I heard stories of this ritual happening throughout the Internet and decided to try it for myself since the tasks are not hard to do and the payout is worth the trouble. The materials to complete this task will cost around 10-15 dollars, which can be earned from working any sort of job. I’ll save the reward for the end because the sacrifice will go along with it, and telling you now might deject you from attempting this ritual, but I assure you that it is well worth it. Failure to either complete this ritual or doing a step wrong will not harbor any sort of consequence short of losing 10-15 dollars of regular money depending on how far you get through the process. The only time limit is that the shop will only be open between 9 at night and 6 in the morning.
The first thing you will want to do is find the small incense shop that will sell you the materials. The shop will be present in any sort of city, or so I’m told. As of now, the cities that definitely have the stores are Los Angeles, Las Vegas, Chicago, Miami, Seattle, Washington D.C., San Antonio, and Salt Lake City. If you find one in your city and it’s not listed above, you may retell this story and include your city, but only if you want to, if not, whatever. The shop will not be attached to any other store and will be located in the outskirts of the city. It will not have any sort of neon sign and will not advertise at all. You can tell if you’ve found the correct place if it has one of three marking near the entrance. It’ll either have a) a red door with a gold eye painted on it b) A small wooden plank with an eagle on it with a golden eye painted onto said eagle or c) a welcome mat with the eagle mentioned above painted on it. The eagle means nothing, but the eye is supposed to signify a calm mind. When you’ve found the place, merely enter the shop. There is no special knock, password, or any other fancy shenanigans. It was pretty nice actually, considering the fancy antics that you have to do with most of the other rituals.
Upon entering the shop, you’ll notice the faint smell of aroma. There will be no music playing, though you may hear other costumers in the shop. It you do hear other costumers, leave the shop and come back the next day. You’ll approach the counter and ring the bell. An intimidating black man will come out of the black room and ask you what you want. You’ll tell him that you want three distinct kinds of incense in a commanding voice and lay a five-dollar bill on the table. You must specifically ask for “Satya Sai Baba Nag Champa Agarbatti”, “Satya Super Hit”, and “Sri Sai Flora”. He’ll go into the back room and retrieve the incense. When he returns, he’ll take your five dollar bill and ask if that’d be all for you. You’ll tell him no and slap another five dollars on the table. You’ll then ask for an incense box to go along with your incense. He’ll go into the back room once again and retrieve a normal wooden incense box, which will be about two feet long, and have holes cut into the top. There may be a pattern near the bottom of the box, but that is unimportant. Inspect the box. If it is in perfect condition, place it back on the table and ask for another one, but take your five-dollar bill back and slap a ten down. He’ll take your ten and take the box back into the back room. He’ll come back out with another box. This box will have a broken hinge, but will still open and close. You are to tell the man that this box is perfect, collect your things, and leave immediately. There have been records that the man will give you the broken box first and you’d end up saving $5, but it didn’t for me, just fork over the other five and don’t complain (I’m serious…DON’T COMPLAIN).
You may fix the hinge if you want, but it won’t be important. What you’ll then do is drive back home and set your incense up in a dark quiet place. You are to burn one stick of incense from whichever box you chose, but it must only be ONE. Not one from each, ONE. What this does is calm you down for the next step. When the ONE incense stick is done burning, (I’m stressing the ONE rule because those that have burned two or more did not complete the ritual correctly and were out their 10-15 bucks) you are to inspect the box. On the side of the box there will be a small sliver of wood that swings out, revealing a secret compartment of the box. There will be an extra packet of incense sticks in that compartment. These sticks will be black and have a red handle, you are to burn one of these next. Don’t worry about having to burn two; one will get the job done. While you are burning one of these incense sticks, you’ll notice that the smell is anything but appetizing. It smells like rotting meat to me. You are to close your eyes and bear through the smell. When the stick is done burning, which might take 5 minutes, you are to open your eyes. You’ll find yourself back in the shop, but in the back room. The man will meet you here sitting in whatever chair, or position, you were sitting in. He’ll show you one of two things. The first is a small glass of liquid. This liquid is an elixir that allows your mind to never feel stress again. Your judgment will never be clouded, you will never be angry, and you will always feel kindness coming from everyone. Your fight or flight sense will still be present, but it will be quicker. You will feel calm and blissful for as long as you live. The other will be a small book. This book will hold the secrets to everything. It will have the answers to why humans are here, the afterlife and every other controversy will be immediately revealed to you upon reading the contents of the book. You will literally know everything. After picking the item you want, you are to close your eyes again and wait ten seconds. You will open your eyes again in your living space with the faint smell of incense lingering in the atmosphere, but whichever item you chose will still be in your hand.
