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Estimated reading time — 3 minutes

I used to use the computer a lot. I would stay up late just surfing the web, playing games I’d beaten long ago. I guess it became an obsession. It got so bad that I would stay up till midnight just doing nothing. I tried to stop. Sometimes I could manage to go to sleep early, but lately I’ve never been in bed before eleven.

It’s weird, I never feel like this during the day. I can handle not being on the computer in the morning. I get lots of stuff done; cleaning up, studying, pretty much being a productive person.
But now things have gotten worse.

I started feeling really bad after going to sleep. It would hit me while I was on the computer that my eyes were really burning. Only when they started tearing up would my gaze be broken from the screen and realize I hadn’t been blinking. Weirder things started happening when I blinked too.

It started out harmless. Web pages would load real slowly. My mouse would freeze. Programs would start ending randomly. Nothing actually out of the ordinary. I would just refresh the page, reconnect the mouse, and press end now.

But it got worse.

I got on the computer one night to find it was completely shut down. I always suspend the computer when I log off, so this struck me as odd. When it started up again, it entered safe mode. After fiddling with the settings, I finally got it working again. For maybe two weeks things went on without a fuss.
I was browsing a blog, just slowly reading and scrolling down when a picture showed up. It was one of those awful pictures of a dead body, like, someone who had been in a car crash or explosion. It wasn’t a pop-up or anything. It was part of the blog. I was a bit concerned, the blog made no mention of this and had never used pictures before. I scrolled down so the picture was gone, and the blog continued like nothing strange was up.

I stopped going on the blog eventually. More and more gruesome pictures were showing up. I commented on one entry about it and was met with confusion. No one else was complaining. I wrote it off as some in joke to get rid of all the noobs.

Other sites I frequent are taking up this shock picture trick. It’s becoming a real pain. I’m starting to fear clicking on every link.

I closed internet explorer today to find my background had been changed to another horrible photo. I couldn’t help but recognize this one. It was one I saw in drivers’ ed of a particularly gruesome drunk driving incident. After resetting my background, deleting the picture I had apparently saved to my hard drive, cleaning up and defragging my hard drive, I opened the recycling bin to get rid of it once and for all.


I was a bit stunned. My bin was full of all sorts of random things I knew I never saved. There were porn sites, illegal downloads, pictures, e-mails, and other files with extensions I wasn’t familiar with. I cleared them all and decided I get some outside help.

I started looking online for any similar incidents. With no results I called Geek Squad, my Dad, and even brought the computer in to major dealers for a check-up. One large bill later, no problems were detected. Most even commented on how well kept the computer was.

The pictures stopped appearing, but I almost wish they were still the problem. My computer now displays everything almost as it should be. But now, whenever a person is displayed, their eyes are gouged out. It looked like a crappy Paint job at first, but they became more and more real. I tried showing it to a friend, but the computer worked fine when he was around.


I finally let my friend have the computer. He always commented on what a great machine it was when he was over. I’m glad to be done with it. I had just bought a much more updated one and after starting it up, I was very happy to see everything working normally. I decided not transfer all the data from my old computer to the new one.

Happy to be done with it, I close the brand new model. It’s only nine thirty and I turn on the television, knowing that I can get a good night sleep after Futurama. I lay back and turn up the volume to hear the opening theme. I recognize the unique little blurb they have, like what they do with the Simpsons; this is the infamous “dog” episode. I get ready to feel sad when my heart jumps.

Fry’s eyes are missing.

Credited to Rad.

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Copyright Statement: Unless explicitly stated, all stories published on are the property of (and under copyright to) their respective authors, and may not be narrated or performed under any circumstance.

192 thoughts on “Glitch”

  1. I like pasta sauce

    Tbh I’m new to the site, my brother told me a few story’s but the ones he told me are more messed up, I liked it good work!

  2. Damn, they are crazy about those no-eyes huh? XD Well, I think the story was okay, I probably won’t favourite it, but I like it.

    Nice job dude. X)

  3. Something a little like this happened to me. It was one picture of the tails doll. I tried to save this to make a yugi oh card on a website. It didn’t save. The first thing that happened was that when i scrolled down on google images it came up with searches for the tails doll

    Then, whenever i did a google images search it came up with a tails doll search. Things got freakier when all the images were that one image that i tried to save. Finally the images turned into my desktop wallpaper. It was terrifying. This problem resolved when my internet renewed :D

  4. FUCK!!! That was fuckin’ awesome! Pardon my language, but that was amazing! People are going to hate me for this, but I think it was even better than ‘Bedtime’. 15/10

  5. Imagine all the trouble the haunting creature had to go through to edit every single frame of that futurama episode. Give it some credit.

