10:30 PM. Late in the Summer Season. It’s storming outside. My favorite time of year and my favorite kind of weather. Whenever it storms I just have to smile. Storms are beautiful, or at least I used to think so.
Almost all the lights in the apartment were off, and I’m just talking to some friends over AIM. Then suddenly it became very very cold. As if the storm from outside was creeping thru the door. I just figure there was a temperature drop because of the storm, so I toss on a sweatshirt. After about 30 minutes or so I’m still freezing cold.
I start to get this feeling.
It’s a feeling we all have felt before.
The feeling that someone is staring at you.
The feeling that this someone is not very far away.
The feeling that if you turn your head the slightest bit, you would see them.
I shrug this feeling off because I am an extremely paranoid person and I get this feeling all the time. I continue to converse with my friends, I even mentioned this sensation that I currently had, and my friends naturally laugh at me saying I need to stop being a baby. The sympathetic ones say it will go away eventually and not to worry. I waited awhile…it did not go away. In fact it increased.
It felt like something was consuming the very Happiness within me.
Like something was filling me with Dread.
That chilling Terror we all felt as children when the lights were turned out.
A true Fear of the Dark.
But it’s not the dark we are afraid of….but of what lurks in the dark
I almost couldn’t take it anymore. Here I am, almost a grown man, and I’m jumping at shadows. It’s ridiculous, but as ridiculous as it seems, I still have this little voice in the back of my head telling me that maybe I have a reason to be afraid. Maybe I should turn around and see if there’s actually anything there.
Wait…why would I turn around?
I don’t want to turn around.
Whose thought was that?
That certainly wasn’t mine.
But who else’s could it be?
I reached my limit. If I stay in this chair another second I’m going to go insane. I wonder if I can make it to my room before this thing gets me. It could be nothing, but I am not staying here to find out. I’m a pretty fast runner, there’s no way this thing can catch me. Let’s do this.
The chair clatters as it falls to the floor. I don’t think I could move this fast again if I wanted to. After my first foot was through the gateway to my room, I was already in the process of slamming the door. I rush over and turn on every light, including the T.V. making sure there’s no room for any shadows. I put my ear to do the door to see if I can hear it following me.
Complete Stillness
The type of silence most people only experience once in a life time.
I don’t know why people would ever seek this type of quiet.
I never want to hear silence again.
I slowly back away from the door. I have one thought going through my mind. What in the hell did I just see, and why did I ever look over my shoulder. I will never forget what I saw. It was a shadow, but it wasn’t a shadow. It was free standing, as if it was a man. The surrounding night seemed to channel into this horrific being, making it seem blacker than the darkest pit in hell. It chilled me down to my very bones. Though something peculiarly odd stood out about this particular shadow being, it had a cane with a silver handle, and a top hat akin to something you’d expect to see in a movie from the early 20th century.
And the thing that was the scariest part about it:
To this day I swear it was smiling, and not the smile you ever ever want to be on the receiving end of.
A smile that said I’m evil.
A smile that said I had fun tonight.
A smile that said I enjoyed toying with you.
A smile that said I really want to hurt you.
A smile that said I’ll see you again.
Copyright Statement: Unless explicitly stated, all stories published on Creepypasta.com are the property of (and under copyright to) their respective authors, and may not be narrated or performed under any circumstance.
This was horrible
May I take your hat, Sir?
I think that it wasn’t a bad story, however it does get confusing in the beginning when you randomly bring up the characters friends and then immediately ditch it right after. The story lacks coherence and fluidity and, quite honestly, is just not very scary. Although, it is a good start.
The man in the hat,
the man in the hat,
his face is all shadows
his clothes are all black.
If he stares at me
then I’ll stare right back.
Go back into darkness,
Man in the Hat.
Kinda scary
ive seen exactly the same thing when i was 6 years old and this happened to me but the only thing diffrent is that he struck me with his hand and i fell and got a headache from that i still have that headache to this day on
Brilliant, even though there was a few spelling errors. this story is good, your argument is invalid
the one thing I really liked about this was the description of the shadow itself and it’s smile, but other than that, it needs a bit of work. had my attention than lost it.
Alright, one. Can we STOP with the phone references?! Thanks. Two. Great idea, and it can go somewhere. BUT. (Always a but.) The one sentence enter to build up suspense thing? Dude. So cliche. Stawp. Everything else seems awesome. Pleeeeeze rewrite this and scare the shit out of me.
I scrolled down slowly thinking that there was gonna be a picture of this guy, and there wasn’t. Majorly creeped out lol. The story was okay but I found the fear of a picuture very thrilling. 6/10
Instead of Hatman, I read Batman XD
Who talks on AIM?
It’s less believable then Peter Parker using BING -_-
I cried. Not the story that scared me. But the shadow in it. You can believe me, or you can say I’m just fucking with you all. But ask a few of my friends. They believe. They’ve seen Him too. The shadow in this almost exactly matches the shadow that I know follows me. That I can occasionally feel watching me. The I’ve seen but once in my life. At first this one in this story didn’t scare me. Until I read “top hat”. Now I’m terrified.
