, for they will follow you back to our world and this venture will be for naught.

When you are ready, stand before Her and speak clearly these words: “Save me, Mother, please.”


Say nothing else and wait. You should start to hear Her breathe.

At this point, one of two things will happen. Remember the key which the guard opened this room with? Should She place that same key on the table in front of you, count yourself lucky. Should She, however, place a different key upon the table, you will need to give Her an offering. A knife that was not previously on the table will now be present. The blade will be rusted, bloodied. Take this knife, and sever a finger, placing it beside the key. Wait.

If She places the same key as the guard’s on the table, you may take it and leave. If not, remove another finger. This will only occur a maximum of four times before the right key will be produced.

Once the key is in your possession, She will once again return to Her haunted slumber.

Now pay attention, for you only have a short amount of time. The Guardians will be stirring, now. Slowly they will rise from their sleep and turn in towards the room to face you. If they see you, they will slaughter you. Run. You have 10 seconds before they will fully turn from their corners.


Remember that door with the white splash of paint? That is the door you will need to use to remove yourself from this hell. If you hear screaming from behind you, the guardians are fully awake and are coming. You don’t have much time. Find the white-marked door, and get out!

You will find yourself inexplicably outside your own home, exactly a week after you entered the hotel. Keep the key on you at all times, wherever you go.

One day in the future, distant or near, a ragged old door with the number ‘777’ will appear wherever you happen to be. Use the key and open this door immediately. Leave anyone with you behind.

Wherever it leads, it will be far better than what is about to happen to this world.

Credited to T Striethorst.

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Copyright Statement: Unless explicitly stated, all stories published on are the property of (and under copyright to) their respective authors, and may not be narrated or performed under any circumstance.

163 thoughts on “Salvation”

  1. I don’t know if I would wanna cut my fingers, what would happen if you didn’t cut them. And when you’re following the old man could you turn back at any time?

  2. Far too holder esque for my liking blah blah the right guard, wait for the time, remember the key, remember the door, don’t eat the pie, cut off your finger, they will kill you if they catch you. Written well just not enough original content for me.

  3. Sorry, but I’m not severing four of my fingers for salvation. I’m an artist. I need my hands.

    Brilliant pasta, though.

  4. If i had to leave my loved ones behind then i wouldnt even want to go to a safer place. id rather stay behind with my loved ones than to be a coward (and go through some scary shit in the process) just to save myself and only myself. and i wouldnt want my loved one to go through the process. the process of being a coward in this story seems like the most awful part. id be terrified of the figures in the corners coming after me after possibly cutting off my own fingers. :/

  5. This is a ritual pasta that I actually enjoyed. It wasn’t too drawn out or overly detailed but had enough information to provide creepy and interesting.

  6. This one creeps me out, specially since I used to live in Edmonton, and went on Jasper Ave often.
    Excellent pasta!

  7. Nice advice with the pie. If you have numb legs, you can’t run from the guardians, and then you will die. :)

  8. yes. yes. follow these steps. i assure you nothing will happen. guardians are slow. no worries. it is safe. or is it? MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAhA! T Striethorst, stop giving my secrets away or its of to my hell

  9. I had the weirdest thought at the end of this. “I am the mother.” It rang like a bell in my head. Maybe I have been reading to many stories this week.

  10. Sometimes adding random little details helps add to the creepyness/suspense, but

    “Do not partake in the pie, for it will numb your legs”

    Was just stupid.

  11. I rather enjoyed this one. Very tasty for me, considering my fear of being caught in a dieing world with my dreams unfulfilled.

  12. @Ben Dover
    I though ‘SHIT! Fucking Redeads!’

    Also, can you use a knife you bring with you? I’d rather use a knife that’s made for cutting living skin & bone than some rusty cake knife.

  13. Also this was delicious and well written. However, instead of pie being the one big no-no here, it should have been just overeating/over indulging in general because that’s seriously impolite, and if you want to get out of hell you should probably be polite about it.
    And I kind of agree with the griping about the finger thing. I’m not saying that fingers > salvation, I’m just saying that it was kind of…not that impressive to me.

  14. Isn’t it just much better to take the key from the guard in the first place instead of just lobbing off all your fingers?

    Meh. Who cares. Nice pasta though.

