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Estimated reading time — 6 minutes

Within the tree lines of Aokigahara lies a dark and brooding history. For many years this place has been a key location for the people of Japan and even tourists from around the world to come throughout time going as far back as the nineteenth century with a common goal… the ending of their own lives within the Sea of Trees. Because of this history that on this day, March 28 2012, I’ve come here to do the same. I didn’t come to this decision lightly, I gave it some thought for a long time now and have wondered for even longer how I would go about doing it.

I considered hanging myself but then I thought, “What if my neck doesn’t break and I just hang there, choking for minutes or maybe hours?” Drug overdose was another option but I couldn’t come to a conclusion on what kind of drug I would use, and worse, what if I under dosed and I didn’t die? Then I’d be forced to face my friends and family and have to explain to them why I would do such a thing.

Eventually I decided that I would simply mortally wound myself with some form of serrated edged weaponry, which lead me to the purchase of the razor I have brought with me today. However, the things that have happened within the past few hours have caused my plans to fall apart before my eyes and now I find myself attempting to hide to save my own life rather than taking it. If that isn’t dramatic irony, I don’t know what is.


You see, when I arrived here in the Sea of Trees known as Aokigahara it was nearly sundown, I had decided to wait until this point in time in order to avoid the wandering eyes of any hikers or explorers that might be in the area during the daylight hours.

When I arrived I had a feeling that I was not alone, even though I couldn’t see anyone else within what felt like miles of treeline around me. This feeling unsettled me, but I wouldn’t allow a mere hunch that someone may possibly be nearby unnerve me and force me back into the depressing reality of my life that awaited me should I return unsuccessful to the “real world”. In fact it could be said that the idea of a witness being nearby may have even steeled my efforts.

As I continued on into the Sea of Trees, I saw the remains of those who had come before me earlier this year on the same mission. It pleased me to know that success was not as impossible as it seemed. However as I passed by the dead bodies that hung from the trees around me, I once again felt as if others were watching me progress further into the forest. In fact I could swear that I saw one of the hung men turn his head to watch me pass but it couldn’t have been real…they’re all dead, just as I will soon be. Regardless of this fact, I could not shake the feeling of ethereal eyes gazing at me from every direction.

By now the sun had set and the light had long surpassed the tops of the trees, the pitch darkness of the forest seeming to be never ending. This same darkness is what caused me to fall off of the beaten path that I had been following in hopes that I would arrive somewhere close to the Wind Cave so that I may see one last glimpse of what little beauty this world had to offer before I finally made the step to move on to the emptiness of death.

Now I found myself stumbling around in the dark forest, unable to find any way to return to any of the paths within the forest. As I got further and further from the path it seemed that I passed by more and more corpses. One of the bodies that I passed by was like something akin to a scene from a horror movie I saw once. He was sprawled along the ground as though he was trying to crawl away from something. The even more disturbing part of this discovery was the condition of the body. It seemed as if he hadn’t died more than a few days ago, and worse something seemed to have either cut him at the waist or devoured his lower half. All that remained before me were the shattered remains of a torso and a look of pure anguish frozen on his face. Needless to say the discovery of this body was a little more than I could handle and I attempted to find my way out of the forest, now fearful of a fate worse than what I thought would be the sweet, silent embrace of death.

As I turned to exit, I tried to retrace my steps, using landmarks I had seen up to now to find my way back to the long lost path I had started on. However, I noticed something was amiss, it seemed as though a few of the bodies that were visibly hanging from the trees before were now missing. I brushed this off assuming that it was just the mania from being lost setting in, until I heard something that resembled the sound of bones creaking from the sudden movement of joints that had been stationary for some time, not to mention the horrible smell that came with it…It smelled like a hundred years of decomposition and oddly enough, despair. I was frozen in place and had felt terror that overwhelmed my every nerve. I stood silently, making sure I had heard the sound at all or if it was a figment of my imagination.


When I heard it again I felt my legs move before I was even aware of what was happening. I found myself sprinting through the tree lines in an attempt to get away from whatever it was that might be behind me. As I ran I could see what I thought to be shadowy figures standing between the trees all around me, and once again I felt as though I was being watched. This was when I began to panic, my every muscle twitching and jerking from fear as I ran through the trees at speeds that would impress Usain Bolt himself.

Off in the distance I saw what looked like a person shambling towards the direction I was running and turned to avoid that thing before getting close enough for it to take notice of me. I tripped over a root that was jutting out of the ground and fell head over foot down onto a pile of rocks, compact fracturing my leg just above the knee.

I’ve been here for hours now and it’s been just as long since I heard the creaking sound that lead me into this horrible and painful situation that has befallen me since. I’m currently trying to scribble out my story in this journal before I pass out from the blood loss or worse… A warning to anyone who may find me or this book against making the same mistake that I made please, turn back. DO NOT go into Aokigahara after nightfall, I can’t explain whatever it is that’s happening to me here in the Sea of Trees but I fear it will be something worse than I could have ever had imagined before this day.