  6. blabla shut the fuck up


    I watch videos of people getting their heads and hands hacked off on a shock site <.< a scurry pic of a guy in a car wreck would make me laugh.

    Not to mention I do generally like stories that are a bit ambiguous, or left hanging. But this? Explains nothing. There isn't even enough for the reader to take something from it.


  7. I was getting into it, but the ending was stale as hell. I thought he might end up looking in the mirror one day, and see his own reflection with his eyes missing.

  8. The idea was good, but it was really poorly written. The details made it sound like someone quite young was trying to sound a lot older, there were inconstancies in the tense (mostly past but sometimes present thrown in?), the whole story was choppy and hard to read. With some rewrites after some honest critical analysis from an outside party, it could be creepy, possibly good.

    I say, loose the Futurama reference, it\’s too familiar and the small (very small) captivation I had was entirely lost after that.

    Also? The commenters on this site really confuse me. Sometimes I read a story that I feel (aside from a few spelling/grammatical errors) is really well written, and it gets completely torn apart. Then something like this, which (perhaps only in my opinion) really needs work, comes along and people love it. I\’m not saying anyone should hate it, or that everyone\’s opinion should be the same as mine, but I feel like people are MUCH harder on the really talented writers than the poor ones.

  9. That actually really scared me. lol I spend most of my nights on the computer. I really liked the story, just … something was missing. The end didn’t do justice. Write another one!

  10. As a computer addict, this one really got to me and freaked me out.
    I really enjoyed it. It was quite simple but a frightening prospect that wasn’t ridiculous.
    10/10, I would eat this pasta again.

    I can imagine him running and freaking out cuz of his missing eyes and everyone’s just going “WTF?!” xDDDD

    loved this story. but srsly, 11:00 counts as late? dude…I stay up till, like 3 xD but i did like it. the ending was hilarious lmao. 10/10

  12. I’m sorry, but I really can’t understand how anyone could have been even remotely creeped out by this.

  13. dude i had a similar experience except it was with pictures of gary coleman except it was before he died. in fact as of sending this message, it’s may 27 2010.

  14. Rites of Spring

    I do quite like this story. The only complaint I have can barely be called a complaint at all- the fact you chose Futurama.

  15. I like this one, but you shouldnt have used the TV as a twist. Heck, the story could have just kept on going from there, and started happening in the guy’s actual life. But TV…no, and futurama really killed it…(btw, after reading this, I photoshopped a picture of me with my eyes gouged out and made it my facebook profile picture. Gotten quite a few confused comments, and one by someone else who had already read the story.)

  16. I loved this one, it scared the shit out of me so bad that I half expect to see those pictures coming onto my screen lol

  17. Good idea, but the ending wasnt that great. Futurama? Seriously? Would have been far better if something other than a cartoon characters eyes were missing. Like if he saw it on the news, or started seeing it in real life, or his friend gouged his eyes out after the computer began to torment him as well.

  18. Well…I’ll give the pasta points for not going the predictable route. I figured dude either had a)MPD or b) Would have the same problems with new computer. I think the problem with the ending of this pasta is that it leaves way too many holes in the story: Was it something wrong with his vision? Was it the beginning of a mental breakdown? Did he not watch TV the whole time he was dealing with the “evil computer”? Was there a demon possessing the old computer and just…appliance jumped when he got rid of the old computer?

    (See what I mean?)

    However…demonically possessed appliances does sound pretty awesome. Dude gets rid of his TV and then his microwave starts burning all his burritos.

  19. I got like super freaked when I read this because I do the same thing and now I keep blinking just to make sure.

    Good pasta is good :)

  20. Oh, Gosh…

    This one really freaked me out; mostly because I do almost the exact same thing. I tend to play countless games of solitaire, staying up until early in the morning. I hardly ever go to bed before midnight, and my TV is tuned on Adult Swim.
    It was so similar, I actually found myself purposefully blinking, just to make sure that I was! lol This is delicious pasta… with the right amount of subtle creep-spices. I like how instead of being in past tense, the narrator makes it seem as though it’s happening; drawing me in. xD

  21. Apparently I’m one of the few people that thinks this story was crap. Not scary, and the ending was stupid as hell. I didn’t think it was well written either. Overall a nasty pasta with bad sauce and rotten meatballs. Blech.

  22. You know what would have made this even scarier? if you had put a picture like the one he described halfway into the story.

  23. I don’t see what the big deal was, I mean, I thought that was Sp2 for Vista was suppose to fix. Well any way, I guess that the moral of the story is: “Switch to Linux”

  24. Good god this scared the piss out of me. The poor person in the story isn’t the only one whose heart jumped when they saw “Fry’s eyes were missing”.

    Way to caution people against staying up late. ._.

