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I Am The One

Estimated reading time — 8 minutes

I’ve thought about telling this story for quite a while now, and first and foremost I want to inform you from the very beginning that everything I am about to write is true. I will not be adding anything for the sake of the story, nor will I be using stupid stereotypical buzz words to make this seem more terrifying. All I’ll be doing is telling the truth, that’s all I want to do.

So, I’ll start from the beginning and give a little background. When I was a kid, I began realizing I had a little insight on what was going to happen before it did. Now, by that I mean I sometimes knew what some kid in the class would say next whilst bothering the teacher, or I knew when the phone was going to ring. That sort of thing. I didn’t think much of it as a sweet ten or eleven year old, I just saw it as pretty cool I guess. Then came on the feelings of “I’ve been here before” whenever I went new places, I could never remember when though. I began getting deja vu regularly, which would last maybe ten or fifteen minutes. I’d usually sit back in awe and quietly mouth everything everyone was saying. As I got older, I began referring to it as a ‘sensitivity’ I had. It wasn’t until I was about fourteen I realized I also had this ‘sensitivity’ to spirits.

I live in Ireland, so during the famous Celtic Tiger my parents went all out on a beautiful 250 year old house. I mean knocking down sections, rebuilding, re-roofing, repainting, everything! We got to pick our own rooms. I chose the attic. It was terrifying at first, but once we rebuilt it a bit, painted it, re-floored it and all that good stuff it looked pretty fantastic. The only part of the room that still bothered me was the small hatch in the ceiling up into a small boiler room. Just looking at gave me a bad feeling from the beginning, so I had placed my wardrobe under it and put stuffed animals on top to cover it up so I wouldn’t have to see it. The first night in that room was quite intense, all through the night I heard scratches and banging coming from the boiler room. I put it down to being ‘new house noises’. Until I heard footsteps run across the ceiling. Over and over again. This happened every night. I remember mentioning it to my father, he laughed and said ‘unless there’s a 4ft tall person living up there you’re not hearing anything’ followed by the famous ‘you’re probably just dreaming’. I knew I wasn’t. This did freak me out a lot, but surprisingly I just got used to it and ignored it.


I began noticing strange things happening in my room, little things. My wardrobe doors would be open, i’d close them and go downstairs, come back up and they’d be open again. ‘Probably just a slant in the floor’ my father concluded. Ornaments around my room would be in different positions, that sort of thing. Then came the feeling of being watched, watched very carefully. For every second I spent in that room I could feel someone or somethings eyes burning into me. It was uncomfortable to say the least, but I tried to get on with things. It wasn’t long until I began getting night terrors. I saw horrible things, things i would not like to ever see again. However the fact they were dreams made it less traumatizing, albeit slightly disturbing. My mother told me she would hear wails in the middle of the night, she’d get out of bed to find me standing outside my door, screeching and crying, she’d ask me what’s wrong but i’d simply shake my head and lower my chin to my chest. I don’t remember any of the crying. When I was told I was doing this I was pretty freaked out, something like that had never ever happened to me before. I began feeling a bit down being in that house, specifically my bedroom. Each night I’d find myself thinking about how sad I was, which again, was odd for me because I had never had any problems, I was always a happy kid. However it was to get worse. I’ll never forget the night it all went downhill.

It was just a regular night I guess, and I had gone to bed and fallen asleep. I woke suddenly in the middle of the night, within a second of waking up I was overcome with terror and dread. I felt something watching me again, only this time, I saw it. I slowly turned my head to the left of me and there I saw it, a dark black figure staring at me. It’s head was cocked forward from it’s body looking down at me. I thought I was dreaming so I sat up, blinked and rubbed my eyes. No such luck. It was still there, only it looked as shocked as I was. It jolted back (perhaps when it realized I could see it?) and slithered down the side of my bed, across the bottom of my bed, as disappeared into the darkness. I couldn’t do anything, only sit there in terror and weep quietly. I had never been so scared. I stayed on the couch for a few days after that, and avoided my bedroom completely. I changed after that night, I couldn’t eat and I couldn’t sleep. I couldn’t do anything, I was just a terrified mess. It wasn’t long before I decided enough was enough and braved the room once again. Due to sheer exhaustion, I managed to fall asleep on my bed for what felt like five minutes before waking abruptly. It was there again, only this time it’s ‘face’ was directly opposite mine. This time though it was in broad daylight, as I had only managed sleep at about six am. I think it’s fair to say I shat my pants.