Kinda reminds me of Dr. Jeckel and Mr. Hyde. Sorry for
spelling the first name wrong.
That was eh. It did not fill you with Dread, it filled you with dread. No need to capitalize, love.
Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na HATMAN!!!!!
When I read the part about the smile all I could think about was the album cover of “Indestructible” by the band Disturbed.
Concept was good, although the writing was poor and some of the physics were…what’s the word? Oh, right, NONEXISTENT. So, I’m supposed to believe that our poor paranoid friend here spins around to run to his bedroom, sees this thing standing in front of him that scars him forever, and then runs past/through it? No.
Pretty poorly written. Concept was way overdone, and the idea that there’s a creepy shadow that wears a top hat and carries a silver-topped cane just makes me laugh.
top hat man in shadows….damn, i didn\’t think you saw me. shit. well, time to change where i watch you in your house…… hehehehehehe.
Good story, but it got jumpy at the end
Not remotely scary.
Feat the Darkness
I loved the phrase “I’m a pretty fast runner, there’s no way this thing can catch me. Let’s do this.”
I get it. He’s just a like a kitten.
Toying with the mouse, never wishing to kill it.
You’re nothing more than a toy, soon to be bored of, and soon to be finished off.
If your happiness is completely sucked away, or the man just tires of your brand of happiness… You’re done.
I rather like this one.
This video is about Hatman, enjoy:
It was just a black guy, don’t worry
also: “and a top hat akin to something you’d expect to see in a movie from the early 20th century”
seriously? what an absolutely horrible way of phrasing that. video cameras are only 110 years old, going by century is arbitrary. you could have said “silent movies” and not have looked like a retard
so bad
>As if the storm from outside was creeping thru the door.
>was creeping thru the door
Urge to kill. Rising.
Wait a second. A dark shadow of a man? Standing up by itself? Wearing a top hat? It’s almost like… like… THE PICTURE LABELING THE RITUAL SECTION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I almost read the whole thing.
Wait…why would I read it?
I don’t want to read it.
It felt like this pasta was consuming the very Happiness within me.
Now I feel sad.
*yawn* There have been much better pastas.
mental image: shadow pimp
gotta watch out for those guys
@6: I like your little shadow story better than this.
20 bucks that it was Mr. Welldone!
at first I thought he said the Top hat was the scariest thing about it and that kinda ruined the ending for me
Jesus, was this written by a fifth grader?
“I rush over and turn on every light, including the T.V.”
“I never want to hear silence again.”
that was creepy but it kinda makes me wish i was in that position.nice ending…i wonder what would have happened if you didnt run and just turned around to face the shadow
Du na nu na nu na naa
Du na nu na nu na naaa
“I start to get this feeling.
It’s a feeling we all have felt before.
The feeling that someone is staring at you.
The feeling that this someone is not very far away.
The feeling that if you turn your head the slightest bit, you would see them.”
srsly, STOP.
Ah thank you Ma Cherie….I think I’ve read that South American one somewhere before as well….eerie stuff :(
predictable. hatman? silver cane? shadow man? too many cliches
@ Anon #49
Lol, I wouldn’t know. I was just quoting someone who *claimed* to have seen the apparition and *claimed* to know other people that have seen him/it/whatever.
I just thought it was funny, because to me, it made Hatman sound like some sort of seducer.
@ #45
so OP is gay? or a women?
@ #47, cliche’s are used because they work for the most part
thats why there hasnt been an original horror movie for like 20 years
@ Willow:
This is the site I was talking about:
I probably shouldn’t have put it in quotations. I’m sorry ^^;
There’s also a brief mention of Hatman in Wikipedia’s Shadow People article.
I googled “Hatman” but I keep getting links to clothing sites ¬_¬
Can anyone post the link up? I am oh so curious to see it.
Coming back to this story, I took Anon #39’s advice and googled Hatman.
I don’t think I’m going to be getting any sleep any time soon o___o
According to one person who claims to have seen the apparition (google “Hatman” and click on the third result), “It usually appears to women and occasionally to men, though men who see it are usually gay.” Lolwut.
Mandy you do realize its possible to mute a tv right?
It’s Brendon Urie mwahahaha *get him
Complete silence, and yet the TV was on… interesting
Not scary at all
I actually thought this was a good story, better than some pastas i read and it gave me the same feeling like a weird shadowman was behind me too lol it was kool :)
Holy semantics, Hatman. You never cease to amaze me!
You guys should really google Hatman…
read some of the “true” stories of people’s encounters. This idea really isn’t original. It just takes a common…fear/occurrence and attempts to make it creepy.
“Why hello there, old bean! I’m here to devourer all light and warmth, if it is alright with you, good sir. Cheerio then!”
The idea of a vaguely malevolent shadow hovering at the edge of your vision and sucking all of the happiness and warmth out of the room is cool, but dressing up the shadow with a top hat and cane is more ridiculous than scary.
He could have just looked in the reflection of the screen on the computer..
I didnt really like this story.. it was okay 0.0
Very well written, but uhh.. not much to it.