  25. Lol, I liked the story, when they mentioned Futurama I got a picture of Fry in my head and then his eyes disappeared and I shat a tiny brick. It’d be fun to organize a raid about on someone’s blog, just get a bunch of people asking about why they put the pictures of the people with their eyes gouged out or something in their blog.

  26. The way this story started out was cliched and kinda boring.

    But it got worse.

    At least there wasn’t a whole lot of useless repitition.

    But it got worse.

    Computers showing me creepy images isn’t particularly a scary event in my mind. Sure, pictures are worth 1000 scary words, but I’ve read plenty of scary stories and seen plenty of gruesome pictures. Said story character loses his mind and sees eyeless people for the rest of eternity. Truly sad, but it’s possible to live with.


    Sorry, the repeated use of that phrase bothered me to the point where I’d make a point of using it in my halfhearted ready-for-bed review.

    Decent story, but not creepy in the end. I’ll generously lend it a 7 out of 10

  27. Everyone being all “ooohhh it’s not scary he’s just seeing creepy computer images” needs to realize the implications of the ending, that it’s not just the computer, and it could potentially keep escalating into god knows what.

  28. If it did spread to the outside world, I think I’d get used to everyone missing their eyes. It would suck staring into your lovers eyes though…’cause you can’t see them. >_> “.What do you like about my eyes?” “..Uh, that..they’re gone?”

  29. Killer Kenny x

    Good story. I thought of this once, I bet all creative people who have had a computer thought of it-and you did a great job capturing it in this story. Well done.

  30. Good story. I thought of this once, I bet all creative people who have had a computer thought of it-and you did a great job capturing it in this story. Well done.

  31. Gah. I hate, I hate, I hate stories about missing eyes! >_< I think I lost my appetite. (Eating while reading this. Now no longer eating.)

  32. shortys roc my sox

    imma start drawing pictures like that of me, maybe i’ll get put on suicide watch. lol. yeah that sounds fun :D

  33. Chinchillazilla

    “It got so bad that I would stay up till midnight just doing nothing.”

    …is that bad? I stay up long past that doing nothing on the internet.

  34. I liked it a lot. I think that people don’t enjoy the Futurama reference, it being a comedy show. If it were a more serious show, I think there would be less complaints.

  35. I like the end. It felt like an inside joke that a lot of people were in on.

    Though, I’d imagine it could get really fun if the eyes start disappearing from real people. You could store things in their sockets and they wouldn’t know! It would be marvelous.

  36. mmm…. this pasta was OK I guess…. it felt a little bland… but its still good. I like the idea of the “virus” instead of infecting the computer it infected the user ;)

    This pasta was average.

  37. man that would be screwed up.. imagine sitting there fapping and suddenly the picture your fapping to, changes…

  38. Really, it started off with a lot of potential
    But it seems unfinished
    This guy(girl?) randomly finds shock sites and stuff posted on their computer?
    Sounds just like some uber-pain-in-the-ass virus rather than a really scary story
    Why wouldn’t he/she just watch movies with people then?
    Cuz apparently the virus only works when he/she is alone

  39. This pasta was well written and clever, but it kind of left me thinking “that’s it?” towards the end. Adding just one sentence of insight from the narrator after the final line would have made this story scarier. I don’t know if that makes sense, just something to emphasize the impact of the ‘thing’s’ forcefulness. Ok, Fry’s eyes appear gouged, what does that mean the narrator?

    Essentially, this story was not scary mainly because the narrator was not scared. Remember, we’re in HIS head, we feel what he feels.

  40. I don’t get the feeling that it was -supposed- to have some kind of a big WHAM unveiling at the end. This reads to me like it should have started with the word “prologue”. The scary part isn’t the missing-eyes thing; it’s that the shit is -still going on-, and all evidence hints that it’s going to get much, much worse as time goes on. Maybe eventually every person he sees IRL looks wracked and mutilated, too. Something like that.

    It just feels to me like the story wasn’t intended to be a one-shot in the first place, which would explain the lack of a big ol’ punch-to-the-head conclusion.

  41. Meh. I’ve seen too many things like this before. I’m pretty sure I get the message: dead bodies and computers do not mix.

    This one was unique, though; there was Futurama.

  42. Richard Dawkins

    This is a cool creepypasta, IMO. Unlike all of the normal shitty stories in which the protagonist is at a computer then looks to the left and sees their cat then realizes that They Are The Demon After All or whatever, it sticks to familiar computer-related actions, like scrolling through a mostly-text blog, that must be mimicked by the reader in order to continue reading. The usual disconnect between the reader and the main character was greatly reduced and made the story much scarier as a result, to the point at which I was genuinely hesitant to keep scrolling down lest mysteriously inlined corpse pictures appeared.

    Oh and also the dog episode of Futurama is dumb you’re dumb.