Here’s the catch.
If you chose the elixir: Everything you encounter will feel like it’s lasting twice as long as before. Your mind will not feel anger, but it will feel boredom. Your hour and a half classes will feel like 3. 60 minutes will now take 2 hours. The upside, as mentioned above, will always be that you have inner peace, but activities that you find boringly unbearable will feel like they last forever. It’s somewhat contradicting, if you think about it, but it will only be those activities that you find boring. Anything you find painful or even enjoyable will feel like ecstasy. One thing you should remember, however, is that the normal rules of physics still apply. So while the flame may feel like a massage in your mind, you’ll still end up with 2nd or third degree burns if left unattended.
If you chose the book: You’ll know EVERYTHING, but will forever be unable to tell anyone. Anyone else will see the book as nothing more than a blank template and you’ll find yourself unable to speak if you try verbally telling anyone of the books content. You’ll know who killed Kennedy, but you alone. You’ll know if we really landed on the moon, but will be unable to type it out on your computer. You’ll know if your best friends girlfriend really cheated on him and whether or not she really did contract Herpes in the process or not, but will be at a loss of words when the conversation comes up…
I chose the book, if it’s any consolation. It’s intriguing to know all of these facts. I know which religion to pick, how to live my life and even who killed Kennedy. It sucks that I can’t tell you though. You’d shit brix if I told you, but whenever I try, my fingers burn at the touch of the keys. I should know; I’ve tried it twice within the last 10 minutes. I can’t even give you subtle hints. I know why, but telling you THAT would also reveal secrets of the book. And that girlfriend reference came from a true story. My best friend won’t even talk to me since I froze when he asked me about his girlfriend. When I tried to tell him, my throat ran dry and I had to run for water, but my throat just dried right back up again when I tried to tell him the truth again. I lied to him and said no…but then he found out the truth and thinks that I was the one that cheated with her. I tell him otherwise, but he doesn’t believe me… I’m thinking I should’ve chosen the elixir.
Credited to lolol.
Copyright Statement: Unless explicitly stated, all stories published on Creepypasta.com are the property of (and under copyright to) their respective authors, and may not be narrated or performed under any circumstance.
Interesting premise, but all the mistakes are distracting. “Costumers?” You mean Consumers? And deject means “make sad or dispirited; depress.” Which doesn’t make sense in that context.
But he was able to tell US that his friends girlfriend contracted herpes? Hmmmm seems like it isn’t real then. Gotcha! ;)
“The smell of aroma” I think that was my favorite part. The rest is time forever wasted. Sorry.
How was it that you were able to let us know, though indirectly, about your friend’s girlfriend’s affairs if you’re unable to give even subtle hints?
I actually really liked this ritual you made up, it’s very interesting and doesn’t have the cliche: if you do this wrong the (insert scary monster hear) will turn you into a gory mess. Although, this website is called CREEPYpasta for a reason, nonetheless you made up something pretty freakin cool.
BTW I would’ve chosen the book because while I’m dying in a fire I don’t want to feel like I’m bathing in marshmallows or something, I would want to get the HECK out of there! XD
I would do the ritual if it didn’t require me to pick such disgusting incense scents. How about Fred Soll or Shoyeido Aloeswood? Still good. I’m an incense lover and immediately recognized those scents. Super cheap and fairly cloying in smell. XD
But who killed Kennedy?
Well me being black i get super tired of the whole black person thing its just a story people get over it and as or its actual purpose we all have to start bad in order to get better so why not check out some other pastas of theirs it might be better
i have did the ritual and got the book…….THE GOVERMENT KILLED KENNEDY!! sweet jesus my fingertips!!! the pain to type but who gives a s###
It wasn’t very creepy, but it was awesome. XD I probably won’t save this to my favourites, but I annoyed reading it. X)
Hmm.. I guess it was alright. Kind of boring though..
