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I Like Quiet

Estimated reading time — 2 minutes

As I walked into my local library, I felt at peace. Some people are addicted to heroin; I am addicted to literature. I love the way libraries are so organized, not only are books separated by genre but are also placed in alphabetical order. Beyond the placements of books the library is a place of poetry, a place of silence. I like the quiet atmosphere. Some find this insipid, but they are mad.

I search the shelves for an arousing story. With so many different choices this could be an appalling task. How can I possibly choose? I browse many different sections, coming across the horror section. Today was a good day for something truly malevolent. Finding one I go towards the common area and sit near a young lady. She wore a tightly fitted white blouse and skinny jeans. Her hair flowed past her shoulders. Her facial features are soft, and enjoyment radiated from her. I found her attractive. When I began reading I kept catching myself staring at her but as the novel went on I became more fascinated by the story, such majestic writing. My heart raced as the lawyer approached Mr. Hyde…

A group of young adults walked into the library, yelling and cheering at each other. They are ignoring etiquette. Sometimes and only sometimes while I am reading a tale a baby or a child or even an adult cries, screams, or yells. It ruins the story, makes me frustrated. It takes me away from my mysterious island. My blood begins to boil from indignation. My heartbeat slows down, becoming louder and louder until everyone can hear it. I know they can hear it because everyone stares at me. Everyone looks at me laughing! Their eyes scream at me! Humiliating me! I will show them! I will show them all! One of these days I will rip their voice boxes out. One of these days I will gouge their eyes out! I will laugh as blood drips from my hands.


I am not mad! Why and how can you say that I am mad? My mind is sharpened, it has not diminished. I can and will kill them! I will do it so slowly and quietly! No madman would be able to accomplish what I will do with such skill, such organization! The silence will be so that Stevenson, Verne or Poe could not write such beauty and would find this to be egregiousness. But today is not the day. Maybe tomorrow, today is most definitely not organized.


I shrugged, and closed my book. Today I will not have my time of rest, soon there will be silence but not today. I took another glance at the attractive lady. Her blouse was red. Her eyes showed consternation, what a shame she was such a beauty. I would have loved to take her home, but I’m positive that she was wearing a white blouse when I set down. I cannot be with someone so disorganized. But…She is quiet, I like that. I walked past her, walking towards the bookshelf the replace a strange story. I had to step over a body. His face looked panicked; I would be too if my larynx was lying next to me. More importantly he was quiet, I like that.


Credit To: Mr. Buffoonery

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Copyright Statement: Unless explicitly stated, all stories published on are the property of (and under copyright to) their respective authors, and may not be narrated or performed under any circumstance.

44 thoughts on “I Like Quiet”

  1. A good read. The insane do not realize they are insane, and will rationalize their actions in any number of fashions, and reading of his nonchalance over a fellow library-goer lying next to his own larynx, and even his indifference to his library crush’s unspoken, but believed death, coupled with claims of too much disorganization for murder this day, I knew he was insane. Absolutely brilliant, even if it seems plagiarized, no matter how miniscule. Good read

  2. I enjoy the ones where the character is oblivious to their insanity, as it makes sense that one with such illness believes they are normal, this is one of my favourites so far

  3. “I search the shelves for an arousing story.”
    Jeez, dude. Don’t masturbate in a library; at least have the decency to do that at home. Jackass.

  4. I think this story tried far too hard to be intelligent and physiological. It is a good idea, in theory, but nothing that hasn’t been done before.

  5. Everyone appears to be complaining about how the character/author was resembling a tell tale heart, but did you happen to miss out on the fact the character is an avid reader, and frequents the library? Low was even mentioned as well as “mr. Hyde” so I believe there was some intention to overplay the sudden flip into rage, with no acknowledgement of prior action, and other reference.

  6. Good concept for a story, but you REALLY have to put more effort in your punctuation. The story would have been made a lot better just by paying more attention to that. As it is now, it was actually kind of a painful read.

  7. A little confusing but it all summed up at the end 10/10 for you c: the only part that pulled my away frkm the story was the hole voice box thing. In my opinion if you would’ve used vocal chords it would’ve made the story more serious sounding but besidez that it was wonderful. Hats to you sir c:

  8. Nice adding of Edgar Allen Poe when you talk about the character from your story. It has the likeness ability of his literature, bravo

  9. The Lone Wanderer

    I presume her shirt changed to red because he killed her and blood soaked it? That was a very interesting take on it, making the character not realize he had killed her in his madness. Also, the resemblance to the Telltale Heart was overwhelming. I love that story, but perhaps making the references more subtle? Getting inspiration from Poe in horror stories is very understandable, but such obvious similarities distract from the differences in your story, which really was quite interesting.

  10. Good pasta, I particularly enjoyed it because I tend to have those thoughts fairly often myself. Not so much the organization, but the rage over being distracted, and people being rude and making noise like stupid animals.

    I liked the ending a lot as well, I wonder if it has potential to stretch out? 9/10

  11. Good story. Enjoyed the way it was written although….. Finding out lines had been copied from Poe’s “The Tell Tale Heart” was very disappointing.

  12. To the people who complain about how he’s saying he’ll do the murdering another day, only to have found the dead bodies that day: that’s the point. He’s thinking in his head how he’ll avoid the follies of other murders, how he will be the sharpest and most clever killer of all and never be caught, only to fall prey to a blinding madness that the others fell to.

  13. “Maybe tomorrow, today is most definitely not organized.” Interesting, subtle surmise of the twist in a cryptic parodox? nice touch!

  14. Wonderful pasta, but you seem to have stolen the thing with “i am not mad, would a madman have been so sharp, so organized? I think not,” from edgar allan poe’s the tell tale heart. Waait, or was he quoting it? i don’t know :P

  15. Perhaps just my interpretation, but white-blouse may have ripped the guy’s throat out. Her blouse was stained red, after all.

    1. Deadlynightshade

      He said “she WAS such a beauty what a shame ” so is that bc she killed em or did he kill her too while snapping out?

  16. This was okay.

    He should be careful about murdering people, though. He’s going to get blood in his library book and then they’ll take his library card away :(

  17. Brilliant. As of yet, this is the only creepypasta I have honestly enjoyed. Anyone who doesn’t understand it is clearly quite slow.

  18. I agree with mastersparklez, if she said another day, then why rip the persons throat out as they were leaving
    Isn’t THAT being disorganized and so the narrator/protagonist is Being a huge hypocrite?
    Even so.. Good story :)

  19. Pretty good. Had to read the last to paragraphs over again to fully comprahend what happened. My only problem was that he said, I’ll do it another day. Then it turned out he did it that day? I’m guessing th author was trying to make it seem like he slipped into a blind phycotic rage. Never the less, Good pasta!

    1. I agree, but I noticed the author copied a little of this story from Edgar Allen Poes the tell tale heart

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