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5 Alarming Angel Signals You Shouldn’t Ignore

Estimated reading time — 3 minutes

Angel numbers are usually associated with positive messages, such as luck, prosperity, and guidance. But sometimes the universe might as well send specific signs that can be translated into warnings. Unfortunately, it’s not always easy to decode the exact meaning of those alarming signals and as a result, you might end up misinterpreting what could be essential advice. 

But you don’t want to miss opportunities to improve your life path or grow personally, do you? That’s why you should take a look at the 5 alarming signals from angels and take proactive steps to make informed decisions, as your guardian angels advise. 

1. Experiencing a series of misfortune

Occasionally, you might find yourself facing a series of unexpected losses or misfortunes. It’s true that no one is insured when it comes to bad luck and we can all experience misfortune in life from time to time. But when you notice that you’re losing in everything you start almost like artificially, then it could be more than just coincidence.


For example, you might find yourself on a losing streak while playing online games at websites like, consistently fail in business deals that seemed promising, or even fail at exams or tests that you were confident you would pass. If that’s what you experienced, don’t let these occasions reduce your self-esteem. Instead, consider this a warning sign from the universe to pause and reassess things that happen in your life.

2. Uncomfortable gut feelings

Although there’s nothing scientific about intuition and gut feelings, sometimes having negative sensations about things happening in your life might be a great indicator that something is wrong. The reason is that this is another potentially alarming angel signal that you shouldn’t ignore. 

Usually, this sign is represented as something simple, like having a bad feeling about your new relationship or being skeptical about a job opportunity. Regardless of your case, if you feel discomfort that persists and you can’t find a reason, just listen to your gut. Because maybe it’s your intuition telling you that you’re heading in the wrong direction.

3. Unexplained physical sensations

When angels reach out, they might communicate with you through gentle physical touches. As a result, you might feel warm sensations spreading throughout your body without any tangible stimuli. Some people even notice light tingles or a sense of heaviness while nothing is happening and no one is in the room. 


Surprisingly, this can be an attempt by your guardian angel to reach out and hold you back from taking a step forward. The thing is that even a simple step that you haven’t thought much about has the potential to harm your overall well-being. In critical situations, angels may even send specific signals to prevent an upcoming physically dangerous situation on your path.

4. Encountering angel numbers

This signal is the most straightforward warning sign from your guardian angel. When you’re encountering the same angel number again and again, you can immediately consider it a sign that your angel is communicating with you. But still, it requires careful consideration and analysis in order to understand the hidden message without oversimplifying the symbolic meaning of the number you’re receiving. 


In general, each angel number has its own meaning. For example, the angel number 555 is associated with upcoming changes, while the number 444 could mean that you should trust your current path. However, regardless of the numerological meaning of the number, you should also consider the context to understand whether it’s an alarming sign or an upcoming luck. 

5. Having nightmares

The final sign, perhaps the most impactful alarm sign you can receive from angels, is seeing nightmares consistently. In general, the main reason for seeing nightmares is stress or anxiety. But if you don’t have any severe stressors at this stage of life but still have nightmares, you can consider it another warning signal from your spiritual guardians. In that case, try to remember the content of your dreams and write them down immediately after you wake up. Only in that way can you decode the meaning of your nightmares and use them as a way to avoid potential difficulties. 

Final Thoughts

If you’re receiving more than one of these signs from your angel, there’s probably something going on in your life that you’re not yet aware of. But there’s no need to be afraid — as you can see, your guardian angel is with you. They’re guiding your life path and sending you these alarming signals in order to protect you and push you towards action, instead of getting scared and losing hope.

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