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The Missing Village

Estimated reading time — 2 minutes

In November 1930, Joe Labelle, a Canadian fur trapper, snowshoed into a thriving Eskimo fishing village situated on the shores of Lake Anjikuni in Canada. Labelle was greeted with an eerie silence. He thought this was very strange because the fishing village was a noisy settlement with 2,000 Eskimos milling back and forth to their kayaks. But there wasn’t a soul about. Labelle visited each of the Eskimo huts and fish storehouses but none of the villagers was anywhere to be seen. Labelle saw a flickering fire in the distance and approached it gingerly, sensing something evil was afoot on this moonlit night. Upon the fire was a smoldering pot of blackened stew. To make matters more mysterious, Labelle saw that not a single human track had left the settlement.

Labelle knew something bizarre had happened to the 2,000 people, and so he ran non-stop to the nearest telegraph office and sent a message about his findings to the Royal Canadian Mounted Police. The Mounties turned up hours later, and they too were baffled by the mass vanishing act. An enormous search party was sent out to look for the missing villagers, but they were never found, and the search party unearthed some strange findings. All the sleigh dogs that had belonged to the Eskimos were found buried 12 feet under a snowdrift at the perimeter of the camp. All of them had starved to death. The search party also established that all the Eskimos’ provisions and food had been left in their huts, which didn’t make any sense at all. Then came the most chilling surprise of all; the search party discovered that all of the Eskimos’ ancestral graves were empty. Whoever or whatever had taken all the living villagers had also dug up the dead as well, even though the icy ground around the graves was as hard as iron.


Later on that unearthly silent night, the Mounties watched in awe as a strange blue glow lit up the horizon. The eerie radiance was not the northern lights, but seemed steady and artificial. As the Mounties watched, the light pulsated then faded. All the newspapers of the world reported the baffling disappearance of the 2,000 Eskimos, although many believed that a rational explanation would eventually come to light, but the Anjikuni mass disappearance is still unsolved.

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53 thoughts on “The Missing Village”

  1. Referring to Native Americans as ‘Eskimos’ is offensive, ‘Inuit’ ‘Aboriginal’ or ‘Native American’ are the propar terms.

    1. “Native American” is less derogatory, but still ignorant, since anyone born in America is a native. “American Indian” at least refers to historical events/mistakes, and even people who properly defend that demographic will prefer to call them that. And “Eskimo” includes both the Inuit AND the Yupik.

    1. Man, that’s so like people to exaggerate. Like how Eskimos have a million words for snow. >.> What’s their fascination with Eskimos and exaggerating the numbers related to them, anyway?

  2. Mr. Welldone scares the hell out of me, but I love him anyway. ^-^
    Also, this story intrigues me. I’d love to know what had happened.

  3. Oh, wait, misunderstood that paragraph. I thought the icy ground hard as iron meant the ground hadn’t been broken.

    Ignore me!

  4. So… when a bunch of people go missing, is it common practice to dig up ancestral graves under frozen ground as part of the search party? Like they’d be hiding in there or something?

    I just found that part a bit silly. Still an interesting mystery though.

    1. “…the search party discovered that all of the Eskimos’ ancestral graves were empty. Whoever or whatever had taken all the living villagers had also dug up the dead as well…”

      When you read a story, do you actually pay attention to the words you’re reading?

  5. ROANOKE! Sorry, but that’s exactly what I thought when reading this. Seems to hold the same elements of a strange sudden dissapearance, with no clues to where they went.

    Was the blue light part of the aurora borealis? Just throwing that out there.

  6. I for one welcome Mr. Welldone. He’s a pretty cool guy. eh articulates well and doesnt afraid of anything. His comments are frequently more intriguing than the story itself.

  7. Oooo. That’s embarrassing.

    Back to the pasta!

    Actually, it’s a bit unknown if this was a hoax or not, as all the sources I researched stated only speculation and hearsay. We really have no idea what the hell happened out there.


    Shay, those were my thoughts exactly when I read this story.
    (The story also reminded me of AvP.)

  9. … Stupider is not strictly a word, and there IS no evidence that Mr. Welldone’s words are true, but that’s what makes him so entertaining to most people here. You oughtn’t take everything he says personally.
    To be honest, all of the anti-Welldone comments are way more annoying than Welldone himself, at least to me.
    I can’t see why you can’t simply ignore him if he annoys you.
    As for demanding proof…
    You might as well demand that someone verifies the existence of Middle-Earth before you read Lord of the Rings. Seriously, proof takes the fun out of most things, especially Creepypasta.

    As for the comparison to “OMG!TEHEVILZCHRISTIANITY!”… I believe it is you who has “failed hard this time”. (For the record, I’m NOT a member of organised religion).

  10. And when has Mr. Welldone provided evidence of his his so called knoledge? Is someone who seems to think of himself as wise trying to tell us not to think for ourselves and research it? Isnt that one christianity does? I dont know about you, but I like to search for both sides of a topic and decide for myself. Deciding that I dont believe that this copypasta is real doesnt make me any stupider than anybody else who thinks it is real. Just because I dont believe doesnt mean I think Im safe. Try again, Mr.Welldone, you failed hard this time.

  11. Rumination and meditations aside, could I indulge in a little Coast-to-Coast style speculation? Maybe they were
    abducted by aliens for a big experiment. Hence the artificial blue light in the distance (UFO)? Maybe they needed both dead and living human specimens that’s why the graves have been dug up. They would of course have the technology to easily cut through several feet of tundra without disturbing the rest of the grave site.


    I have been a lurker here for quite some time, and I must say, I am not entirely certain as to why some of the other readers find Mr. Welldone so irritating. I quite enjoy his commentary. This pasta, for example, was rather mediocre as pasta goes, and Welldone’s addition, if you will, definitely improved upon it. As it is with many of the other creepy pasta.

    At worst, you ought to simply leave him alone, leave him to those of us who enjoy his insights; this is just entertainment, after all… At best you might occasionally pay attention; in hope that it is not too late to learn what Mr. Welldone already seems to know.

  13. I love Mr. Welldone’s comments. He amuses me.

    So is the blue flashing light in the pasta a reference to something, or just there to add to the ambiguity?

  14. Mr. Welldone needs to get a life and stop trying to freak people out on a creepypasta site.

    annoying troll is annoying.

  15. Hello.

    I assure you all, this is not a hoax.

    Humanity is so willing to believe that it has control over everything, that there is no place beyond the reach of the foolish notion of “civilization.”.

    I tell you, the only difference between the savagery which takes place in places of higher population versus places of lower population is the slightest of subtleties, if that.

    You are not aware of what goes on beyond the veil of the imaginary borders of your non-existant sanctuaries.

    But that is your choice.

    You do not wish to be aware.

    What lies you will tell yourselves in order to grant yourselves a night’s peaceful slumber!

    If you wish to find a hoax, look to your sense of safety.

    That is the greatest hoax of all.

    You are never safe.

      1. I did look it up and it turns out it is a hoax. It was fabricated by a gentleman named emmet kelleher in 1930,and then republisized in a book byfrank edwards in 1959. Sadly, it is a total fabrication

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