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5 Cursed Books You Should Never Read

Estimated reading time — 3 minutes

While most books tell fascinating stories, some of them trap us between their pages. 

Most of us enjoy a good eerie tale, but it turns out that some books have a serious potential to bring nightmares, misfortune, or even madness. The most surprising part is that cursed books aren’t necessarily filled with dark rituals. Often, they seem like harmless stories but they cause eerie experiences that no one can explain.

Wondering if these are just myths or if there is something truly dark behind them? If you dare, keep reading about 4 cursed books, which are better left unread. 


1. The Orphan’s Story

Some books inspire people to dream, some to explore, and others to analyze their deep meanings and write papers. Whether you prefer to write your essays with or without the help of professionals, one thing is for sure: the Orphan’s Story is one of those books that should be avoided at all costs. 

This book was written by Martin de Leon Cardenas in the 1600s and was never published until 400 years later. It had been proven that whenever someone attempted to edit this book to publish, they would die in mysterious accidents or unexpected illnesses. This is why the book editor, Belinda Palacios, was warned many times to be careful and beware that something unfortunate might happen to her. 

Nevertheless, the book was still finally published, and no one ever figured out why these terrible events happened.

2. The Voynich Manuscript

The Voynich Manuscript is known as one of the scariest books in the world and it was made in the 15th century. This book, which has cursed a lot of people, is written in cryptic language, and to this day no one has figured it out.

No one knows who or what wrote this book exactly or to which country this language belongs. What is well-known about The Voynich Manuscript is that whoever finally cracks its mysterious code will be punished by a horrible curse.


3. The Grand Grimoire

The Grand Grimoire was created in the 16th century and is the most terrifying book that ever existed. It is called “A Satan’s Book,” as it is noted that the man who wrote this book was possessed by the Devil. The book is full of dark spells and incantations of how to summon spirits and how to bring the dead back to life. While this might seem tempting, it is extremely dangerous just to open this book.


It is believed that whoever reads this book automatically sells their souls to the Devil. Because of this, it is not out for sale or available anywhere to buy. As of today, the original version of The Grand Grimoire remains in the Vatican Secret Archives and no one is allowed to touch it.

4. The Untitled Grimoires

The United Grimoires is known to be a witch’s spellbook that leads to misfortune for most of those who decide to read it. It was written by Persephone Adrastea Eirene in the 1960s. She was a high priestess of Wicca and she even established her own coven. The book contains information about different spells and methods for summoning spirits or demons.

The people with curiosity for this book are always warned to be careful as to those who don’t actually believe in witchcraft not to read it to prevent a deadly curse that will be put upon them. The book itself also mentions on the first page that it is forbidden for non-believers and in case they refuse, they will suffer the consequences.


5. The Book of The Secret Magic of Aberlin, The Mage

The final cursed book on the list was written in the 15th century and was a gift from Aberlin to his son. Considering that it’s full of various mystical curses, people who are interested in spells and spirituality find it helpful. Since the book was translated into English in 1900, it became extremely popular and famous for being cursed.

There are many theories as to why this book is cursed. Some say it is because of The Mage’s point of view that every person has their demons inside. The book’s content is about special rituals on how to control your demons. There are rumors that unlucky things have happened to those who read this book and they were also haunted by different spirits.

Bottom Line

Discussing these 5 books and their effects on people is enough to assume that not all the books can be trusted and opened. Yes, most of us agree that reading books is essential for a person’s development. However, these cursed books contain a risk that something terrible might happen after reading. Despite not knowing for sure which books you should avoid, at least now you have five titles to keep in mind, in case curiosity ever tempts you to read something you shouldn’t.

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