I wouldn’t pick either. I can’t keep a secret, it’ll drive me crazy. And I just flat out hate boredom…
I’d choose the book.
The book is way better.
I wish this was real D: I really want that book.
How was saying ‘an intimidating black man’ racist? It’s not like he/she said ‘an intimidating black man, like they all are’ or something. Racist means intolerance to race. The author showed NO intolerance to black people. :s
I would take the book, and forever pretend to be a mute. Boredom is my enemy. I also like how the guy is black- he’d kill you if you attacked lol.
Super Satya Hit? Sure this isn’t a Medicinal Marijuana Dispensary?
I found this quite good, 9/10.
ok, so… “faint smell of aroma”. smell = aroma. wtf.
also, costumers? CUSTOMERS? did anyone else see this? it’s hard for me to finish a pasta with spelling/grammatical errors in it. other than that, i like the concept.
Oh man, this was fabulous – loved every piece of it. Especially the idea that there’s a shop in my hometown. :3 And I’d take the elixir. Suicidality is a bitch, man.
Does this seem like The Matrix to anyone else? This will do this, this other thing will give you all the answers?
I dunno, has anyone tried this? Let me know at my email, [email protected]
“Faint smell of an aroma”
In all honesty, after reading that one line I just couldn’t take the story seriously anymore. The story also seemed to get more and more ridiculous over time.
Also, many flaws. Like the fact that if we already knew that there was a secret compartment then we could just open that up right away. Another one is that we could use the book of all knowledge to gain the knowledge of how to bypass the books “you can’t say anything you find in here” rule. Also, the book could be used to gain the knowledge of how to MAKE the elixer.
You could have had something with this one, you really could have.
why not get the book, read about how to make the elixer, read it again to find out how to make it so the boring things less boring or shorter 0_o
I would of taken the book because… with secrets you cannot directly tell anyone about it but you can place clues leading to it
You know, I’ve seen that store in Phoenix, AZ (well, north of Phoenix). If you are in central/north phoenix and get on Cave Creek, just go north on it. It will wind and turn, but eventually you’ll exit Phoenix proper and end up in Cave Creek. The area looks like it was probably an old trading post back in the day, but I’ve never looked into it. You keep following Cave Creek Road north and you’ll pass Buffalo Chips (a cowboy bar that has bull riding on Friday nights, and one hell of a buffet), and a mexican food place that’s on the west side of the road (never can recall the name, but it’s been there forever, the foods good, and you can watch the ducks at the pond it was built around). You go just a little ways north of there (by now you’ll have been driving for about an hour if you started at Bell like I did), and on the east side of the road you’ll see the store. From the looks of it it’s just someones house, but the welcome mat at the front door is unmistakable.
I first saw it one night when I got lost trying to find that mexican food place. The owner was really nice when I went, seemed kind of young (25 would have been my guess) but I assumed his father was running things. Had a strange accent I couldn’t place (though I’m lousy at accents so it wasn’t a surprise). He gave me directions to the restaurant and I went on my way.
Funny part was, he told me to take a business card from the desk. Said I’d need it later, but I don’t have a clue what happened to it. I thought I put it in my wallet, but never have seen it since. Guess it just isn’t time for me to go back.
Costumers? What, the store has furries?
Pretty good, though. I would choose the book, as it would have the secret as to how to tell people what is in the book
Hey, what’s that aroma? It has the aroma of an aroma.
Do want elixir. I don\’t give two shits about who killed fucking Kennedy or the meaning of life. Boring is your friend. And I SO wanna jizz while I touch fire.
take the elixir, pull a girl with your zen powaz, (DON’T ASK HER ABOUT HER DAY) and have teh sexes for longer times. oh yeah.
Wall of text just crit hard.
The smell of aroma?
i choose the elixir bcuz im sick of emotions and this really works 3 days ago i heard about this site and my little brother died 2 days ago and i did this last night and now i feel nothing
A good read, but I would choose neither. 5/10
Fear the Darkness
He only said you cannot speak of what is in the book; you can still act on it.