  15. I’d use the knife, and pick on one of the guardians, and lop off one of IT’S fingers if i needed to…

    Nothing was said about the guardians being immortal… just vicious.

  16. A fine pasta.
    Glad I’m not fond of pie, I would’ve passed on it, even if it looked like pumpkin (which is the one kind I love)

    I would be disturbed, but half-calm. I wouldn’t stand the cutting (IOW: Better get the right key at the start). I’d be a bit slow to get out, but maybe not, I accelerate fast (but my limit of speed’s kinda low).

  17. i liked this one a lot. It has a creepy feel to it, but it also seems that even this hellish super being will help for the right price. It is really a reflection of the real world.

  18. I found this to be a delicious and filling pasta. As others have said, I like that the reward is actually, well… rewarding.

    It would be interesting to have a story focusing on a character who had completed this ritual.

  19. This was AMAZING!
    I actually live in Edmonton and have seen that hotel.
    Makes me want to go try it; i dont need all of my fingers anyways.

  20. i really liked this pasta! :D Its so visual :D im so glad my friend showed me this site XD

    ~t.h.a.n.k..y.o.u..r.y.u…~~~ ^^

  21. That pasta was DELICIOUS. I loved it.

    My guess would be that the future to come is the one the guard led you to…but it seems like a lot of trouble for very little to me.

  22. Love-and-Pasta

    This was a fairly delicious pasta, I only have one issue with it.

    There’s absolutely no reason given as to why you should “leave anyone you’re with behind” when entering the 777 door.

    Seeing as there is no reason given, I’d be inclined to take my girl with me anyway so we could try our chances together at whatever the universe had in store for us.

  23. PewPewLaserGun

    In fact, I really hope the guy who made this makes some more pastas about this scenario. It’s not creepy, but the whole fictional universe itself is awesome, and an extended story about it would rock.

  24. Delicious. Moar please. It worked for me but as great a reward as it would be when the time came, I don’t think I would go through all that wacky sheeit.

    And I know that sometime between now and the end of the world, I would forget to keep that key with me.

  25. This creeped me out quite a bit when after I read it I found out the hotel really exists. lol…nice creepypasta

  26. So, its a lot like the Holders. It’s one of those ones where if you slip up, “horrible things” happen.

    But I like it.

    I like the image of Her world, because it and Her Guardians remind me of things I’ve made up. I like why you go through all this, how it gives you a chance. I like the detail. I like the danger.

    It’s quite good, especially for the Pasta we’ve been getting recently.

  27. > The 777 room is world writable.

    Yes, and the 512 room is 0x0200 in hex. You can’t tell me that’s a coincidence!

  28. Not bad, I have to hand it to you. I loved trying to imagine everything, like Her world and what She looks like. The only thing that kinda killed the mood was the severed finger part. That didn’t make much sense to me. Shoulda made it so that She pulled the keys depending on how many or what kind of “certain events” occurred in your life.

  29. Nightmare Feul Drinker

    @ Feaster of Fear: Yeah, ritual type pastas can be considered old hat if elements aren’t added to spice then up…

    I’ve actually been considering the idea of a movie where a guy gets suckered into a contract via creepypasta-style ritual (I’ve even thought up an original “Do X at Y but don’t do Z or you’ll wish you’d never been born” ritual). Then the hero, who only did the ritual because of its false promise of bringing happiness to a loved one, finds out the truth and has to find a way to destroy the origin of the ritual in order to save his soul and the souls of those who have been suckered in before him and aren’t already too far gone. Throw in the hero getting the girl (who got suckered into helping keep the ritual running) sometime before the end (which can go either way depending on what the test audiences want) and you got yourself some box office happiness (or at least some straight-to-DVD happiness).

  30. #1twerd!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    love this pasta best ive ever eaten!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!love it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  31. The most delicious pasta I have had in a long time. Gives specific instructions, fairly specific consequences without being campy, and a reason to do this!

  32. what if the horrible thing happening to the world was because you woke the guards?
    but i do like it, it was okay

  33. cayla is in your house

    I love this pasta, as i love all of these ritual sorts of pastas, i cant get enough of them A++

  34. I liked this pasta, ritual or not. I did get the genuine case of the heebies. Personally, I liked the ending. It allowed the imagination to play.