Some time passed, and I’m not sure how thinking back on it, but I did manage to brush all this off, and I did continue to stay in that room. It was quiet for a while, but before long I began waking with cuts on my body, slices in my skin, mostly on my back and shoulder blades. Each night as I tried to sleep I felt some invisible force clasp my neck, it got harder to breathe each night. I became very depressed, finding myself sitting awake at all hours, knowing I was being watched and contemplating just ending my life. That bedroom became a pit of despair.

My father was and still is to this day very skeptical of me and my stories, my mother not so much. She got frightened by what had been happening, and insisted we call the parish priest [typically Irish I know.] Although I’m not religious in any way, I sort reached the stage of ‘Fuck it, I’ll try anything’ so I went ahead with it. The priest called over, he read whatever it is they read in situations like these, splashed holy water everywhere and stuck a cross he got from the Vatican in Rome up in the room. That wasn’t enough for me, since I wasn’t religious I felt it was hypocritical of me to believe that would work, so I just moved rooms. I’m still terrified of that attic, and have only been in there for brief moments when I’ve had to be since. I just assumed the attic was haunted, and left it at that.


The new room was fine, I was more or less fine for about a year (still slightly traumatized might I add)and I thought that was it, until I moved into a new house for college, and it all started again..

I moved towns for college, and found a perfect house with some of my very good friends. I had hoped to put everything that happened in my home town to rest, I was very optimistic about my fresh start. I moved to a really historic city, and the house I live in now is about 150 years old. The first night myself and my house mates stayed there we were unsettled by scratching noises coming from the walls. We put it down to ‘new house noises’ (I should have known better right?) and brushed it off. We ignored the nightly banging and scratching. One day I decided to bring it up due to something that I thought was a bit strange. I explained that I was in bed one night, trying to sleep when I felt my body jerking slightly, as if something was pulling on my quilt. I expected them to laugh, but one of my housemates sat up and explained the strange experience he had only nights before. He said he was in his room, trying to go asleep and he had had his feet hanging over the end of the bed. He said he was just asleep when something grabbed onto his foot. He said he pulled his legs up to his chest and lay there for a while, pretty shaken. We all went a bit quiet then, and just gazed around the house, getting more and more creeped out.


It wasn’t long before shit hit the fan in the house. At six am every morning I heard a light wailing coming from one corner in my bedroom and every morning I put my head to the wall to listen. Every time I called my housemates to hear it, it stopped. Typically. I think they started to think I was going crazy. It took a long time before they heard it as well. I was pretty relived when they said the words ‘yeah I hear it too’ because I was beginning to question my sanity. There was then daily banging from the kitchen, switches flicking on and off and the likes. We kind of just laughed it off all the time. I knew something was up though when I saw a black figure again. I had been sitting on the couch and could see into the kitchen from the corner of my eye. I happened to catch a glimpse of it, staring in at me. I looked over quickly, it was gone. I ignored it and decided not to say anything. I didn’t get too freaked out [since I was kind of used to it at that point I guess] but I lost it slightly when one of my housemates let something slip. We were all at a party and one of my housemates turned to me and said something along the lines of can you believe what our other housemate saw the other night. I had no idea what he was talking about, so I confronted the other guy. He sighed and explained how he didn’t want me to be scared and wasn’t going to say anything, but went on to tell me how he saw a black figure in the bathroom. I wondered if it was the same black figure I saw. We were all very wary in the house from then on.


