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Full Stop

Estimated reading time — 4 minutes

At first we didn’t even understand what was going on. Well, by we I mean those of us who do not hold degrees in astronomy and quantum physics. We were told that earth’s spin was slowing and would come to a full stop in less than five years.

The first real hint that something was going on was the sudden malfunction of all the GPS systems worldwide. Flights were shut down, and those of us who were raised in the computer age couldn’t even find our way to work without it.

It was about the second week when everything really started to go wrong. The oceans began flowing towards the poles. It really didn’t seem like much but it gave me a horrible feeling, and I began to realize that something terrible was happening and there was nothing any of us could do about it.


No one really knew why we were suddenly losing our spin, but rather, everyone had wild guesses. Some were saying that the experiments to dig to the center of the earth caused the magma in the core to stop flowing. Another attempt to blame the government, I supposed. Then there was the theory that our moon had fallen too far out of our magnetic field, causing chaos within the electromagnetic field that surrounded the earth. Lastly of course, there was the theory that aliens were to blame. However, in reality there were no real reasons, there was no forthcoming admission from the government or from aliens, and the moon sure as hell wasn’t talking.

The third month was when the looting started.

As the oceans continued to flood the polar ice caps, the air in the tropics and certain cities of higher altitude soon became unbreathable. The scientists said it had something to do with the actual shape of the earth, but I really couldn’t wrap my head around the whole concept. All I know is as people began to evacuate, people were being robbed at gunpoint, stores were having everything taken from them, and the stock market crashed. That was it.

It took three months of us being under siege by an unknown and unnamed assailant for the world to fall into chaos. Humanity was losing everything that made them humane.

I guess it really hit us around the fourth or fifth month of slowing. The earth was spinning at 225 kilometers per hour less than normal. The days were forty-eight hours long and the nights were as well.

By now, the earth had fallen into a complete state of misanthropy. Humans were no longer welcome. The earthquakes started up. They were hitting in places that made no sense, and that had never seen earthquakes before. Long dead volcanoes were suddenly spewing ash and magma in torrents, thousands were dying, and they were not even going to be the last.


As the oceans continued to move, Britain became connected to mainland Europe, something that had never been seen before. Ireland was part of England, Cuba was connected to Florida, and Mexico was three times its original size. The upheaval was throwing everything off, and fear and panic began to strike everyone.

Even worse, only the top and bottom third of the globe were habitable. The air around the equator was basically nonexistent, not even the heartiest mountain climber could live there. It would have been like living somewhere three times the height of Mount Everest.

With that came the solar radiation. That part was easy for all of us to understand. Stand in the sun more than fifteen minutes and you die. Pretty simple right? Only at first we didn’t realize it. Did you know that the electromagnetic field prevents us from experiencing the worst of solar radiation and solar flares? Neither did I, I also didn’t know that that same field is caused by Earth turning.

Those who did stand outside too long died, well the lucky ones did. The others developed radiation sickness. It was horrible to watch. It was like those old videos of Hiroshima.


By the time two and a half years had rolled around, the horrors that we had seen were like nothing you could possibly imagine. It is impossible to describe the low that humankind had fallen to, and what was seen by us at that low.

Those people who had stayed in England, Russia, and Germany had died, as the water began to suck up part of the northern hemisphere. Even American cities as low as New York and Chicago were gone. Six billion people were wiped out.

That is a number I cannot even begin to fathom. Our days were more than one-hundred-and-twenty-five hours long. That means it is light for more than sixty hours. Our brains weren’t even being given a chance. With that the hallucinations were setting in. And the survivors of the radiation sickness had it the worst. They became the true version of zombies. They were eating people and living in cold damp caves.

They crawl out during the twilight hours which lasts days now, and stalk people. They look for food whereever they can get it, which is usually not from animals. Seeing as all the migratory species have died out, and the non-migratory animals are smart enough to stay away.

Even now, as we approach the fifth year, where it is light for six months and night for six months, these creatures continue to stalk us. Very few humans have chosen to band together, you never know when your partner is going to begin hallucinating from the lack of sleep, and be caught out too long during the day.


I had such a partner, and it was the hardest thing I ever had to do, when I walked away from him. However, no matter how much you love your children, a monster is a monster.

I don’t really even know why I am writing this, other than in hopes that if there is anything out there in the cosmos, any living sentient being, they can understand what happened to us. I heard that there is a Mega Continent that opened up down by Florida, where air is still breathable for now, and there are seas in which to fish for food, but I don’t know if I can make it.

I want to, but in all honesty, I am so tired, and it is hard to discern reality from fiction. And it is starting to get darker during the day. I know those creatures will be back. With their skin falling from their bodies, and their hair missing patches.

The real nightmare though? Knowing that this will never end, and if it does, none of us will survive.