Mr. Welldone only wants to know who wrote the pasta because they use the same pseudo intelligent jargon that he does.
Who am I?
I’m the goddamned HATMAN!
Meh. Scary stuff, the short sentences killed it a little.
Kinda reminds me of Dr. Jeckel and Mr. Hyde. Sorry for
spelling the first name wrong.
Nuh nuh nuh nuh nuh nuh nuh nuh HATMAN!
It was all right… rather long for the payoff, though. And I agree with Souris, the “lots of short sentences” crippled it some.
There is indeed potential here. Practise, polish, by all means _keep writing._
Also, I love the title. And not just because I had the same thought as Reptilian Liar.
I think the whole ‘splitting up sentences to create suspense’ thing was used a little bit too often, it’s a ‘less is more’ thing, that technique.
But the story had good potential, in my opinion [=
what is up with so much cusing in all the coments
guess after reading all this i have to claim credit,
yes it was poorly written and i freely admit it. This was my first ever attempt at pasta.
Don’t know who submitted this though. I didn’t
Not good.
@Above posters: I agree, neat concept, had potential, but then, hah, your still fucked dude. *Thumbs up*
Meh, pretty good.
Awww, you bastard, beat me to it…by 4 years and then some
@ Para: lol me too.
But yeah, I really like the concept, and the story reminds me of myself. Whenever I’m creeped out downstairs alone and I decide to go to my room, I run as fast as I can through the house, slam my door, and turn on all the lights. If I start to feel like something’s watching me, I’m gunna freak out. lol
Not too crazy about the grammar though… =/
Ah, there it is!
Theres just nothing worse than when an evil entity invades the privacy of your home and smiles at you.
That was a decent story. Could have been written better. I think the creature should have been a bit different. Seems too much like a Harry Potter Dementor.
It was good.
lol @ 15 i was thinking the same thing…
i assume the tv was on mute to hear such silence.
but naaw, i didn’t care for this one much…but i am the only one awake in my apartment…and the only light is a lamp near by…if i see him i’ll just grab the cane and give him a swift wack in the shadowy teeth…or i’ll just cry and pee myself…ye, that’s more like me =\
” It was a shadow, but it wasn’t a shadow.”
i don’t like the title but the story is pretty good.
“It felt like something was consuming the very Happiness within me.
Like something was filling me with Dread.”
lol that made me think of Harry Potter Dementors.
Omg, Para, me too! I kept waiting for the reveal of the monster and muttering “Expecto Petronum” lmao.
I know not who wrote this piece, Mr. Welldone, but I found it enjoyable.
I would like to add that I very much enjoy your personal site, and your commentary on this site makes it very worthwhile.
That… wasn’t very good at all. It wasn’t well-written.
I would very much like to know who wrote this tale.
Will anyone claim credit?
@ Noneya:
Check the last sentence of the paragraph that begins, “I slowly back away from the door.”
Anywho, not the best pasta, but beggars can’t be choosers. Thanks for posting, Dr. WHO. =P
My writing is shit, so I have absolutely no right to talk, but…ah…I have to agree with BonerFruit; the concept is interesting, but I did not care for the way this story was written.
I’m really sorry, I don’t know how to explain it.
@ The Person Formerly Known as ‘Noneya’:
“…it had a cane with a silver handle, and a top hat akin to something you’d expect to see in a movie from the early 20th century.”
I suppose that’s where it came from.
hurf durf shitty grammar pasta nom
its dark …and im in a computer room alone o_o
yea i know that smile. i think i saw it on my ex girlfriends face
there’s a shaodw that i c in my room in the same spot every night and i thought it was a shadow from some thing in my room so i moved all my furniture and the shadow was still there in the same spot every night and it still is now but it actuly sames like when i turn out the lights to goto sleep it gets closer to me
Write your will, bro. Next time I will take your hat.
I like the concept alot, but it could have been written better.
Still, just the image I created with my mind… D:
The username of yours made me laugh
Seriously, I didnt see any mention of a hat.
Then you haven’t read the whole story.
“Though something peculiarly odd stood out about this particular shadow being, it had a cane with a silver handle, and a top HAT akin to something you’d expect to see in a movie from the early 20th century.”
I am Hatman.I wear a top HAT
no i am
And im Hatman.
And I’m the doctor
so the shadow was in his computer room? and he ran past it into his bedroom??
i’m a little confused. and why didn’t the shadow do anything to him?
The shadow didn’t do anything because Shafow People early touch victemskidnap Jamie.
Oops typo! I meant rarely touch victems Jamie
Of course, sometimes they do watch you….. I have someone I call the man in black…. now if you want scary that is scary.
this was terrible
I don’t actually have a comment for this comment, I just want to say ITS THROUGH! NOT THRU ASSHOLE!
This was not terrible!!! As a paranormal investigator I have SEEN the Hatman! It is terrifying to see him! He does smile like that! But I DO want to see him again because I want evidence!
Ok Angel, that’s enough. Back to your room now.
Lmfao, you just made my day XD