Then came the night it all went downhill (again). It was only me and my housemate who had seen the black figure, the other had returned home for the weekend. We were both in the living room working on college stuff when we heard a bang. We both stopped and looked at each other with that ‘aw shit’ look. We knew it was starting again. Only this time it was much more intense. There was banging coming from all sides of the house. It was like someone was quickly moving around the entire house banging the walls and stomping on the floor. This went on for a few minutes as we sat there in terror. Then it stopped and the banging continued from just one area of the house, my room. We were kind of in that stage of nervously laughing and looking around. I had been sitting on the couch, and my housemate was sitting opposite me on a bean bag. He was saying something to me when his face dropped, he went completely white and just stared beyond my shoulder. I asked him what was wrong. All he said was we needed to get out of that room now, and that I wasn’t to sleep in my room tonight since the banging was still coming from there. I calmly asked him what did he see. He ignored me, just gathered our stuff and began going into the other room. I stopped him and calmly asked again, what did you see. He was looking past me again, and explained how he saw a black figure, sliding across the wall directly behind me. We both left that room and locked ourselves into his. We just sat there for a while in silence.

I began thinking about all the freaky shit that has gone on in my short life span, I began thinking about the significance of these black figures, and began wondering if there was multiple black figures or if it was all the same one. The same black figure I woke up to that night years ago.

That was when it dawned on me for the first time, maybe I am the one who is haunted.

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Copyright Statement: Unless explicitly stated, all stories published on are the property of (and under copyright to) their respective authors, and may not be narrated or performed under any circumstance.

78 thoughts on “I Am The One”

  1. It was okay… Creepy of course, just thatbsomw of the things that were written didn’t make any sense… Like when you sistcribed how and where you first saw the shadow by your bed… It made it seem like you saw it across the room, but then it was at the end or your bed? Another thing, it wouldve been better had you mentioned “that’s when everything went down hill” and put the things that cause it to go down hill all together. Anyways, if it were longer with more instances it would have been a stronger story. If it really was a real story, I suppose there just could’ve been more detail.

  2. The story itself was very interesting, but I think it was poorly written. I don’t enjoy the several side remarks put in quotation marks.


  3. I ain't 'fraid of no ghosts

    Not very well written. Good writer’s don’t use phrases like “… and then, shit hit the fan”. If your writing is strong enough, phrases like these are unnecessary. That being said, it could be a good story. 6/10

  4. This hit home for me too. I come from a family of psychics, on one side anyway. I’ve always had good intuition, and a couple years back I discovered that I have clairsentience. Long story short, I could connect to your character in that sense, but I can’t see these things. I could feel them.

  5. Unless you have made up this story, I want you to know that you are suffering from a very common psychological problem that is abundant in those who have switched houses too many times in their life. It is a kind of acute paranoia that may arise due to large variety of reasons. Not all scientists have a common opinion as to the reason of this problem, but honestly, it’s actually YOUR MIND that is haunted.

  6. I have had a weird spat of deja vu with disturbing deja vu nightmares. I can’t really seem to see the future with mine. I just experience something and feel as if it has happened before, usually with a vague feeling that it happened not in my lifetime as i know it, but nonetheless happened to me at some unknown point. Some of the nightmares i have had with it are pretty disturbing and seemingly symbolic. I also find myself feeling like i am being watched on occasion, but i can’t really recall ever actually catching sight of anything, or really hearing anything out of the ordinary. I just figure this comment might be somewhat relevant.

    On a side note, the deja vu was so bad at some points that i had to go to a hospital. It felt like reality was tearing and twisting at the seams. I seem to get it less often now, and with less intensity, but i still do indeed get it. I’m not sure what started it, nor am i sure of what made it so much more subdued. But sometimes i wonder if it is perhaps not that it is subdued, but that i have accepted it as normal. I’m not really sure of that either.

  7. Sounds more like an unseelie sidhe, especially since you’re in ireland and seem to have the Sight. They get tetchy about people being able to see them.

  8. From the sounds of it, you most definitely have a spirit or demon attached to your aura.

    You need to meditate, strengthen chakaras, and get this this impurity cleaned from your life.

