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Estimated reading time — 2 minutes

I don’t remember much about my childhood, like most people. Those memories are always vague and eventually you realise whatever you ‘remember’ is probably just a reconstructed memory. You don’t have much choice in the matter, and are usually convinced that your memory would never fail you.
The first memory I have was when I was 5. I’m not sure if it’s real or not, but that’s when I think I met Michael. I never had any friends, so I was glad when I met him. He called me Jack, and I liked it. As uncertain I am if I remember our first encounter, there is no doubting the strong bond we immediately formed.

I won’t bore you with the details of what we did every day for the past few years, but I will outline some of the things we did together, to assure even the most sceptical among the readers of our friendship.

Michael, being a slightly effeminate child didn’t have many friends at school either. He was bullied, and the highlight of his day was coming home and sharing a cup of tea with me, all the while telling me of his woes and lessening his burden. The tea, unlike my words of consolation, was make believe.
Another one of his favourite activities was cutting my hair. He would style it in all sorts of ways and I enjoyed each one of them. Fortunately for him, my hair grew inexplicably fast and he often got a chance to restyle it.

There was one thing that constantly strained out relationship, though. Don’t get me wrong, Michael and I had absolutely no hard feeling towards each other. It was his parents. I don’t think they approved of me, and I couldn’t tell you why even if I tried.

It wasn’t just disapproval; I began to think they hated me. The longer our friendship lasted, the worse it got. It pains me to even think about it, so I won’t dwell on this for long.


As quickly as our relationship had initially flourished, it began to diminish after two years. Michael grew to become a stocky football player, and I remained exactly the same as before; scrawny and completely incapable of competing athletically.

He made new friends and started to ignore me. This hurt me a lot, especially since I was there for him in his time of need. His abandoning me was the last thing I expected and it hit me hard. I felt like I had no one left in the world.


As I sit in the corner of the room and write this, I can see Michael and his friends watching T.V. Sometimes it seems like he notices me and looks my way, but I know better. I have now resigned to my fate; He created me, but forgot to destroy me.

Credit To – Vish P

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Copyright Statement: Unless explicitly stated, all stories published on are the property of (and under copyright to) their respective authors, and may not be narrated or performed under any circumstance.

47 thoughts on “Friends”

  1. as a man that doesn’t get scared alot, id throw this in the crapypasta section. it was “ok” but didn’t scare me at all :)

  2. Hmmmmm ver interesting same here my friend became popular, and left me she is a soccer player while I just watch her, the scary part was she told rumors about me so I barely have friends but it doesn’t hurt me, I’m athletic, strong, people call me all the name they want idc becuz im ya know strong

  3. Cool! At the halfway point I suspected it was the imaginary friend talking.. and I was right! woot! woot! But nice story :)

  4. Totally unexpected! I like that you gave an alternate perspective to the child/imaginary friend relationship. Poor Jack, stuck wandering the world invisible and alone. :(

  5. Skeptical seemed to be misspelled. 5 should be five, right?

    All in all, I didn’t expect Jack to be the imaginary friend.

  6. Didn’t see the ending coming til a few sentences before the end, nicely different take on an imaginary friend being abandoned without becoming a bitter harmful ghost or something.

  7. Anonymous:
    Awww that’s so sad :(

    you see it isn’t really its sad because your not would have been a better story if it wasn’t so blank it was meh…but I mean think it would have been better if the idea was an imaginary friend coming to the real world and doing some freaky shit Paranormal activity shit. I like the word shit. But I don’t like to read it. 7/10

  8. Now the imaginary friend last line seems ominous more than sad. As if he became lonely and jealous of the boy’s new friends. whats funny is I got it towards the end but the whole “he called me Jack” line went over my head; I thought he just gave him a nickname like some people wanna be called Becca instead of Rebecca or even Ali instead of Susan.

  9. Chromite:
    Hmmmm, very interesting but not quite sure about the ending. Is the narrator a dog? Is it a person who’s gonna murder everyone? Could it simply be someone who’s just depressed and terribly lonely?

    Intriguing story nevertheless.

    Yes he forgot to destroy his dog

  10. Honestly, while this is far from the worst stories, it’s also far from the best. Don’t get me wrong, what we can see here of your writing really isn’t bad. But on a site like creepypasta, readers expect more creepy and less sad. Also, as others have said, it felt a bit predictable. Perhaps if this was a longer piece it would have worked better; some ideas, especially those that rely on a twist ending, need to be built up a lot more for the shock to really get a good reaction.

    I did like this. It was a solid idea, fairly good writing, I just would have liked to see it a bit fleshed out, and perhaps more creepy.

    1. Hi, Thanks for the constructive feedback. While I didnt mean this piece to be sad, but haunting, it seems like it’s come across that way. I know that it’s a little short, but i don’t want to bore the reader unnecessarily. Just get in and get out, is what i think. But you’re entitled to your own opinion,and thanks for reading!

  11. I just listened to a creepypasta about imaginary friends, and now I get to hear the opposite side. Nice story. Well written.

  12. I feel like somehow it could have been executed a little better, but I think the concept is pretty cool…and heartbreaking. Maybe the story’s brevity is its shortcoming: if the story took its time fleshing out their friendship and what they meant to each other, the emotional impact might hit deeper.

  13. Very nice, if not a little short. We don’t really get to know the narrator, although the bullying that the secondary character goes through helps us identify with them (generally speaking, readers like underdogs, the very competent, the kind, and the funny).

    The ending line was a little too straight forward given how circumspect the narrator was throughout the rest. I think you’d have achieved a greater emotional impact if you had left it heavily implied but not overtly stated.

  14. As “the fox god” said, I too realized the twist pretty early. But it was nicely woven in so no complaints.

  15. So your an imaginary friend? Ok that’s nice now come over here so I can put this nice white coat on you…

  16. As soon as you mentioned coming home to tea I knew Jack was imaginary. Not sure why, but that telegraphed it for me. I love the concept, but I figured it out so early that all I was waiting for was confirmation at the end, and it took away from the story a bit. Like I said, I think the idea is great but, a touch more subtlety would do wonders to elevate this story to its full potential.

    1. Sorry, but not everyone seemed to get that it was an imaginary friend, so i decided it was best to make it a bit obvious.

  17. For those who don’t see the obvious,It’s a story of an Imaginary Friend placed to reconstruct the memories of the friend.

  18. A very subtle and clever piece. Wonderfully written as well- especially like the impact created by the last line!

  19. The story wasnt really “creepy”… But good anyway :3
    I really like the endning; he created me, but forgot to destroy me.
    I give it 7/10

  20. Hmmmm, very interesting but not quite sure about the ending. Is the narrator a dog? Is it a person who’s gonna murder everyone? Could it simply be someone who’s just depressed and terribly lonely?

    Intriguing story nevertheless.

    1. The narrator was an imaginary friend… You should try reading the story before you comment. It’s very enlightening.

  21. Ouch… This hits straight home especially when the experience of this is very relatable. Not the ending I had expected so it definitely caught me off gaurd , I half expected jack to go in a jealous rage and kill micheal. Unless jack is his imaginary friend? Idk if that’s what you intended but it seems like that especially since Michael “called”him jack instead of jack introducing himself

  22. Ahhh good one! As I was reading this I was like…”where are Jack’s parents???” But this was cool. Reversed imaginary friendship….very original

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