My breathing has become labored and the pain from…the shattered bones in my leg is so excruciating that writing becomes harder… and harder by the minute but I know that if I don’t finish out my warning that the same thing… or possibly worse may happen to the next ignorant person attempting to seek refuge in Sea of Trees after nightfall…

I hear leaves rustling and the sound of the creaking of bones and the smell of rot all around me, I expect that whatever I was running from has now caught up to me. Hopefully, I’ll die before whatever it is gets to me first. As I look around I can see the shape of a massive amount of bodies shambling towards me and I now realize what happened to the man I saw on the ground earlier tonight… these “things” got to him before he could get away from them and I’m more than likely going to suffer the same fate he did. I can only hope that my agony will be short-lived as the shambling corpses of the dead descend upon me. I have the razor that I brought handy, and will fight back with all that’s in me. May God have mercy on my soul for ever having decided to come to this forsaken place.

– Last excerpt from a blood spattered journal found near a tree within Aokigahara next to a dried puddle of blood on March 31 2012, not far from the journal’s location was the head of a man that seemed to have passed within the past three days, no connections have been found to indicate whether it belonged to the author of this excerpt. –

Credit To – Lee M

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Copyright Statement: Unless explicitly stated, all stories published on are the property of (and under copyright to) their respective authors, and may not be narrated or performed under any circumstance.

21 thoughts on “Aokigahara”

  1. ForeverMyMaster

    Usain bolt was not around in 2012

    he was around. Just not famous. Say what you mean and mean what you say.

  2. Oh god, oh god we’re all going to die. Everyone who committed suicide in Aokigahara is now a zombie. THAT’S TERRIFYING! THEN THERE WOULD BE THOUSANDS OF THEM!

  3. I saw a documentary on this and your beginning part where he considers how to die sounded almost exactly like one of the suicide notes that they read. was this intentional or just a creepy coincidence?

  4. A little bit long winded. Words were used that didn’t fit, and there are a few too many run on sentences. Razor blades are not serrated. Also, I don’t see the multiple bodies hanging from trees as feasible. Though there are many suicides in aokigahara, there are not so many that there would be so many bodies in one spot. Also, there are workers who regularly look for the bodies of victims and remove them.

    I love reading stories about aokigahara, but I really think the scariest thing about it is its reality.

  5. Not bad. . . the concept was good and it didn’t drag along. In my mind I was just forging a different ending… But not everyone thinks the same, so good job.

  6. Well, the idea of getting tortured before dying is interesting, while you wanted to die anyway… It was a good pasta anyway, well written and anything.

  7. While the “I wrote this with my dying breath” layout is sometimes good, it made this particular story seem a little too far fetched (as creepypasta standards go, anyway!). I mean, those things must have been moving pretty slow if he had time to write all that!

    Its definitely a good concept and you should consider a rewrite, because I feel this story had potential that wasn’t explored fully :)

  8. Eh….eerie and not poorly written. The little things get to me and make enjoyment difficult, like the fact that razors are not serrated.

  9. i like the Aokigahara because its real (not the story but the forest) and all the creepy pastas if done right can inject a hint of believable plausibility. i mean it basically IS the second ring in the 7th circle of hell on earth. even the hardest sceptics pause at the thought of a forest of suicides and nothing being wrong with it.

  10. The story is nicely wrapped, but there are a couple things that pulled me out of it as I was reading it.
    So, this man goes to the forest to commit suicide, but finds himself in the sweet company of zombies. While trying to flee, he falls and break his leg (nice touch, otherwise his failure to outrun them would have been unexplainable, considering how long it takes them to actually reach him). Waiting for certain death, he write a warning in his journal.
    Why does he have a journal at all? It’s an odd thing to carry around while going to take your own life. A goodbye letter I would understand, but a journal?
    Anyway, he knows he’s going to die, so… he takes his time describing the forest and the details of the various ways in which he planned suicide? Is that actually so important that he is willing to risk dying before he has gotten to the point?
    And, last but not least, at some point he says that writing is becoming harder by the minute (it seems to happen all of a sudden actually), which apparently means that he has more time to add trailing dots between words… If he were speaking that would be fine, stumbling on words, making pauses… but he is writing, and we are reading what he wrote, so it means that he really took the time to put dots every time he had to pause because writing was hard. These are little things that completely break the suspension of unbelief.

    1. Also, if he were hoping to die before the dead got to him, why not use the razor to kill himself ala the original plan, and not “fight back with all that’s in me”??? Too much doesn’t make sense. However, I was appreciative of the story, until the antagonists turned out to be humdrum zombies. I, for one, am so burned out on zombies that it would no longer scare me if there actually was a zombie apocalypse. decent creativity but there should have been more about the hanging corpses. Did every single suicide hang themselves there? No gun shot suicides, drug overdose, etc.? Overall, 6/10. Very happy to see someone proofread their work, which is sad to say in the comment section of a writing site

  11. So many words that… *Inigo Montoya mode, activate* I do not think they mean what you think they mean.

    Oh and– is it just me, or has there been an increase in the number of pastas submitted about this forest since Derpbutt posted that info about it? Or am I just hallucinating or something? Not that I’m bitching about that if there were, just wondering if the incidents were related.

    1. I don’t know, I was wondering if there was some sort of mention of it in an anime or if a post about it was circulating on Tumblr – there have been quite a few submissions about it lately, you’re right.

  12. Nice little short horror story here. Gave me a bit of the creeps as the creaking of bones were following him and I liked the end where it was just an excerpt, but it would have been nice to have ‘seen’ these things chasing him, wrote it down, then died so we at least had an image of the creatures.
    Other than that, great pasta. 8/10

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