

iris bound

Iris Bound

From an unconsciousness as deep as non-existence, Iris’s eyes flashed open. For a moment she thought she was blind. She blinked and turned her head but there was nothing but pitch blackness. A ripple of fear traveled through her body and reflexively she sat up only to be thrust down […]

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the girl in the middle of the road

The Girl in the Middle of the Road

She was just sitting there, in the middle of the slender, two lane back road when I was making my way back home that night. The route I favored to get back to my small, secluded house, was often annoying to traverse in the mornings or afternoons, as the thin

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The Legend of Carter Bale

The roaring twenties became a different time for all of America as the economy took a massive plummet. The depression sank about every industry like a stone and families of every class felt the impact. Throughout the Hoovervilles set up around Riverbend, there was one man who seemed prosperous despite

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