  9. I loved this story. I can’t really say that I don’t beleive it or that I do, but I can say that I abolutely love horror stories and am no skeptic what-so-ever.

  10. Hey! This hit close to home, and I figured I’d try to send some insight your way.

    I’m empathic and have been for a while. Instead of hiding it, I kind of embraced it and spent a lot of my time studying. I learned that people with sensitivities like empathy, or in your case specifically, can attract spirits that show up as simple black figures. Some show up to watch over you, but some aren’t so friendly. Basically, they sense your energy and are feeding off of it, in a sense. I would definitely suggest doing some research. There are some nice, serious, internet outlets for highly spiritually sensitive people that have found a way to cope or fix this kind of situation.

  11. Why the heck did you stay in your attic even after seeing the black figure? I would’ve freaked out so bad.

  12. This was a really good story. It was very realistic to me, only because I had this happen to me a few times. You didn’t butcher the English language, which I like very much, and you didn’t publish an overdramatic story that seems like Hollywood wrote it. It was very realistic and I loved it.
    Also, I don’t want any hateful replies. I am the Creepypasta critic and I type comments to show my opinion. Nothing more.
    Now, the black figure you saw was something similar to what I experienced. It is a Demon, no less, but you made it seem very real to me. The details you put in there were similar to my experience in a way only the two of us could imagine.
    None the less, thank you for not butchering the English language and thank you for making an amazing story.
    With all love,

    1. ZombieShakespeare

      People who haven’t experienced these things will not understand a story like this. There is no ending for this stuff.

  13. I really enjoyed it, and I don’t see why people dislike the ending because it was “lacking”- because the author isn’t sure about what it actually is, and it probably hasn’t ended yet. Also, it seemed legit to me. Sometimes I see black shadows out of the corner of my eye that look like they are small animals running away, like a dog or a cat. And how people are saying the Deja Vu part has nothing to do with story isn’t the same for me, the author was simply sharing all of his paranormal-type experiences.


  14. I used to have dreams that predicted stuff the death of my parakeet and my sisters…funny right? Would it be even worse if I said my dad had a dream that someone close to me died too…someone the same age as me. Things have gotten less weirder…but I’m not saying that I don’t keep having it sometimes but rarely triple deja vu I hope nothing bad happens to people around me…

  15. Can everyone shut up their judgemental mouths?!?! It was very interesting and well written, I wanna see you little dipshits try to write 2 lines without making me wanna puke

  16. “This time though it was in broad daylight, as I had only managed sleep at about six am”
    since when was there daylight in an attic???

  17. Tegan_X_EyelessJack

    I did enjoy your story but around the end it started to slip. You could have done slightly better on the grammar and spelling but never the less it was a good story :D

  18. The black figures are called shadow people. Ive seen them several times myself and dated a girl that was haunted by them like the author is. Think 3 dimensional humanoid shadows that can move incredibly fast. Im 100% convinced theyre real having seen them several times in my life. The good news is that theyre mostly harmless. It seems like they feed off fear and only bother certain types of people (basing this on my ex’s experiences and all the stories ive read online about them). The bad news is that if youre one of the unlucky few that attract their attention, its really hard to keep them away from you permanently. The best thing you can do if they haunt you is to learn not to fear them.

  19. Most of the stuff u said is true I get moments where I see parts of the future a day month or year away I been cursed to live a depressing life but for some reason I like dark scary stories especially Jeff the killer he connects to me in almost every way.

  20. Using a “black figure” is a cop out for not being able to create a real antagonist . And when you see the so called monster and wake up with cuts on your body, no one would stay in the house let alone the room…

  21. Dude. That shits happening to me right now. Except this déjà vu been lasting for days in a row. I hear scratching noises. The other night something grabbed my toe while I was lying in bed. I’ve been thinking that I’m just going crazy but glad to know I’m not the only one. But to be honest. I don’t feel alone anymore….

