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Dear Diary

Estimated reading time — 2 minutes

2AM: I can’t seem to sleep tonight, and writing has always calmed me down. Today has been quite an odd day, It’s been very quiet. Nobody seemed to want to talk today, nobody seemed to want to smile today. I felt different from them, I felt happy. As for why, I am not sure. I seemed to get happier the more I saw them sad, but that’s probably just my mind making things up this late at night. I’m not an evil person. I just want to go to sleep.

3AM: I still can’t go to sleep. All I can seem to do is think of all of the people I saw today. All I can seem to do is think of all the things I did today. All I can seem to do is think about all of the sadness. As for why, I am not sure. I’m not an evil person. I just want to sleep.

4AM: I can’t sleep. I’m so tired, but I’m so awake. I wish somebody was here to tuck me in, to keep me safe. My thoughts are wandering so far that I’m not sure if I’ll ever be able to find them again. I feel so different. I feel like I might have caused everybody to be sad today. I feel like I might have done something wrong today. I feel like I might have ended some lives today. As for why, I am not sure. I’m not an evil person. I just want sleep.


5AM: I don’t want to sleep any more. I looked in the mirror. I don’t want to have to wake up ever again. I looked in the mirror. I’m afraid I may have scared people today. I looked in the mirror. I’m afraid I may have been a monster today. I looked in the mirror, and nothing was different. I looked in the mirror, and nothing was the same. I’m afraid of myself. As for why, I am not sure. I’m not an evil person. I just want to die.

6AM: I can’t seem to die. I feel like all I can do is write. I feel like all I can do is breath. I feel like all I can do is live. I can’t seem to die. What’s the point in living? What’s the point in sleeping? What’s the point in waking? I can’t seem to die. As for why, I am not sure. I’m not an evil person. I just want death.


7AM: Every word I write seems to give me more life, and I can’t help but take it. I can’t imagine how I’m living, but the words keep me alive. I can’t imagine how I’m happy, but the words give me strength. I can’t imagine how you’re still reading, it’s you that keeps me alive. I can’t imagine how you’re feeling, your death brings me life. You can’t imagine how I’m feeling, I feel so alive. You can’t imagine yourself living, you just want to die. As for why, I am not sure. I’m not an evil person. All I want is to live. All I want is you to die.

Dear Diary,


Thank you for reading.

Credited to Sage.

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Copyright Statement: Unless explicitly stated, all stories published on are the property of (and under copyright to) their respective authors, and may not be narrated or performed under any circumstance.

87 thoughts on “Dear Diary”

  1. Something that bugs me alot on this website, why do people go ‘Who is *insert inanimate object mentioned in story here?’. It bugs the crap out of me and makes no sense. What the hell does it mean??

  2. OH MY GOD MAKE UP YOUR MIND! Every hour he feels something different, first its I want sleep, I want death, I want you to die, I want…

  3. Is it a bad thing that I can relate to this character? I mean, we’ve all had those moments when you just wanna smile when you see someone else sobbing :)

  4. I’m not an evil person.
    I’m not an evil person.
    I’m not an evil person.
    I’m not an evil person.
    I’m not an evil person.
    I’m not an evil person.
    I’m not an evil person.
    I’m not an evil person.
    I’m not an evil person.


  5. ChineseDisease

    You know, when you stay up all night reading these things, you kind of notice that there’s something awfully sinister in those words. Not the whole “Your death gives me life” or whatnot, just something behind those words makes it seem more sinister. I dunno, just sayin’.

  6. Poor. How many of you notice that there is a link to ‘Emo Poems’ and ‘Emo Kid’ under the comment box? Most amusing, PHONE.

    Fear the Darkness


  7. Maybe it was the sauce, but this pasta wasn’t very tasty. Seemed kinda lame, wasn’t scary/creepy, and wasn’t entertaining.

  8. Those words, at best, were worse than teenage poetry.

    Srsly, there’s nothing creepy about a fifteen year-old emo kid’s diary.

  9. Again, a pasta reminds me of Harry Potter. Maybe it’s because I just recently re-read the series, but all I could think about was Riddle’s diary from The Chamber of Secrets.

  10. Blinded by Tears

    @Diddler: WIN.
    I have no real problems but I like to make believe, I stole my sister’s mascara now I’m grounded for a week.

  11. Diary's real owner

    Hey kid! Give me my diary back! You don’t see me writing in someone else’s diary, now do you? (Btw, you didn’t read the first entry, now did you? It has my *cough* ….secret stuff..)

  12. Meh, I like the idea of some lunatic raving away in their diary in the middle of the night, and as it progresses it gets more and more intense, I think that’s what you were aiming for? But it didn’t quite capture that feeling.

    Good concept, not so good pasta.

  13. Ugh. So whiny and redundant. I’m all for repition, if it means something. This was so pointless. It needs a huge huge amount of re-working to be good. It’s a meh idea, but could be really nice if re-worked.

  14. Thing In The Drain

    @VDV I lost the game.

    Overall, a pretty lame pasta.
    Took far too long, and the ending was incredibly anticlimactic.
    Add some sauce next time.

  15. Not scary/creepy per se, but I love the idea of it. In a way it’s true: by taking the time to read this “diary” you’ve given up some of the time in your life; you’ve given up portions of your life. And now they’re with whoever’s writing in this diary thing.

    I think that’s how it goes…

  16. Funny… I spent all night writing instead of sleeping too…

    I am left with too many questions. It’s good, but just not my bowl of pasta.

  17. Jesus, why don’t you creepy types just leave me alone!? *cries*

    Eh, it was good, but I couldn’t help thinking “I’ll help you die if you come anywhere near me” near the end XD

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