So please, if you see me? Kill me

Credit: Ahriannah

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24 thoughts on “Full Stop”

  1. This is by far one of my favourite pastas on this website, though the logic of physics were completely non existent. Though the zombie idea is actually possible under the circumstances, it was far too cliche, and I do love apocalyptic pastas.

  2. Fail. Oceans and atmosphere wouldn’t flow like that; the magnetic feild would open up at the poles, where its weakest (ever heard of auroras?); and peoples sleep cycles wouldn’t be fucked up, as anyone who’s worked the night shift in factories, hospitals or gas stations can tell you. However, I’ll give you the beneit of the doubt about earthquakes away from faults though, dependant on the cause of the event, as well as for the collapse of the magnetic field (though I’m pretty sure both Mars and the moon are dead “planets,” and still both have minor magnetism), therefore solar radiotion actually would blow away the atmosphere (uniformly, however, meaning no life) like it did to the previously stated two.

    Best two options for something like this to really happen though? A wandering gas giant, lost after the collapse of its star, gives the sun enough of a mass boost to tidally lock the inner three planets, probably gobbling up Mercury.
    Alternatively, something planet sized hitting Earth close enough to the sun to do the same, which would have its own two, much more direct extinction events associated, since even Mercury isn’t tidally locked (I think.)

  3. I really enjoyed reading this. Seemed very realistic especially with all of the research and facts thrown in that the average person wouldn’t know. Definitely would like to read a longer version someday. What is creepy is that if this actually happened I think humans would eventually react the same as in the story. Great job and keep writing!

    1. Islands do not just suddenly meld into the mainland. The average person would know that. Yes, there were things that were accurate like the electromagnetic field that shields us from most of the sun’s onslaught stopping if the earth stopped spinning, but things like the oceans just suddenly flowing to the poles killed this story for me.

  4. Fair point, and I fact checked and changed numbers as well as added and removed points that were inaccurate. I liked the premise but not the execution.

  5. Britain was attached to Europe during the last Ice Age, when the oceans were lower. Not a bad story, but you needed a bit of research and that error took me right out of it.

    1. No one now living has seen England connected to mainland Europe. That’s how I read it. I’m sure that’s how the author meant it as well. Not everyone is Jean M. Auel :)

  6. Kinda tired of seeing all the hateful comments. It is a well written story and the author clearly made research over this, why does everyone try to act like rocket scientists or nobel prize winner authors with not even half decent criticisms? Try to enjoy the story maybe.

  7. I really liked this and it was obviously well researched! I feel like it’s only pitfall is that the idea has complex repercussions so it seems a little implausible unless you actually go off and learn about what would happen (though that’s not your fault). I also liked how your “zombies” weren’t zombies at all :) Good basis for a novel which would also give you a lot more room to explain the science.

    1. “Well Researched” when the earth stops spinning, Mexico does not suddenly increase in size, and islands just don’t connecting to mainlands. Oceans are going to stay where they are, and none of these: “Some were saying that the experiments to dig to the center of the earth caused the magma in the core to stop flowing. Another attempt to blame the government, I supposed. Then there was the theory that our moon had fallen too far out of our magnetic field, causing chaos within the electromagnetic field that surrounded the earth. Lastly of course, there was the theory that aliens were to blame.” would be anything close to a plausible reason for the earth to stop spinning.

  8. Another problem is that you failed to take into account that millions of people around the world manage to sleep while it’s light out now (shift workers).

    1. But, I didnt. I did not say everyone became crazed zombies or became ill from lack of sleep. Just that many did. However in a world where it is light for six months their biorhythms would still get thrown off somewhat.

  9. Its not a bad story but one thing. Night and Day are caused by earths spin? So how could night and day still even exist if you’re story says that earth has stopped spinning? In the end it was a good read but some advice for your next story, if I were you, I would do a little research before I write. Don’t take this as hate, it is simply just constructive criticism. Keep up the good work, I’d like to read another one.

    1. Because, as the earth rotates around the sun it would stick on one axis it is not tidaly locked, meaning only one side faces the sun. there would still be day and night, however this would be due to the time of year. I did do the research, but I appriciate that you pointed it out. It is a good point, however a Tidaly locked planet would have to be much closer to the sun like Mercury.

    2. The narrator makes it clear that the rotation of Earth is slowing, not just stopped completely. If you read the story the days are expanding in increments, i.e. a 69-hour day, a 125-hour day, and finally, a six-month-long day…

    3. without rotation the earth would have a six monts day and a six months night.. your mistake is: if there would be sun forever on one side and night forever on the other side of the earth, than it would still turn.. in 365 days it would turn 1 time around itself.. the best example for this is the moon which turns around itself in a 28 day cycle..

  10. Ok, so you basically took every apocalypse cliché there ever was and threw them together in one pasta. I stopped taking this pasta seriously when I hit the zombie part.

    Not creepy.

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