There was a girl who had an illness and was bed-ridden for the majority of her life. She was recently diagnosed to die within the next couple of months so her parents decided to spend as much time with her as they could before her time came. They decided that the best thing was to go camping at a local site for a little bit since the daughter was stuck in the hospital for so long.
On their way there, the girl was quiet as usual and laid in the back while the parents talked amongst themselves. When they finally reached their destination, they pitched the tent, unpacked everything and started a campfire. The mother was constantly filming the area and her daughter while the father went out for more firewood. It was getting dark when he came back, but he suddenly heard the mother scream so he rushed over to discover that his daughter was standing on her feet and was doing a wild, erratic ‘dance’ before she suddenly dropped dead.
After all the funeral processions and grieving subsided, the parents wanted to see the video the mother recorded on that very night. They put the tape in the player and began to watch. At first it just showed the mother looking at the scenery and random animals that passed by in the distance, but as the time frame skipped, it jumped to when she was inside the tent with the daughter as she stood up and began to jerk around.. But there was something wrong. It first was in the corner of their eyes but as they replayed the scene, their horror became more and more real.
The entire time the daughter was ‘dancing’, there was a ghastly white hand latched onto the top of her head.
Copyright Statement: Unless explicitly stated, all stories published on are the property of (and under copyright to) their respective authors, and may not be narrated or performed under any circumstance.
This is probably the only CreepyPasta I’ve read that I’m still scared of. //shivers
It’s wonderfully well-written, and the ending caused my heart to skip a beat.
meh..needs more detail. too short to be considered a good pasta
This is from a fucking book. I believe it’s called “Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark”
Fall Out Boy.
Meh, my life is more scary than this… Though it was not really that bad…
Am I the only one who listened to the song Dance, Dance by Fall Out Boy while reading this?
Pupet child
I think this pasta needs more spice. I mean, a girl getting jerked around by a white hand? woo ghost spooky.. Just not enough on my pasta, which is what caused it to be less enjoyable. 5/10 for efforts tho
I thought of Fall Out Boy’s song when I saw the title
The Master hand strikes again!
The first thing that came to my mind was Fall Out Boy, seriously.
But it’s still very creepy and awesome.
I thought of Fall Out Boy too, haha :)
Oh my god. this one terrified me. Really wish I hadn’t read that, it’ll definitely keep me awake
My heart skipped a beat no joke, LOVE IT
All I can think is that she’s just doing the “Get Down” dance.
C’mon, think about it!
I got friggin goose bumps XD
Loved it.
We’re falling apart to half-time.
I read this Pokemon conspiracy story recently- Blahblahblah, Lavender Town’s music is ebil, deathdeathghost, dead people communicating in the first patch of grass in the game- And… There’s this sprite, that nobody has discovered, but apparently, it’s a dead, rotting white hand with flesh peeling away from it.
I wtf’d and I think my case of the shivers increased slightly.
Creepy as heck. I enjoy pasta where the true creepy part is only discovered after the event, adds extra chilling effect somehow… And this was very well-executed. BUT WHO WAS HAND?
I knew there was going to be some sort of “hand” or something, but I was really hoping for strings like a marionette, you know?
Would have been cool if the kid was screaming.
Really scary if she was talking normally while the whole event was going on.
Despite the obvious errors in this work, I’m glad that it was posted. I have been methodically working my way through all these stories, ans it is good to see a actual scary one, considering the lack of the aforementioned creepyness.
Fear the Darkness
Wow, God’s a dick.
This blew, fail
this fucking suckedd.. fail
it’s not so much the hand that scares me but just the idia of a bad quality shaky video of a girl doing an odd wild dance before dropping dead in some campsite
So…many…things…wrong…with…this… I’m not even sure where to start.
Dance, Dance! We’re falling apart to half time~
(But then who was hand!?)
All i could think about was FallOutBoy :[ Killjoy.
brix were shat mainly because I started to picture that video in my mind
Very well written.
The dancing part made me laugh, but found out what the real reason she danced.
Only a toy to the hand.
I read this on my iPod, and it just isn’t as scary while I have fall out boy singing dance dance through my head phones. Epic coincidence the song came on when I read this though, my iPod had shuffel playing 900 songs randomly.
maybe on her neck would have been better
Awesome pasta!
