There was this woman whose husband was acting very strange one day, very paranoid, she asked him why and this is what he told her:
“Twelve years ago to this day a whole bunch of my friends and I went to an old haunted house downtown to stay the night because we thought it would be fun. We were all settled on the bottom floor of the house and we were fine for the first few hours. We began to hear things that sounded like foot steps pacing on the floor above, and scratching on the walls.”
“We sent Jimmy, who was the oldest of us, up to have a look so he grabbed his flashlight and we watched him head up the steps. His foot steps seemed to stop towards the last few steps where he was no longer visible to us and slowly his light faded from view, we called after him but there was no reply.”
“Afterwards we sent Matt, the second oldest up to find him, he walked up the steps and the same thing happened. At this point we thought they were joking, and out third eldest, Jason went up to look shouting that he knew it was a trick and to give it up, at the last few steps where the other guys had vanished his shouting voice became distant before vanishing completely.”
“The rest of us got scared and went home to call the police who checked it out the next morning and found blood smeared up the sides of the stairwell. They searched the entire house and never found a soul. The house was eventually knocked down and not one body was found. Every year on this day one of us remaining from that house has disappeared going from oldest to youngest.”
Her husband was not seen again after that day. Police held an brief investigation, but nothing came of it.
Copyright Statement: Unless explicitly stated, all stories published on are the property of (and under copyright to) their respective authors, and may not be narrated or performed under any circumstance.
I feel like the premise of the story, if you can even call it that, is cliche and overused. There are also many grammatical mistakes in the story which make it less unsettling than you probably thought it would have been. The beginning is a bit ubrupt and looks like it was taken from a random chunk of another creepy pasta.
“Get the fuck it”? If you’re going to write such a profanity-laced negative review, at least proofread before you post.
Maybe better word choice to use next time, and you probably shouldn’t use “there once was a woman”. Other then that it was a pretty creepy story, and I enjoyed the most part.
This has potential but is a little too straight forward. Extend the story out a little. Tell why they where in the house to begin with or something like that. Interest the reader with a little story or myth of the house. As I’ve said, it has potential, it just needs to be extended and have more of a story.
it would’ve been better if the last line had not read "he was never found after that day" and instead said "Hunny, I’m the last one."
I found this pretty stupid. Just saying.
I’ve read this in a book, kinda boring but still its okay
15+ kids, sitting around on the ground floor of an old haunted house. That’s a lot of people to cram in there. Just sayin’.
Also, if there were at least 15 people, why wouldn’t you send at least two people to go up instead of one? Saftey in numbers!
Orrrrr, the survivors would have died in pairs.
I kinda liked the story.
That was fairly badly written, and completely illogical. If you’re in a haunted house and hear noises, you get the fuck it. If you have to investigate, then you all go, not just one of you. And when people start disappearing you don’t keep fucking sending more up to go and have a look. Fucking morons were asking for it.
This was truly awful. I seriously thought this was going to be a joke pasta. Terribly written and boring as hell. “We went into a haunted house and started disappearing! OoooOOoooOOoohhhh!” You can even tell it’s going to suck by the first 4 words “There was this woman” Fail pasta is fail.
“There was this woman”
i liked this pasta!! maybe he wanted to leave his wife and had made it all up, and now he is living in mexico with his mistress and their love child….
Boring pasta is boring.
poorly written i thought and OH NO
> big family
They’re not related.
Nice pasta, except for the typo at the end. (“Police held an brief investigation”)
After “the rest of us got scared” I was expecting a bel-air.
Reminds me of a gruesome version of Are you afraid of the dark :D
How many brothers were they?12 + 3…15…big family
this one made me shudder
Actually, I think I read this in, “Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark” as well. Man, i love those.
I wonder what the father told his children.
@Dani, same here.
Oh, that’s an old one. I read a version of it in one of Schwartz’s “Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark” books.
Wow for years i have been trying to remember what that book was called… haha thanks for all the creepy memories… the one that stuck with me the most was the one that was about the girl who had her head cut off and she had the scarf to keep it on.
Oh I remember those books! some of the illustration’s though where creepy. As soon as I saw the name of this pasta I thought of spontaneous human combustion. I have seen a lot of pictures and videos of victims to that strange happening.