Ex. You learn that your best friend will contract a certain terminal illness; unable to tell him you can still acquire the cure, or prevent him from contracting the disease.
I would take the book and search for “how to trick the ‘nonspeakthetruthosthebooks’ mechanism”.
Also, i would search for more decent pastas than this one, that sucked hard.
i agree with troll plus knowing everything youd know round about ways to tell people stuff in the book and ways to not feel pain so you could type stuff and simply know how to tell people the books content
BIG loop hole in this story.
If you were to choose the book, would you not be able to make/create said Elixir?
If not, you would still know how to do everything that the potion does.
Its just common sense.
I really like this one, I would choose the book. I hate boring things.
Does that mean if you were taking a test, you would know all the answers, but would be unable to write them down?
I’d take the elixir. Knowing everything but not being able to correct people who are wrong? Fuck that, I’d rather be perfectly happy and blissful.
interesting…i would pick the book lol ^^ being happy and peaceful constantly may actually ruin your life and wreck your personality….another thing i want to add it that this wasnt exactly creepy…i thought this was creepy pasta….i like the scary rituals better.
When somebody gives you two choices to choose from, there are always a million other choices. I turn and leave the shop.
alright, if you chose the book, which told you EVERYTHING. then it would tell you how to bypass its one restriction and perhaps attain the elixer as well… >.> what a paradox
“I can’t even give you subtle hints.” … “I lied to him and said no…but then he found out the truth and thinks that I was the one that cheated with her.”
He can’t give subtle hints but he’s allowed to tell us that he lied when saying no, therefore making yes the only other possibility?
But you told us that she cheated on him, so wouldn’t that be in violation of the book?
Oh thank god it wasn’t anything creepy D: Nearly shat brix when I read the “nag champa part”. Mmm.. nag champa. Nice smelling stuff.
I don’t know which I could have chosen. I mean, knowing everything?! I’d be driven insane. Plus, that means that I would have major buzz kill were I to find out that the relationship that I have, which is absolutely wonderful and has been for almost 1 year 8 months now, would come to an end in a horrible way. >.< I’d be so pissed especially since I’ve known my now fiancee for almost 8 years and we were wonderful friends before dating… And the elixer just sounds like it sucks…
what if your taking a test in class… would you be able to write the answer down?
I wish people would stop freaking out about typos and racism >.> I’m sure the author didn’t mean it to be racist and is not an idiot for making a few typos.
Personally, favorite typo of all time (totally my new Yahoo signature):
“Upon entering the shop, you’ll notice the faint smell of aroma.”
Shouldn’t belong on a creepy stories site, but a good concept.
The idea was there however there were some points that drew me away from the pasta.
1. Customers please! Not guys in costumes.
2. It started to sort of unhinge near the middle when the instructions for burning the incense were laid out. Too rushed + plenty of grammar mistakes.
3. Wall of text! Big chunk of text made me almost lose my string of pasta :[
However, i loved how you told us “not to complain” about the $10, and the way you listed out the cities. Gave it a more realistic feeling to it.
Although both items do have major major drawbacks, it was still fun reading about ’em.
What happens if we perform the ritual twice though? Would we be able to get both items? Yes yes, this is the greed of humanity speaking =P.
I get beat up by black people when I tell them that they aren’t special. Black people hunt in packs, you see.
On the other hand, my room mate is an awesome black person. Whiter than most white folks, he is co civil.
I <3 learning and other boring things. I’d take the elixir and go chill out in various libraries and afterward, places of higher learning. People would leave me the fuck alone and I would be in perfect bliss as I endlessly absorbed the accumulated knowledge of man.
I mean, seriously. Why have all the knowledge if it doesn’t do you a lick of good? You can’t use that knowledge to get rich, because then your products would be out, thus leaking the secrets of the book. Get smart the blissful way and /earn/ your millions. :3
Then give said millions away because money doesn’t matter to you.
Fuck, devote your brilliance, patience and insight to bettering mankind! Progress for progresses sake!
i pick the elixir to kill you all with my hyperactive bored mind >=D
I’d pick the elixir; time slows down by half? I’d be doing some crazy, off the wall, spider-senses tingling type shit. All day. I’d pull a Kenpachi for god sakes.
