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Closet of Skeletons

Estimated reading time — 2 minutes

“Goodnight, son. I’ll see you in the morning.”

“But, Mom, what about the shadow man?”

“Derek, we’ve been through this. There’s no shadow man in your closet.”



“Go to sleep, now. And don’t think about the shadow man. He’s not real.”

The door clicked shut behind her as Derek’s mom walked out.

At first, Derek believed his mother. He allowed the sound of the rain pattering against his window to lull him into relaxation despite his fear of the darkness surrounding him. It almost calmed him into sleep, if it weren’t for the scratching at the closet door.

Derek jumped up into a sitting position. He stared, petrified, at his closet door across the shadowy room. He wished he still had his stuffed bear; Smoky used to scare away the shadow man before Derek’s parents decided he was too old to continue sleeping with a teddy bear. Now Derek was alone.

Trying to be brave and logical, like his father had suggested, Derek slowly got out of bed and went to the window. Maybe it was his imagination, and the scratching was actually coming from a tree outside the window. He peered out the smeared, blurry glass, only to be reminded that there were no trees on this side of the house.



The whisper nearly made the ten-year-old jump out of his own skin. It was a raspy voice, the tone sing-songy and taunting. Derek swallowed loudly and, trembling in fear, took a step forward. He heard his father’s encouraging words in his head:


“You don’t need Smoky anymore, Derek. You’re ten years old now! Most boys in your class have gotten rid of their old toys. And if the shadow man tries to scare you again, just open the door. You’ll see for yourself, he’s not real.”

Shaking terribly, Derek found his courage and very slowly tiptoed towards his closet. The scratching only grew louder and more feverish, as if something inside was trying to get out. Or get to Derek. The boy pushed down this thought. Just my imagination, he reasoned with himself. I’ll just open the door and prove that there isn’t anything in my closet…

His quivering hand reached out for the knob and somehow latched onto the cold metal. Derek summoned up all of his strength, closed his eyes, and turned the knob agonizingly slowly.

When nothing jumped out at him, he squinted his eyes open. There was nothing. Absolutely nothing. No coatrack, no floor, no back wall. Only pitch black and a cold that Derek could see his breath in.

Without warning, a hand reached out of the black and grabbed Derek by the collar of his pajama shirt. Before the boy could scream, he was dragged into the black depths of the closet. The door slammed shut behind him, trapping Derek inside the abyss.


The sound of the door slamming alerted his parents. They ran up the staircase and flung open Derek’s door.

“Derek? Derek, where are you?” his mother called. His father opened the closet door.

“Derek?” he asked.

There was nothing in the closet but a few shirts hanging from the rack and a box of old toys on the floor.

Credit To – CheeseLotion

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Copyright Statement: Unless explicitly stated, all stories published on are the property of (and under copyright to) their respective authors, and may not be narrated or performed under any circumstance.

25 thoughts on “Closet of Skeletons”

  1. looks like the teddy bear didt not reason with the dad
    i think the teddy bear drew him into the closet

  2. I would not have even moved, when I was ten I thought I saw goblins walking through the hallway outside my door and It scared me, I pulled the covers over my head and yelled for my mom lol would not have even gotten in an upright postition that`s a tough cookie!

  3. creepypastamovienetwork

    Hello i am starting a YouTube series where i do horror films using creepy pastas i wanted to let you know that this may be th first episode of that series
    hope anyone interested in this creepypasta watches it i will post a link when it is online see ya

  4. Well written, but this very same story has literally been recounted a thousand times already, not to mention the movies and shorts. Just to mention one, it is exactly the beginning of the movie The Boogeyman, except for the fact that the father and not the boy is dragged into the closet.

  5. Anti-climactic, but still beautifully written and with a charm of its own. I think this deserves higher ratings than it currently has.

  6. This reminded me of a segment on Beyond Belief: Fact or Fiction? A little boy is convinced there is a monster in the closet and all his classmates make fun of him for it. The ringleader of the taunting is his older brother, who is dared to go in the closet. The older brother goes in the closet and vanishes except for a pile of his clothes. He is never seen again. Supposedly this actually occurred. Scared the bejesus out of me and my sister when we were kids.

    1. Wow! I totally remember that Beyond Belief episode. My sister and I used to watch that show. No one else I know has seen it but I remember I was 8 when the episode aired. It scared me so bad, I couldn’t sleep with my back to the closet for months and months.

  7. Readable, but since I have been a 10 year old once I can assure you that opening the closet door when that kind of stuff is happening is the last thing a 10 year old would have done.
    Or at least a 10 year old me.

  8. This kinda reminded me of Goosebumps. I’m also wondering what was up with that teddy bear that it would scare off a closet monster…

    1. Everyone knows Teddy Bears scare away monsters, I’d sure shit myself if a kid had one. Have you read about the one Teddy Bear with the human-like face? I’m not going to take on a kid with one of those!

  9. This was alright. Nice and short, which is good. I liked the switcharoo of the whole “there was nothing in there” thing.
    That said, it didn’t scare me. I was never s child afraid of the wardrobe. I did believe there was a clown outside the toilet many a night, though.

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