Pretty common Korean story
Nice translation
that was gay but hangon who was hand?
nice pasta short and sassy
oh and voodoo much?
L0L 13TCH G0T PL4Y3D LK3 A V10L1N LMF40000
Wow.. I like this story also.. It is kinda creepy though because you know the girl was possessed or something.. Man, if i had a daughter and she did that… I’ll totally get a shaman person right away… Freaken creepy shit..
I’ve been awake all night reading pastas in complete darkness. Now at 6 A.M. this story had made me turn on the television in fear! Love it.
the more I think about it, the more it creeps me out
loved this one!
i’m just glad le hand did’nt go further down her body
Not scary >_<. Just… weird, I think.
o dats where dat went. lol.
sillee hand.
i wanna dance before i die XD
The ending made me jump, although I’d have jumped regardless of what made her dance. Demonic/ghostly possession would have done the same for me, especially if it was caught on camera.
Handsex with little girls again, I’m going to get divorced >:(
Dammit, who was the damn hand? Seriously.
That ruined it for me. There’s no depth. There’s no reason.
There’s vague, but then there’s leaving out all of the important details.
Scary but funny.
Holy fuck that’s scary.
O.O That’s so fucking scary ohmygodd.
A++ would look behind myself again
This is the creepiest pasta I’ve read yet, including the one with the man peeking through the keyhole and the one with the eye on the post-it note.
I say that it was the Grim Reaper yanking da soul outta from her.
one of the few pastas to make me shiver, well done
this had a nice twist to it. kudos
@ Dru thanks. I’ve never hear of that song before.
It was a very creepy pasta.
lmao not creepy scary or anythin lmao i laughed at this the most pathetic “scary” story ive heard oooh i white hand???? lmao hehehehe
short and sweet i say. i loved glover.
@ Llama
Fall Out Boy has a song titled “Dance, Dance”
Dance, Dance
We’re falling apart to half time
Dance, Dance
And these are the lives you’d love to lead
Dance, this is the way they’d love
If they knew how misery loved me
So that’s why lots of us started giggling as soon as we read the title, though the Pasta it’s self is pretty scary.
@ Anon:
I think you probably are.
Is it bad thats the first thing that popped into my head reading this pasta? In all honesty, it was one of those ending that scares the **** out of you.
What fall out boy song has anything to do with this, anyway? Not a huge music fan.
I was.
This wasn’t really that great, I think the more entertaining part of it was that you know everybody started singing Fall Out Boy songs right after they read the title
that aint really scary if it happens to you or family members.
@Us / #6
ROFL, exactly what I was thinking.
I like this pasta, too bad it’s only 10pm here. D:
Jesus Lars, get your lawsuits right
60: Copyright infringement on you. Not 71.
52, 71, copyright infringement!
I’ll see you both in court, mmhmm.
52, that’s totally what I thought of too.
Am I the only who, after reading the title, immediately thought of Dance Dance Revolution?
I bet it was Wayne Brady
Jack could have done that.
I didnt like this one. It seemed to plain and a bit random
So she is dead already and white hand is like “Ooga booga booga mommy!”
Lol, what a jackass.
I came
that made me put my hand on my head for the next few seconds after reading the story.
HOLY SHIT. The ending made me almost scream. Its that kind of ending that makes you shit bricks.
Good pasta.
Honestly, I couldn’t get Fall Out Boy out of my head when I read the title. But, it was a nice story.
I only wanted a little puppet of my own, I didn’t know i’d kill her, Jeez!
Oh well, she was dying anyway, right?
Not so creepy.
So dance, my dears, dance before you take the dark flight down…
lol awesome pasta
that is freaken scray it sorta reminds me of the grudge
Dying dancing’s not a bad way to go… maybe I should die that way instead of dying laughing?
3:28 in the morning, Hell yes this is scary. Its about time too I had started to lose hope in this site.
Imagine a dead girl ragdoll and flailing next to a campfire while her mother screams. Now imagine a huge ghost hand holding her up and shaking her.
I love it.
So, someone was giving her a noogie?
Is it sad that I immediately thought “evil puppeteer” as soon as I saw the name of the story?
“Dance, my puppets! Dance!”
No scary, but kind of surreal in my opinion. I can see why the parents would be scared, though.