To those of you who say ‘Why not just read the book? You’ll know what happens then either way.’
Imagine trying to read that book in the middle of a fight, or while doing some death-defying stunt.
this was akward, hey gues wut! i learend somting about joo! you are intimidated by black people!!!!!!
My farts have the smell of aroma.
Burns have nothing to do with physics. Well, sort of, but not really.
The book is definitely the best choice. Just talk to someone who already knows the truth (for example, did my girlfriend cheat on me) and persuade them to tell your friend. Alternatively, tell your friend about the book
You said you couldn’t even give hints as to what you know, right?
Well, you said you told your best friend that his girlfriend wasn’t cheating, then claimed you were lying. Call me an idiot, but that seems like sharing information about whatever information you gained from the book. Just an observation.
Other than that, though, pretty good. I’m almost tempted…
I have a question. If you meet someone who has done this ritual and chosen the book, can you tell THEM what you know?
IDK random thought
I would not have even bothered to do the ritual, fuck that lol.
I would’ve have even bothered to do the ritual, fuck that lol.
Even though it read like a pile of pick-up-sticks, this was a cool pasta.
I would have taken the book. Because I could find out how to become totally rich.
But I think there is another catch to choosing the book – if it has the answers to everything then it would be infinitely long and you could never find what you wanted in the book. Even the index would be infinitely long.
Only an addict would choose the elixir.
Oh yeah – my new most unintentionally hilarious line in a pasta is:
“Upon entering the shop, you’ll notice the faint smell of aroma”
This story was pretty good, I enjoyed it alot. I would have picked the book =D knowledge is POWEH!
it doesn’t make much sense to me, but hell, im only in 7th grade. lol. if it were me, i’d take the book no matter what happened. i’d rather have a burning throat than 3 seconds go by like 3 minutes.
IMO the book is probably only one page long. The page reads: “You’re instinctually intimidated by black people, lmao”
If the girlfriend thing was a true story that you found out from the book, how could you tell us about it? /:
Was it an intimidating Black man that came from the back room? Or an intimidating Back man that came from the black room?
like it a lot, would never do the elixer
i wish this was real, id kll myself after reading the book only because i would truly be happy then. I really like learning
The intimidating black man came out of the black room. Best typo ever.
i dont think it was that good. i only kept reading it because i thought it would get better further in but it didnt. maybe next time. :)
hmm it sucks you can’t choose both, i’d drink the elixir then read the book. Wasn’t a bad pasta, stop complaining young people!
I was just about to say something just like that. It restores some faith in humanity that not everyone thinks that just mentioning that somebody is black is racist (somehow). These bleeding heart liberals need to get shot. Black people are not sacred. They are not gods, dammit. They’re just PEOPLE, like you and me. If I were black and always hearing about those stupid cumskins always fighting amongst themselves and stepping on eggshells at just the MENTION of my people, that’d annoy the shit out of me. Either that or I’d enjoy every minute of it and take advantage of their worship and get free cash and free rides through life– oh wait.
I liked it. And I’d probably go for the book, too. I hate being bored.
I think this is interesting…
bit of a twist…
he knows everything, but can’t tell us…
thus when he says the ritual is easy to do and risk free, he is actually lying because he knows the truth… :0
…But then how can he tell us the ritual at all?
You all think that it’s a black man, but have you thought that if it’s in reality literally black… like Noob Saibot from the MK series? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Noob_Saibot
The story was enjoyable though and I’d definetly try to find the shop if I’d live in US. Atleast something to do with my spare time, and oh. I’d choose the book. With the power invested in it I could create such things that I’d live in euphoria for the rest of my life without having to worry about boredom.
The presence of the black man is enough to turn me off of this ritual. Are you quite sure there isn’t another store with another worker?
“day-of-all-the-blood” was a joke pasta genius
why the hell is the “intimidating black man” part racist to some of you? I can understand the “feint smell of aroma” part, but why is it that “intimidating black man” is racist. I bet if he was an intimidating WHITE man you wouldn’t be saying that shit now would you. So a black man can say all he wants about intimidating white men, but some crackuh says the phrase “intimidating black man” an its “OOoOhhohooohhh, day crackuhs RASIS!” You crackuhs sicken me…
Everyone enjoy your curses that you paid 10-15 bucks for.