  22. This was a really good story, I think, because it’s kind of relateable, like lots of people have déjà vu and hearing noises in old houses and knowing things before they happen and stuff, so that makes it almost plausible to happen to anyone, in fact it might be just about to happen, which makes it very creepy, which I loved about it, but the only thing I will say about it is, when you said it looked shocked that it could see you, that would have made most people think “well maybe it’s just lonely” or something, but your character didn’t try to reason with it or question it or anything, maybe it was just trying to call out or something, so in my opinion, that kinda made the character unrealistic but overall I thought it was really good, especially because I’m irish and fifteen and I live in a two hundred year old house which we recently extended….. I’m probably fucked.

    1. ZombieShakespeare

      The thing is, this is a true story. I believe it because weird, scary things have happened to me as well, and trust me, when these things happen, you do NOT question the creatures. In fact, you sometimes can’t speak at all, it’s like your mouth doesn’t work anymore. I would have found it far less realistic if he did try to talk to it or ask it what it wants. When it happens, all you’re thinking is “AHHHH Go away!”

  23. Sorry dude, but yeah, that was a load of shit. Bad beginning, bad middle, horrible end. You should have stuck with the deja vu, or the haunting because im sure i speak for many of us when i say that threw me off big time

  24. I couldn’t relate on his ability to predict what would happened next, deja vu and so on.. with the haunted rooms/houses he’d been in. Please do enlighten me. And I sometimes got deja vu too but I don’t think its too weird.. almost all of my friend also have experienced it. Btw, thanks for sharing your story.. Please don’t be so negative by saying that you are haunted..

    P/s: my English is not very good, its not my native language.

  25. Okay… this is the first story I read on creepypasta. WTf??? Okay, the story totally freaked me out but the beginning kinda dragged. Also the deja-vu really has nothing to do with the rest of the story. Neither does the future telling. I guess if u focused more on detailing the black figure incidents more people would believe u. Just use the deja-vu and future telling stuff as a fun-fact about yourself

  26. I’ve had a sort of similar experience, but nowadays I just dismiss it as myself seeing things. One night I was laying on bed and this white most appeared and started to form into a human shape, which I refer to as the white figure. It was tall, and it’s face looked like slendermans. It was looming away from me then it suddenly snapped its head towards me and stared. After a few hours it disappeared. The next day at school I was pale and cold. I was terrified about what had happened.

    So yeah, brang me back to those dreadful memories. I didn’t want sleep anyway, it’s only 1 in the morning. 8/10

  27. Upon realizing that the main guy’s sensitivity to ‘spirits’ is what manifesting the dark figures, I felt very satisfied with that choice of ending.

    Amazing writing, truly feels genuine and immersive when reading this. Not overdone, but also not too simple. Just a very well balanced creepypasta overall. 8/10

  28. spooky skeleton

    Eh… Really kind of boring and really unbelievable in the sense that everyone in the story just seemed so calm about everything. Sure, you said you and others were scared or terrified but there was no action to back it up. Loud banging coming from all around you and y’all just sit around and laugh nervously? Naw. Anyway, you also say “it wasn’t long until…” A lot lol.


  29. This was lame as shit. Seriously, you just took every lame horror movie cliche ever and crammed it all into one shitty story. A child could write a better story than you.

  30. Anyone else reminded of the Heartless while reading this? Cause that just made this story astronomically less scary lol. Not that it was really scary to begin with

  31. Well I feel like the fact that it doesn’t all tie up makes it seem realistic since he doesn’t know anything that is happening how can make all these conclusions he’s just a guy who’s haunted and doesn’t know why. Good story.

  32. No offense, but this was pretty awful. Like somebody has already said, the whole future-telling/deja-vu thing has nothing to do with the rest of the story. It lacks detail in every way, has a ton of spelling/grammar mistakes, it lacks organization, and in conclusion is not creepy at all. 2/10.

