I don’t have much time left. I’m hoping the blood will drain out of my wrists before they can get to me again, but I can’t be certain. Oh god, it’s so cold. I’m losing a lot of blood. But I have to finish. You have to read this. Maybe you can stop them.
It all started about a month ago. I was frantically trying to finish a writing assignment for Social Studies that was due next period, writing so fast I thought I’d snap my pen in two. I think the paper was on World War II. Amazing that I can remember things like that, through all of this, isn’t it? Nevermind. It doesn’t matter. As I wrote this paper, I began to notice something odd. I was making a lot of mistakes. You’ll have to excuse my digression for a moment, but I need to explain something: I never make mistakes when I write. Teachers use words like “impeccable” and “exceptional” to describe my conventions. That’s why I was finding this odd. And what’s more, they were all errors in capitalization, which served only to confuse me more. I hadn’t capitalized the beginnings of sentences, proper nouns anything. But, capitals were cropping up sporadically throughout my writing. I had words like “gErmans” or “alliaNce”, without the faintest clue why. At the time, I didn’t think much of it. I quickly corrected my mistakes and finished the paper.
In fact, I didn’t even think of the incident when it happened again. I was commenting my friend’s new MySpace picture. In the middle of typing up some inside joke, I noticed that my capitalization was once again awry. Scanning through it, I noticed something else odd: The word “hello” had been capitalized entirely. Figuring I’d just go back and finish it when I was done typing, I started again. And again, my finger would hit the “shift” key unbidden. When I checked my typing again, I looked closer. My mind began to subconsciously piece together the capital letters. Imagine my surprise when I realized that it formed a message. It read, “GLAD WE HAVE YOUR ATTENTION”. What I did then could only be described as a double-take whilst being completely still. Not knowing what had begun then, I signed off and promptly went to sleep, chalking it up to an overactive imagination.
The third time was during Language Arts. I was writing an analysis of “The Iliad”, when it happened. A message spelled itself out once again: “YOU WILL HELP US”. Now I was nervous. My hand shook slightly as I tried to erase the mistakes. As soon as my eraser touched the page, indescribable pain lanced through my hand. It was as if someone was excising all the nerves in my fingers, and impaling my hand on a railroad spike. It was over before I had time to scream. My hand shaking even more, I continued writing. “DO NOT DISOBEY”, my mistakes spelled out. I think that’s when I sealed my fate. I wrote faster. Whatever happened, no matter what I had to do, I never wanted to feel that pain again. It must sound cowardly to you, but I assure you that you would have done the same in my place. That’s why you have to stop them.
At home, I continued the paper. They spoke to me again. “GET A CERAMIC BOWL”. Confused, I hastily got up and retrieved one. I continued writing. They continued their instructions. “PLACE A BOOK IN THE BOWL”. Trying to move quickly in order to avoid the pain, I tossed The Iliad in. “BURN IT”. I looked around my house quickly. Hurriedly, I grabbed a match, and lit the book aflame. The next directive was more ambiguous. “FEED IT”. I didn’t know what they meant. In the middle of my paper, I wrote “With what?” and continued writing. The answer unnerved me. “BLOOD”. I stared at the paper for a second. Then, before I knew what I was doing, I’d scored a long cut over the tip of my finger with my pen. I held it over the burning book, and a sick-looking mixture of ink and blood dripped slowly down. After about 5 minutes, a hum began to emanate from the book’s bloody funeral pyre. It started softly, and increased in volume until my whole body vibrated. I felt as if my entrails were turning to liquid, and I shut my eyes and covered my ears. I lost track of time then, but after what seemed like an eternity it ended. I opened my eyes to be greeted with a disturbing sight. The book had stopped burning, but it was no longer a book. The pages had formed into a blackened, papery tendril that had embedded itself into the floor. That wasn’t all that had changed, though. The tree outside the window of my bedroom had lost its leaves. The wood floor around the bowl was rotten. And finally, I realized to my horror that I my skin had wrinkles.