“an intimidating black man”
also, wtf why not buy everything all at once
these day-of-all-the-blood/holdersseries type stories try way too hard to be specific in second person
Not very interesting, and not very good to me. Makes for a good coversation piece over which you would choose, however.
i’d stab the black man in the face(not the throat, the fucking face) and take both the elixir and the book. then sell both on ebay and buy a ps3 with the money i made.
Pasta was miserably written. Long, meandering, vaguely racist, faint smell of aroma.
eh i choose to never try this seeing some dude at a insence shop and having him give you broken stuff i would so complain i can’t help that he is bad at his job
I would take the book, because reading stupid pastas like this all fucking day long is already boring enough to make me want to kill myself. Plus, I would know how to get rid of your book, and kill you without getting in trouble, etc etc.
shut up about the aroma thing you psuedo-intellectual fucktards. You know what he meant…you don’t ALL have to post about how you caught this very grievous literary error. We get it, you think you are god’s gift to intelligence, now get back to your hugbox and STFU.
So tell me, what does the faint smell of aroma smell like?
From there, this story only went downhill. This story fucking sucks. At the end it got way too repetitive. Also, if you can’t tell anyone any details about the book, then you wouldn’t be able to tell us of the existence of the book, the details about your friend’s girlfriend, or how to get the book. Your pasta fails on multiple levels.
If I picked the book, I hope it wouldn’t say I should have picked the elixir…
I would say something about the “feint smell of aroma” thing, at least 50 people have already made a comment on it.
But I do have one question: Why 9 at night to 6 in the morning?
Most Hippy shops are open from 10 to 5. It’s curious because most Hippys I know are lazy as hell and don’t want to stay up that late.
Tl; dr.
I live 2 hours away from San Atonio! maybe I should try it. lol
but anyway I can understand why he wanted to pick the
elixer.Because he probley wanted to tell someone the things in the book but he couldent…
temptation sucks.
I miss the short, creepy pastas that made it hard to sleep at night.
“Upon entering the shop, you’ll notice the faint smell of aroma.”
The phrase “faint smell of aroma” was grating. Very grating.
I am amused, though, as I bought those exact items a few weeks ago.
“Take the book and learn how to make your own elixir!”
I liked it but for one thing:
“you’ll notice the faint smell of aroma”
I’m pretty sure aroma is just another word for smell and the above is like saying “you’ll smell the smell that smells smelly.” Otherwise, good.
Yo dawg I heard you like smells
I’d choose the book
Fuck secrecy, give me the buuk!
If you do it twice, then you could tell everything to everyone, cause the burning feeling would feel actually good
So would the elixer-user be a masochist?
It says the pain would be euphoric too… xD
This pasta dragged on… it was okay but, we get that it’s different from others and, because im OCD i really wanted to break those paragraphs.
I hope i dont get indigestion…
He should have said he took the elixer, because
Then the pasta’s length could be explained.
The only real problem was that the elixer has a downside, and the book doesn’t.
I would put book so that I would know what to do in my future to become an overlord of earth who could not be overthrown.
As a final note; the pasta and my comment are both TL;DR
author, please click the above link.
Mm, the smell of aroma.
Brb guys, getting a snack. I’m not really hungry, I just like the taste of flavor.
Too long, too drawn out, boring. Ever heard of short and sweet?
And HELLO, paragraphing.
I think the point is, we’ve all already taken the elixir at some point in our lives.
Because I’m positive that pasta took twice as long to read as any other pasta of that length.
if he can’t tell anyone anything he learns from the book how was he able to tell us about the cheating girlfriend >_>
hmmm i live in vegas…. i think ill pick the book ^^
normally i dont check this shizz out but in this case i think im gunna try this one :)
Yep, what would be the point in knowing the winners you wouldn’t be able to bet on or against them.
This isnt creepy but it did make for somthing to kill time, i would choose the elixer even if the rules of physics were in place to never feel pain and having more self control would be nice.
This- to be blunt, sucked ass. It bored me, dragged on too much, went way off topic.. tried too hard, just horrible! Not even an original idea. Sorry, no compliments here.
