
Latest Creepypasta Stories

Has anyone heard of a pill called Ichor?
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Has anyone heard of a pill called Ichor?

Before anything else, I want to make it clear I’m not a journal-keeping kinda guy, so apologies if the formatting’s out of whack. Usually I get by just fine with my memory. A lot happened ...
Danny Cockroft
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I Used to Have Two Bodies

Have you ever had a dream where- hold on. Scratch that. That’s not what this is about
 dreams. Dreams aren’t real. Memories are real. I used to think that dreams were just memories we hadn’t ...
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“There are no monsters lurking in the woods or under the sea. There are only beasts and the gnawing pulse of life, the eternal cycle of eating and being eaten in the sharp teeth of ...
5 Haunted Places in Macau: Exploration of Eerie Locations
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5 Haunted Places in Macau: Exploration of Eerie Locations

Everyone knows Macay for its rich entertainment industry and vibrant nightlife. In fact, people even call it “Monte Carlo of the Orient" because of its multiple gambling options. But you may not be aware of ...
My town has been invaded by monsters from another dimension
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My town has been invaded by monsters from another dimension

For the first time in a week I am able to send out a message to the world, telling all who will listen about the plight of my people. Seven days for an entire town ...
Top 5 Haunted Hotspots in South Dakota for Mystery Lovers
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Top 5 Haunted Hotspots in South Dakota for Mystery Lovers

Those who adore mystery and horror often look for haunted places that can increase their adrenaline and make their blood flow faster. South Dakota is among the US states that stand out with its spooky ...
5 Scariest Places in the UK: A Guide for Thrill-Seekers
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5 Scariest Places in the UK: A Guide for Thrill-Seekers

Do you believe in ghosts and enjoy exploring spooky places? Then think about visiting the United Kingdom because this country is full of mystical locations associated with horrifying adventures and supernatural creatures. These places include ...
The Brightman
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The Brightman

Thunderstorms, the epitome of both nature's beauty and it’s wrath. I remember as a boy being terrified of them. Whenever a big storm rolled in I would hide under my covers with a flashlight. My ...
Top 5 Best Horror Computer Games of the Year
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Top 5 Best Horror Computer Games of the Year

No one doubts that playing PC games is one of the most enjoyable activities for horror enthusiasts. That’s because gaming developers usually include elements of horror in their popular games and sometimes even create special ...
5 Chilling Haunted Locations in Romania
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5 Chilling Haunted Locations in Romania

If you’re a big fan of horror stories, it’s likely that you already know the legends and mysteries of Dracula, his haunted castle, bloody behaviors, and eerie folk Romanian tales. As a matter of fact, ...
Midnight in the Bayou
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Midnight in the Bayou

He really couldn’t blame the car, could he? His ‘76 Chevrolet Caprice was little more than a shadow of its former self; its edges had been reduced to rugged sanguine strips of rust over time, ...
The eight minute conspiracy
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The Eight Minute Conspiracy

NOTE: The following is a transcript from the December 2023 episode of the Dead and Buried Crimes podcast] — On December 31, 1992, Sam Weaton’s father beat his mother to death with a broken whiskey ...
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