The next month continued in their demands. Every week, they instructed me to burn a book in the bowl, and add an offering. Once it was a fingernail. Then a tooth. They wanted a piece of steel. And every time I completed an iteration of the ritual, another tendril was growing from the bowl and into the ground. The tree by my house died. My floor grew soggy and completely rotten. And I- I’m covered in liver spots, and my hair has turned gray. I’ve grown old. I sit in my room all day, writing randomly, no longer forming words, just following their demands. But even through my servitude, some part of me rebelled. Whatever I’m creating in that bowl, whatever they’re forcing me to engender, it’s going to unmake reality. Its very presence is killing me. kIlling everyThing living around it. i have to Stop it. it might already be ToO late. i’m lOsing a lot of bLood, and i’m getting dizzy. hopefully i’ll be deAd before They gEt to me again. oh god, they’re in mY writing again. oh my gOd, it’s cold. i can feel my life Unraveling-consider this a wARning. my dEath will Only slow them down. they want to Undo cReation. don’t ever read their meSsages. if you do, theN you’ll be fOrced to finish what i started. and no matter What, there is no escape.
Credited to Ed D.
Copyright Statement: Unless explicitly stated, all stories published on Creepypasta.com are the property of (and under copyright to) their respective authors, and may not be narrated or performed under any circumstance.
I tought it was ITS TOO LATE YOUR SNOW
pretty good
Says too late you are ours now
Whoever they are, I dislike them intensely. Burning books is evil, and so, these monsters or whatever need to die a horrible death.
It says it s too late you are our snow
This one was different,I liked it. 8/10
Its too late you are our snow. That’s the message. What does it mean? Oh wait it’s ours. Nevermind
I now the creepypasta hypnos lullaby in username 666 in herobrine
Welcome to Creepypasta. Help Us is the name. The story was read; I’m theirs now, so I just lost the game.
“IT’S TOO LATE. YOU ARE OURS NOW.” for anyone who couldn’t make it out.
Very good pasta.
i tHink that its time tO go hide and pray they’Ll never find You or elSe we’ll Have to kIll you Tonight.
wow that was quite good. You shOUld consider Lifting a pen Once again, eSpecially To creaTe anotHer pasta. maybE somethinG relAted to MurdEr.
my hands hurt what does this mean
It’s too late for me.
Man, thIs was a truly great story, but, who/what controlled the maiN charactor? An aliEn? Some monster? An evel sCientist? Then again, I guess the mysteRy mAkes this a more FrighTening story. For gods sake, why aren’T there more aWesome pastas like this one?
This iS aCtuAlLy prEtty fUn to dO
Quite good.
I couldn’t even put a dent in this story because of how cliche the beginning was. Also, the protagonist can’t claim that it’s amazing to have remembered the topic of his paper if he prefaces it with “I think…”. That really bothered me, and the fact that drivel like this gets on the site does as well.
oh no, Please hElp me Now, they are doIng it to me, Please help!
Coming from someone who has attempted suicide multiple times, you don’t have that much time from the time you slit your wrists to the time you bleed out.
But, seriously, can someone please explain “Who was phone/ Who was _____” to me?? How did it start, and how did it catch on??
Any one else think she was growing her own Slenderman?
Another one to the list of things trying to take my soul.
VeRy nICe!
Yay I’m their Snow!! :D
lol that’s a cool pasta i read their message and all i got was my writhing hand going numb and white, also if i make anymistakes i’m sorry i bnever make mystakes and now i’m typing wron aren’y i |?
I had too write it down because I can t read well, but I accidentally capitalized one letter….
THat was an intErestinG story, probAbly My favoritE!.
Did I do it right??. Haha but I did enjoy that one quite a bit ;)
Epic ending. I like when stories get me involved.
the message is ITS TOO LATE YOU ARE OURS NOW and guess what im not theirs lol
sCeNe TyPiNg Is ScEnE tYpInG y’AlL.
too late, you are our snow. WIN.
Firstly, and this is dirEcted At mR. edeaTsface, i tHink you writE high-quality, DARK-NaturEd paStaS. secoNdly, that was EXtremely good.
I thought Dat thIs wounDn’t amounT to tHat much, but I waS Freaked Out. in RealiTy, tHEse pastas keep my Lying Under my sheets Late at night, wondering if i’m craZy.
it’s too late, you are ours now…
Good pasta but capitalizing words is extremelY annoying and thEn trying to piece them together. Too bad they’ll never get me because my brain waSn’t designed to handle that kind of work load.
I didn’t read the ending…..>_>
thats awsome
epic sized brix were shat over message
You are our snow?