  33. well…I have dreams,that tell me when something bad is going to happen..before my grandma died I had a dream with her wearing all black,the next day she was dead,I also see things,shadows and see people who are not really there…your story was great reminds me of me :)

  34. I wrote this,
    I hadn’t planned on commenting but a few have mentioned about the ending, I’d just like to clarify, this is completely true, and therefore has no ending, as it’s still currently happening. As I stated, I wasn’t going to lie, therefore I wasn’t going to make up an ending for the sake of a story, I stated I wanted to get the truth out, not make my experiences into a fictional story. Thank you for reading! :)

    1. i really hope you are serious, because i see black figures all the time. i don’t call them ghosts, because they don’t feel that way to me. i’ve had 3 major ones in my life, all at different houses, once even in a different state. while two did seem incredibly interested in me, one actually was not, but was still a constant presence in my house. it’s pretty amazing to hear someone has had a similar experience.

    2. I am wondering what these black figures look like exactly, I know it may be something you wish to leave in your past so I will understand a “no” but would you be willing to make a rough drawing of them?

      1. I don’t know about the person who wrote this but here’s a quick drawing of one of the ones I see, but black, I only had a red pen when I drew it.

      2. See like if you have ever seen some one stand like where the Suns at and there figure is all black except more bold and more well less detailed. I haven’t seen these as close as him but I can say I’ve seen one and they are not nice or even give off a nice feeling. They shoot fear stright to you and make you feel as if you’re gonna be harmed. My name is obviously Derrick but if you really wanna see what they look like email me or kik me just tell me who you are first.

    3. I see black figures as well, I have for the past 20 years, they have followed me from 8 different states and 3 different countries. You aren’t alone.

    4. I don’t know. I see black figures sometimes but they never seem to want to do any harm. It’s like they just watch over me or something.

  35. I liked it. It hit home with me a little bit, because I experienced something very close to this with my family. Don’t know if your story is honestly true, but it hit home nonetheless.

    1. A Zerg Hydralisk (wearing a Traffic Cone on head)

      I love seeing people be a grammar critic yet fail to use grammar themselves.

  36. The story is…alright its Definantly not the worst story I’ve read, but it simply just, lacks an ending! There’s zero effort into the climax of the story here, it gives no satisfaction to the reader, it just ends. As for the rest of the story. Its alright as well but there is two main problems I have with it, one it lacks description, these “black figures” are literally the only explanation as to their appearance we get, all we know about them is the fact that their coloration is black, that’s all. Two. There’s alot of breaks in flow, the parenthesis really don’t add much to the situation except to jar the story, in some cases the story just breaks itself, for example “I think it’s fair to say I shat my pants.” what does that add to the story? Pretty much nothing, it just makes your character seem vulgar, unnecessarily so, and while he may be, the lack of development to your character doesn’t allow for your character to be interesting or engaging. Overall, not a bad idea, but with a little brushing up and an actual ending. The idea is fresh and interesting, and could turn out quite well
    Currently: 6/10

  37. Is this a joke? It was really awful.. The stuff at the beginning about seeing the future didn’t tie in at all and the rest seemed rushed and not at all creepy. You say it’s all true yet it reads like a story (e.g. The ending..)

    2/10 seemed rushed, boring and made little sense.

  38. Dude, that deja vu, happens to me all the time, and I remember dreams where I’ve seen scenes of my life before they happen. And I also have a sixth sense, in a way, that tells me who’s behind, or to the side of me, without turning my head, but sometimes I sense things and when I turn around, nothing is there. Basically what I’m getting at is, this is my daily life that you just framed.
    Overall 7/10 for hitting so close to home.

    1. Ohmigod yes like little glimpses of stuff in my dream then the next day I’m all like “Woah…have I done this before?”

      1. That happens to me quite a bit. I once dreamed going to school, have everything happen like it was real and then waking up to find out that I have to go to school AGAIN

        1. That stuff happens to me too. Once I was sitting in class (freshmen year of high school) and all of a sudden I got that feeling. The weird part about it was I had thought of this when I was about 11 years old and I have never seen those people or the teacher.

    2. For some reason every couple months a picture will pop into my head during a dream and I will brush it off. Then weeks later I will feel deja vu and realize that I’m in the scene of the picture that popped in my head. Do you know what the hell that is?

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