Meh, it was okay.
Very creepy.
Although I agree, it could have used a little more build up- it felt somewhat rushed, although you got the point across.
This one was decent. Though it would have been creepier if the parents went on to view other videos of their daughter and the hand was always somewhere, like on her shoulder or something. That’d be cool.
This one was pretty good, had an old-school creepypasta vibe to it. Y’know, from the days when they were short and genuinely freaky. <3
Maybe a ghost was fucking her in the ass?
That would explain the hand on her head, and her twiching.
hey, wheres panties girl’s comment dudes?
lol at panties girl
get a nappy
that is the first creepypasta that has actually made me pee my panties a bit.
and i’ve read them all.
off to get changed now.
hey, guys, i’m sorry about that. i was trying to get some sleep in my tent and she got in the way and i went topick her up and mover her but she kinda stuck to my hand so i tried to shake her off. girls are VERY sticky.
Kind of good, it has potential, but it didn’t do it for me either. The dancing part for some reason gave it a Ring/Grudge feel.
The Sims: Dancin’ Corpses Add-on! Buy it and let your favourite bedridden Sims suddenly dance, and watch the hilarious reactions of their Parents!
Well see if I try to cheer up any more families with dying kids again. Sheesh.
@Lain – that’s the first thing I thought too….
This actually spooked me – very nice!
Hmmm I like it but i dont really get the hand? Was it the grim reaper or something ahah I liked the part where she was doing a weird dance..
Crazy Hand has picked up another trophy to add to his collection.
Was pretty creepy, too bad I somehow saw the end coming >_<
Nice, nice. Now we’re getting back to what Creepypasta is all about.
It makes total sense XD
so she was a mii all along?
Nice. Good ending, but it could use some cleaning up. Perhaps more description on the hand, or what exactly it was doing. It coulda just been a hand chilling on her head while she crazy danced.
my heart skipped a beat at the ending lol very yummy pasta :)))
Wow, I really liked this one. Very concise and well-written, especially given the length.
calm down y’all, all i did was choke a bitch
Oooh! That was genuinely creepy. Finally broke the steak of shabby pastas of late. Nice and short too.
The “White Hand” can be found in old English lore. It is one of the many traditional harbingers of death (banshees, birds, etc.).
I liked this. Short, weird, and ended with a punch. You don’t always need everything spread out before you, completely explained…
God, the ending was creepy. I shivered.
meh, it didn’t do it for me. But then again, it is the middle of the day. If it were night time, I’m sure it would’ve done something for me, but it just didn’t. CURSE YOU SUNLIGHT!! PS. Nice play on the fear of going in the woods.
PFKaNoneya: lawl. <3
Me like. Very sudden though. My only criticism is that it could have used more build-up.
You ARE perceptive! :-D
@15: Do you also do video poker?
My whole perception of reality is thrown into questiong.
Very Creepy!
Nice job!!!!
It reminds me of the story of the red shoes. With that girl who got the shoes and couldnt stop dancing so this dude chopped her feet off :D
This is the way they’d love if they knew how misery loved me?
Sorry, couldn’t help myself.
Not a bad pasta.
Why don’t you show me the little bit of spine you’ve been saving for his mattress?
(All the FOB references!)
and these are the lives we love to lead
some good creepy pasta.
it is broad daylight and i am still creeped out.
but who was dance?
@Us – I’d be lying if I said that wasn’t the first thing that came to mind when I titled this post ;)
I don’t find this very creepy at all.
If a thing is to be supernaturally frightening, it’s important to give the smallest of inklings as to why the event is happening.
@Us= lulzzzz.
Otherwise, though? This really was creepy, written nicely.
We’re falling apart to half-time.
Ah. That Fall Out Boy reference :)
all in a days work :)
White Hand, prepare to die!I will avenge my daughter!
And I will film it!
I shall eat the remains!
I’d prefer if you guys didn’t use my insides as your temporary shelter, but if it can’t be avoided at least keep the dog out.
When I’m not making dying people dance,I’m the handburger helper hand!
I want to dance craaaazy before I die!
creepy, written well
i like :)
i think my heart skipped a beat at the end..
Quite nice..
but who was hand?!
Hand was a thing controlling her lik a puppet