That doesn’t even make any sense.
i tried typing all the ‘secret messages’ out…but after the..*goes back and counts*….sixteenth(!!!) one, gave up. i will /not/ go back to look! …*shakes head…*
No One can handle that Many mESSages. they will go insAne. i can GauranteE it. but, tHanks for thE gREat story.
(that /was/fun….!)
That is decently creepy enough not to listen to music while going to sleep anymore. Subliminal messages and all that jazz. o.o;
i like vagina i like vagina i like vagina i like vagina i like vagina i like vagina i like vagina i like vagina i like vagina i like vagina i like vagina i like vagina i like vagina i like vagina i like vagina i like vagina i like vagina i like vagina i like vagina i like vagina i like vagina i like vagina i like vagina i like vagina i like vagina i like VAGINA!:D
The only thing that bothers me about this is the fact that it starts off with him bleeding profusely from the wrists. If he cut himself that deeply, he probably would’ve severed some kind of nerve, therefore making it hard to write.
(Constantine reference much?)
I love the “you are our snow” thing though. xDDDD
This is one of those pastas I read and it f***s me up for a long time after word XD Excellent one. I didn’t read the end: To scared =P
I liked it.
That is all.
oh wow, thIs is amazing and Terrifying, How long did it take you to mAke the idea and all? it Sucks to be you, ha ha, in My opinion i rEally liked iT. Overall it was great and it wasn’t that lOng!
“IT HAS ME TOO”; horrifying, is it not?
I actually liked this one norMally good pastas are hard to Find bUt this one was worth the bother Coz i rEaD them an they turn out to be borIng but this one…i REAlly Do like IT
Yes, you are fuced.
I actually liked this one norMally good pastas are hard to Find bUt this one was worth the bother Coz i rEaD them an they turn out to be borIng but this one…i REAlly Do like IT
The Evil Evolutionists are trying to undo Creationism!!11 Stop them!!11
dumbasses, he didn’t kill himself, he was told to write this letter to capture us.
Not that good, but entertaining.
the message says its too late you are our snow
I am their snow?
I feel loved :3
Thanks, everybody. I must confess I wasn’t aware of the system of posting in the forums first, so I suppose I’ll just do that next time. Thank you all for the support.
@DJLoONa- The criticism is quite welcome. I didn’t mean to make it sound pretentious, and I’m sorry if it came off that way. Also: Words cannot describe how stupid I feel every time I look at the “I my skin had wrinkles” part. :D
It was Done very well. I DoN’T realLy think it wOuld’ve been posSible for them to havE slit Their wrists and write tHat wholE thinG. still, i liked reAding it, and hope to see More storiEs from you in the future!
(alSO writing secret messages isn’t tHAt Hard, and it’s very fun =D)
Wow i reallY lOved it, it was laUghable, diDn’t scare me wIth an intEnsity, though.
I Love the message yOu left uS at the end of This pasta. (omg snow) ThorougHly Enjoyed this. Good pAsta, it was delicious. I hope to see More work from you in the futurE.
It was alright. But it got laughable near the end.
I think i’m the only one that didn’t really like this…
I spent most of my time rolling my eyes
it sort of revelled in it’s pretentiousness [just my opinion]
and also:
‘I never make mistakes when I write.’
and then…’I realized to my horror that I my skin had wrinkles’
and that must’ve been some pen to cut the tip of your finger like that =/
Me likey
Pffh. This is about as believable as the whole Candlejack thing. Candlejack, Candlejack, Candlejack! There, I said it and no
No-one suspects a thing.
Wow, that was PurEly terrifyiNg, nIce work creepypaSta.
lol “arE COMING” should be “ARE COMING”
You arE So sTupid to tHink thEY ARe to tEll you they aren’t is a waste of time. iTs not like tHeY arE COMING after you are they? seriously, Like thOSE things Are reaL, Lol, did it really Happen, nOPE!
“i my skin had wrinkles.”
THis is kinda cool. Except typing out caps messages is difficult. random words tiem
yes i know. my caps message is fail.
Kind of stupid. I assume the phrase at the end is meant to scare you, because the nightmare is becoming real. This is a problem because I just read a fucking thesis paper length narrative by someone who just slit their wrists. An entertaining story, but it’s one where the implausibilty ruins it.
this pasta sure is famous
Sure is Uber awesome! I liked the Caps In the story that maDE real words.
i am a heron. i haev a long neck and i pick fish out of the water w/ my beak. if you dont repost this comment on 10 other pages i will fly into your kitchen tonight and make a mess of your pots and pans
damn it now i have to write stupid sentences with another sentence in it which is totaly awesome-mono-licious
tHeN WhO WAs BOwL?
