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Holder of Nothing

Estimated reading time — 2 minutes

In any city, in any country, go to any mental institution you can get yourself to. When you reach the front desk, ask to visit someone who calls himself “The Holder of Nothing”. Should a look of sheer, primal disgust mar the workers expression, you will then be taken to a separate building, which appears to be an old, wooden outhouse. Inside will be a seemingly endless corridor far, far longer than the length of the outhouse.

There will be no sound in the corridor. Attempting to make any at the wrong time is a grievous, grievous mistake. You will notice the lights in the corridor get brighter and brighter as you make your way down towards the end, becoming nearly blinding. If at any point the lights go out, QUICKLY shout out “No! Stop! What you are doing is wrong!” while backing away. If the lights do not come back on, bolt for the door you came in through. It should still be open and hopefully you aren’t far enough down the hallway for them to close it on you. If they manage to close it, hell itself would be preferable to what you will suffer.

If the lights come back on, return to walking forward down the corridor. Upon reaching the cell, the worker will open the door for you while glaring at you in disgust. Inside the cell will be a mad pastiche of colors, arranged in several harlequin-like formations. You must not be distracted by them; for at the center of a room is a naked young woman, slathered in blood and bound by strips of human sinew. If you take your eyes off her even for a moment, she will destroy you utterly. She will only respond to one question. “What were they when they were one?”

She will then stare into your eyes, and speak the answer in incredible detail. It will be unlike anything you have ever heard and you will be on the verge of both ecstasy and agony at her mere words. It is not uncommon for most to lose themselves in the euphoria. The worst thing you can do, however, is look upon the tattoo on her chest. It will pull at your mind to gaze upon it, but you mustn’t. If you do, you will be hers.


She will flay you alive and add your mutilated flesh to her bindings, and you will remain trapped with her, fully conscious, for the rest of time.


That tattoo is object 4 of 538. They desire to be one again. But they mustn’t.

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Copyright Statement: Unless explicitly stated, all stories published on are the property of (and under copyright to) their respective authors, and may not be narrated or performed under any circumstance.

20 thoughts on “Holder of Nothing”

  1. RoseByAnyOtherName

    I feel like some parts are missing. I don’t get the thing about the numbers. And the outhouse that’s bigger on the inside? Talk about a malfunctioning chameleon circuit! Is this a Timelord Asylum? That would explain a few things, like the girl being an alien and therefore endowed with unearthly powers.

  2. thank u for leavin’ dis to the imagination. we all need to figure out WHAT THE FUCK U MEAN by ourselves!

  3. RoseByAnyOtherName

    Huh? Some creepy bits, but otherwise confusing. I mean, you were in danger while walking down the hall, but the attendant was simply strolling along?

    1. Tabby DanDeleon (Blue Skylark)

      The people who are looking for the objects are called Seekers. Being a Seeker is very dangerous. If you slip up, you could either die, or become a Holder yourself. The Holders aren’t interested in the attendants, they only care about the Seekers. The attendant is safe because the Holder knows he/she is not after the object.

      1. RoseByAnyOtherName

        SInce my comment was from four months ago, I’m afraid this comment doesn’t mean anything to me, though sounds creepy enough. Sorry.

  4. ThisIsANameForAComment

    So, there’s a naked young woman, and you will meet a horrible fate if you stare at her chest? I suppose I have to wonder, what’s the point?

  5. the title made me chuckle, but it’s unfinished. how are you supposed to rip the tatoo of the chick before she rips your face off?

  6. Become one, da?
    Anyway, I thought that this was a bit strange. I honestly didn’t understand the ending at all, and I don’t like incomprehensible pastas.

  7. This one isn’t even finished. how about. “If you can focus enough to make it through the story, you will being to feel a searing on your chest, do not grab at it, do not scream, blah blah, blah. Once you are safely out of the Outhouse, you may look at your chest, there will be a tattoo just like the girl’s tattoo.”

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