Oh, and also the whole “an intimidating black man” wtfck is that? Just, no.
Not really creepy.
I mean, what if you find out if horrible monsters are real? And they just happen to be?? And if they can kill you? What if it’s yes? Did you get your grandma sick, which led to her death?
Life of constant fear and regret.
Id choose the elixir.
Also, at the end, he gave a subtle hint as to what happened with the girlfriend thing. The “no” ruined the whole thing for me.
Elixer here I come. >eωe<
The grammar isn’t very good and there weren’t enough paragraph breaks for my liking. But it was interesting.
I think I’d choose the book, I’m bored enough as it is and I don’t need and elixir to make it longer. Besides, I don’t talk much anyways so it wouldn’t be that hard to keep it a secret. I doubt many people would care about it anyways.
uh. both have some small downsides but i’d choose the book. if i knew the answers to everything, i’d already be enlightened. but then the truth could be maddening..
The personal testimony (by which I mean the rambling bits, particularly toward the end) made me feel too much like I found this on somebody’s LiveJournal — and he is insistently telling me a drunken tale that surely MUST have been real.
I rather know every future Super Bowl and Kentucky Derby winner instead. Who cares about Kennedy he’s dead.
I actually like this ritual pasta…..not sure how to describe it though. The benefits and the punishments are one in the same, so it has sort of a realistic flavor, I suppose.
On another note, why does Azriel’s comment seem about twice as long as usual? ;D
i thought this was kinda dumb.
Not scary. Also, learn to proofread and not sound immediately racist.
Not entirely sure of which I’d pick…
Somewhat like the Holders.
I’d pick the elixir.
I would’ve taken the book :) I think I’d be alright if I’d be forced to keep it a secret…the elixir thing just kind of sucks D:
I liked this though :) A little long, but it was good =] Kept me busy while I’m supposed to be studying for a History test tomorrow xD
i’d take the elixir. then i could set myself on fire for money.
Take the book and learn how to make your own elixir!
Pasta wasn’t that creepy but I think its interesting how both items have a cost.
Mehr. I found it slightly pretentious in that it kept saying, “This is SOOO not like your other ritual pastas and here’s why!” I’m pretty sure the average reader could come to that conclusion on his or her own.
However, that little critique aside, I found this intriguing. I’m not sure which I would pick. I think I enjoy angst too much for the elixir; I never did like the idea of being completely euphoric by unnatural means.
This was a bit boring, but fairly enjoyable. Pastas lately have taken a turn for the casual, I think.
I would choose the book, for anyone really reading.
“Upon entering the shop, you’ll notice the faint smell of aroma.” …wut?
This whole pasta sucked.
The book definitely.
Better than being bored almost all the time.
Plus I would like to know what is wrong with this world.
You don’t need a book to tell you that…….
This was terrible.
and to Daniel W, get hit by a truck.
I think I’d pick the book. I can’t handle boredom.
I liked it, I would choose the elixir because as they say…
“Ignorance is bliss.”
I’d choose the book too, I think. I already find boring things unbearable.
Not really a creepy pasta; not really creepy, or even that interesting.
Just a time-filler.
Take the elixir and do the boring shit while drunk.
im haf way der bud hic* its amazying ljn; bnk it tok me 4evr 2 rit dis lol hic*
I’d choose the book.
My life is boring enough as is. DX
how was this creepy?
Just…awesome :)
Your username says everything about your comment xD
This was just posted, perhaps I am first, maybe second?
Anyways, it seems kinda long and drawn out. I like how it’s a ritual where every wrong turn or minor mistake doesn’t meet with gory death or insanity.
And really, the elixir doesn’t seem all that great. You’re happy more often but time seems to slow down for you. I could see a drug addict picking it, though.
As for the book, I think it’s a bit too powerful in limiting your ability to speak of it.When asked about the girlfriend, the author could’ve just said “I dunno.” Also, if you find something out from the book, and then use that to find it out in real life (like asking the girl if she was cheating on your friend) would it still limit you? It would be a reasonable question, you could assume your friend was worried about it and then you ask her. But I digress….
It was kinda good, despite being long. I’d like to see more ritual creepypastas like this (if at all). Also, the incense didn’t really seem to fit. What’s so great about it?