I lost the game. ;-;
oh shit. that was almost as if i said Candlejac
Curiously AND interestingLy donE. Just mAkes your skin Crawl- maKes you wonder about aLl thOse sp-
So yur wit ur honey n ur makinh out wen the phone rigns. U anser it n the voice is “wut r u doing wit my daughter?” U hang up n tell ur girl. She say “my dad is ded.”
XD I was like ‘wait, must..type out..every..capitalized letter..in..comments.. BLARG.
they are comeing for you, YOU ARE THEIR SNOW!!!
oh no candle jack is coming for me!
How did that “T” get there?
@Ben- The poison is a really good idea. Frankly, I hadn’t thought of it. I suppose it would have made the story a bit more plausible. Thank you. Also, my reasons for having the message only at the end are twofold- First, I didn’t want the reader to look at the message before I wanted them to, and second, I’m just not that good. D:
Whee! Can’t believe I actually worked that out.
I halFed a cOiN LatelY …lol,thats hard to do,the whole hidden massages.
I have cheats for the game
I really like the idea but I think you need to rework the method of suicide. The idea that the guy’s slit his wrists and then writes out all that is a bit much.
Perhaps if he’d poisoned himself somehow? That way he’d be able to type everything out before the poison takes effect and he becomes unable to write.
A nice way to enhance the interactivity would be to have the author putting a capitalised message in through out it BEFORE he reveals the method of communication. That way frustrated grammar nazis will be raging right up to the point that they find out it’s all part of the pasta :D
Nice work though. Good pasta :)
i like how i read that i was their snow. hahaha.
I was sitting here for about 5 minutes wondering why he was their snow… and then I realized it said “ours now.” I’m a dumbass. xD
how creative
That’s pretty neat.
I’m still a bit confused at why they would let you warn of their methods. Why wouldn’t they send that splitting pain down your hand while writing the story?
Overall, I thought it was fairly creepy.
LOLOLOLOLOLZ. I’m scared now. But then I just remember that it’s a story.
o crap, ! reAd it. aM i die Any time soon? i tHink thE wRiter shOuld just stop typing… oh wait, he is dead Now. i don’t know why, but i suddenly have the urge to fly into people’s houses at night and make a mess of their pots and pans.
Who was tree?
Awesome. I love that they stole the life force of everything around. It’s a danger in languge.
@ 62: No way, shift is cruise control for cool.
@ egads: Nice, almost got me.
Pretty good pasta, too.
assuming that the character prefered extracting their own tooth (unless they had a dog or smth, lol) instead of feeling that nerve pain thingy…..my advice would be not to disobey them :S
hate toothaches><.
nice pasta:) quite yummy.
that’s funny. but i’m not hitting none of their goofy ass shift keys. i think i’m going to remove that key from my keyboard
Probably would’ve made more sense to spell out “shift key.” Damn it!
hese hIdden messages are tHreATening my slEep time. i’m sitting here trYing tO Unravel eAch one and teLLing myself “don’t bother, just go to bed,” but it doesn’t work. lActate beNDing countrY Orifice bUbble cRaCk pAP Smear LOCK.
(i got lazy).
but I don’t want to be your snow!
A new meme 8D
Anyway, I love this one. Great job, Ed D.
Oh, and just for the sake of being obnoxious, THEN WHO WAS BOOK-MONSTER-THING?
SNOW in the NOSE!! xD
**All In Lower Case, Sorry.
I Loved The Whole Concept Of The Letters…
But Really, Writing The Whole Thing Correctly Ruined The Effect. I Think It Would Have Been Better If Everything Before The ‘Message’ Was Written All In Caps.
Other Than That, Great Pasta. :]
No. Just move the S over too the ‘our’, and you get ITS TOO LATE YOU ARE OURS NOW.
See? Makes sense.
I always said the best creepypastas are the ones that interact with the reader. This is really good shit.
Yay I’m snow!
Somthing like that happened too me once when i was writing it was odd lol but no creepy…things got me.
MR WELLDONE i want to get too know you more i think i love you
I was a little disappointed that all the capitalization before the end bit was just gibberish.