  43. Predictable twist, picked it straight away and using Futurama makes the whole thing descend to a new level of shit.

  44. This one scared the shit out of me and I have no idea why. But since I don’t want to surf the web any more tonight, i guess I liked it. Usually I don’t like ambiguous stuff like this, but this one really worked well for me.

  45. T___T
    I stay on the computer for hours as well, and I also have dial-up, making the pages slow.
    My eyes have been hurting lately, too!
    I’m a-scared!

  46. this wouldn’t be so scary to me if i hadn’t spent the past week up till 5am on the computer, watching adult swim in the background.
    oh god i hope the eyes stay on

  47. I think it’s a bit disjointed. I mean, the author should have stuck with one motif – either missing eyes or complete mutilation – not one or the other.

    Also, the voice is too casual to build suspense.

  48. Pretty interesting. Poor man, big bill and he STILL can’t get rid of those annoying images. It’s like having a screamer pop up on your screen every two seconds and you can’t get rid of it for the life of you.

    Man that sucks.

  49. MisterVercetti

    I agree: as soon as I saw “Futurama”, all sense of creepiness went flying out the window.

    Shoulda made it like the Muppets or something, woulda been a lot creepier. XD

  50. I’d post a meaningful comment, but Vaughn already posted, nearly word-for-word, what I was going to say.

  51. There is a fundamental disconnect here, a referent being employed which does not resonate with even me, who spends all but one or two waking hours in front of a computer screen. The conceit of being exposed to horrible images online is not unfamiliar to denizens of the internet in a post-Goatse epoch, but there’s an unfortunate timefulness here which prevents the story from grabbing hold.

    I could have done without the specifics (“I contacted the Geek Squad but they informed me after a standard diagnostic — including switching my RAM from Corsair to Kingston, which I’d had bad luck with in the past, etc.”). There’s also a betrayal of lifestyle at work which also would, I suppose, chill me if I blocked out my existence in those terms. (Imagine opening bag after bag of 99-cent Big Grab Sized Cheetos only to find each one was filled with the cold, dank, leaden air found only in some long-forgotten sepulchre! Imagining hearing some golem’s deafening shriek every time you rotated the base on your limited-edition She-Hulk HeroClix… !)

    I like the idea of the horrible inserted or overlaid onto everyday existence, but this wasn’t really the mechanism.

  52. The ending leaves a bit to be desired. I’m not particularly scared of it, but I’m just left wondering why. It doesn’t seem problematic if this person just gets away from technology in general. Then what would happen?

    tl;dr needs more elaboration imho.

  53. I liked it! Especially the lack of explanation or mention of an evil “entity”–some people don’t like ambiguity like that, but I find it makes the story more enjoyable.

  54. Err, isn’t this almost identical to “I was once fearless”. This is moar copypasta than creepypasta. I wasn’t scared, at all. But, good try. C:

  55. Seriously? This is awful. It’s barely lucid at all and the ending makes me want to punch myself in the face. Whoever you are Rad, I hope you pay for this.

  56. Feaster of Fear

    uh…..what now?

    Not trying to say the whole “eye” thing isn’t a bit weird, but this pasta seems to lack a definitive punch to the kidneys, if you know what I mean. Basically what I’m getting is that the guy is suffering from some sort of delusion, psychosis, or haunting of some kind that is causing his computer to do strange and gruesome things. These things get worse, and he can find no cause, so he junks the computer. He turns on the tv and a similar event occurs…..

    ….seems like this started out as a good idea, but it feels unfinished. On top of that, for an unfinished pasta, it’s very long. I’m going to say 4/10 on this one.

  57. Good pasta, but surely it could have been something other than Futurama?
    Also, I think I’ve been reading too much pasta, when I read “press end now” I pressed end o_o

  58. Didn’t we have one really similar to this one? Like with creepy horrible images kept showing up on the computer?

    Either way man this went nowhere. Really boring and the “twist” was incredibly obvious.

  59. At first, I thought it was going to be a joke pasta. Then the pictures of the dead people came along.

    Eh. The story was completely underwhelming.

  60. cautionary tales ftw.
    i actually like this one, kind of alot, but it’s not exactly what i’d call creepy. stories like this get creepy when characterguy goes off his rocker, which it kind of alludes to happening, but it doesn’t actually show. oh well, still a nice story :]
    my heart smiled when i saw creepy pasta had a new story up though.

  61. This reminds me of a time when a cartoon network aired all their episodes with little moustaches drawn on everyone.
    I actually laughed at this Creepypasta.

  62. 2ND?? :p Sorry couldnt’ resist x) Anyhow I’m a hugh fan of the is site, great story I got chills reading it. Funny I always wake up the next morning and find random porn on my pc,, I must “sleep-porn-watch” ;-o

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