  35. It’s definitely the best Hotel one. I wasn’t particularly creeped out. You had a great story in the middle, I think the part where you got to the fingers was where it got really good, and then it built and built, accelerating uncontrollably…. and then you hit a brick wall and it was over. :( CreepyPasta shouldn’t give you the ending. To be truely creepy, you need to deduce the ending yourself. This was like a choose your own adventure book with only one possible ending.

  36. “very reminiscent of the holders”
    indeed, and much like many of the creepypasta I read from whence I began, but this one with quite a bit better (since it isn’t 60 madlibs of the same fucking story)
    I also like how it’s so close to home. The more creepypastas based in Alberta the better!

  37. Holy Shit…
    This is probably on of THE BEST pastas I’ve ever tasted!
    It has a certain creepiness to it and that in the end, everything you did was not done in vain


  38. I was starting to wonder what was the point of going through all this, until the ending came. Yep, sounds like a good reason.

    “Instructions” pasta, not unlike “The Holders Series”. Goodie.

  39. very very good for one of the usually dire ‘go to location at a specific time and do ‘x’ at some random time’, I enjoyed it a lot

  40. gothberry torte

    … The end really creeped me out for some reason. I wish you could take whoever you’re with at that time with you though…

  41. A mix of “world’s end is coming” and “ritual pasta”
    At least this one offers some form of a reward at the end of it, unlike the more terribly written ritual pasta that give you no incentive to follow the steps of the ritual (i.e. Dargaia’s Nectar)

  42. I like this one, especially at the end. I think it references the economy in the crapper, global warming, or a second Ice Age. ^_^

  43. The pie got to me too…entirely random element is pointless and a bit jarring, and makes for a “would’a been f*ked without this walkthrough” moment. I’d totally have eaten the pie, if I had an appetite at all during this mess.

    Otherwise I liked the pacing with the (things that make me think of the Zelda zombies) finally waking.

  44. Thanks, guys. Loving the comments so far – this was my first pasta ever. If you want more, I’ll start cooking.

  45. I liked this one. I thought the guardian creatures were pretty cool, and kind of scary. I liked the urgency of this pasta. It’s certainly a Holder story, but there’s no problem with that!

  46. I don’t care if this is like the holders, nor do I care that it is a ritual pasta. That was better than any ritual pasta I have read. At least you didn’t make it to where you DIE in the end like some people do.

  47. Actually really liked this one. It wasn’t scary per se, but it had its creepy moments, and most importantly, it was a decent idea. The phrasing got kind of careless but overall I liked it. Very visual.

  48. OH and @ 99% human : We’re led to believe that the apocalyptic world “She” is in is the future of our world, and the key she gives you + the 777 door appears to be the only escape from said apocalyptic hell world. So, what idiot WOULDN’T ?

  49. @Holder of the obvious : no, it’s NOT a holder, because She is just she, not “Holder of the blabla” and there is no warning about the end of the world or whatever if “they” all come together :/ so NOT a holder.

    and, I like! It might just be me, but I especially love the zombie/demon/mutilated human things in “Her” world :D

  50. Bah, terrible. Why should any of that happen? Why should I do that? It means nothing to me. These ridiculous ritual pastas usually never make any sense. Wait for a particular guard at a particular time in a particular hotel, and he’ll take you to a room with a knife and you have to cut off your fingers for some demon so you can get a key that opens a random door that takes you somewhere you might want to go someday.

  51. Cooool… Kinda like Pan’s Labyrinth and Hotel 626 and Constantine and Tsubasa Chronicles put together. It’s kinda cruel and sad though that you’ll have to leave people behind a world you’d rather not stay in though…

  52. Feaster of Fear

    Ah, yes……a classic ritual-format pasta. Go to location “X” perform action “Y” then either die or be rewarded with inadequate reward “Z”

    People, these pasta can be fun to read, but the formula is more tired than I am after a bout of insomnia. Ritual pastas need a surprising twist of some kind to make them interesting. Don’t get me wrong, this is an okay pasta, but I think I’d like a richer, bolder, more fully-flavored sauce.

  53. The idiot who would do this is the one not wanting to see what would happen to his original world! lol. probably the one the guard led him to. this is an extreme pasta. better than quite a few i’ve seen. whoever wrote this, is freakin awesome!

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