How fuuuuuuuuun~
@ Dr Satan
Really, yoU could do No beTter? seriously, tHink a littlE bit, would You? Anyway, i think oveRall, this is a prEtty good Creepypasta. nOt MelodramatIc, Not too Gory. i like it a lot.
Yes OUtstAnding pasta, REaly coOl. its kinda like hearing voices in white noise great pasta. he shoUld have just leaRned ChineSe so they couldN’t talk tO him With capital letters.
The Japanese should make a movie about this. I have no idea how they will do capital letters but I’m sure it would be better than either version of the ring.
meme? you are our snow?
Thanks for the support, everybody. This was my first attempt at writing a short story, and I’m glad you enjoyed it. Although I didn’t anticipate the new mini-meme. D:D
Oh, @Woomobile-I definitely noticed that about 5 minutes after I submitted it. I’m feeling pretty stupid right about now. :D
@23: CURSE YOU, I was winning the Game. >.<
Good pasta, otherwise.
I enjoyed how it was so…very realistic.
woW tHat was quite amazing. You are quite the interesting Author, whoeveR camE up with this sillY thing anyway. i can’t wait tO read more of yoUr woRk bEcAuse this is inDeed very facINatinG sTuff and is also Hella IintereSting and Supurbly exciting. if i try tHInking of any more sTu[id adjecdtives to cover up myu retarded message i will kill myself probably.
good past though, seriously
that was good
i rather liked this one, creepy…
im going to have fun telling this to my friends and playing jokes on them useing the caps in mid sentence thing
The end was cool, but the middle kind of sagged.
# Anonymous
October 24th, 2008 at 3:15 pm
Yes, I thOUght that finding alL Of the STrange messages was Truly, Heroically, Extremely GrAtifying. MaybE there’s some here…
“YIOU”. Congrats on losing the game yourself. :(
i didn’t like the pasta, but i lihed the comments
Yeah…tEh caPs sCreWed me Life tOo…
he should’ve cut his hand off to avoid that pain.
Uh oh, I smell a new meme!
Very nice story, not all that creepy but interesting/creative.
Weve had a steream of good ones latley, havent we?
its too late you are ours now
I got a lot of things from the letters:
It stool ate you are our snow
Its tool ate you are our snow
It’s too late you are our snow
It’s too late you are ours now
i Freaking UNdeNiably love this storY
This is pretty damn good. Including the “interactive” section… so to speak.
Damn it, that actually made sense.
I have lost the game.
I was writing
For a second there, I actually thought you were talking to me….
Oh, hey Candlejack. How’s it go
If you ever read a comment at 5:55, you must put the curse told in, ‘Help Us’ on your bff/bf/gf, or some one else will put it on you!
What does it say? It makes no sense to me.
It says:
“It’s too late, you are ours now”
This was cool.
Haha! this is my fave.
I disagree: best part about this pasta is purpousfully misundersanding the last message. Yay, I am their snow!
oh CrAp i kiNDa read their message…Looks likE i Just screwed myself over royAlly, dontCha thinK?
(pst, he’s coming for you)
Don’t be stupid. Candlejack’s not rea
haha who was phone
This is making me afraid to type. XD
WOWWWWW that freaked me out =P
Yes, I thOUght that finding alL Of the STrange messages was Truly, Heroically, Extremely GrAtifying. MaybE there’s some here…
That makes no sense at all. Its a pretty decent idea, I just don’t like the execution much.
Your ours now.
i seriously hope you were joking.
oh my god I thought it was you are our snow too, i feel so stupid now.
I feel like a right git.
Hahaha, I spelled out “It’s tool ate, you are our snow.” before I realized the actual message.
It was good, aside from the fact that he was bleeding profusely early on in the pasta, making the completion of it too fictional.
“I never make mistakes when I write.”
“And finally, I realized to my horror that I my skin had wrinkles.”
made me LOL
Oh no I’m old!! Hahaha
Did anyone bother trying to read the messege of capital letters? I gave up.
Best part aboUt This pasta Was tHat yOu can create any sentence With eASe, Pretty mucH mOst thiNgs can bE said.
Best part aboUt This pasta Was tHat yOu can create any sentence With eASe, consiDEring the vAsTness of tHe english language.
Nice one ;)
I see what you did there…
crap! i read it!
what does it say???
Too late you are ours now