Don’t dismiss this outright as the work of some raving lunatic. There’s some sense to this story, if you’ll just hear me out…
Look, we all wonder if time travel is possible, right? Well, let me tell you something… it is. I’m from the future, actually. I know you probably don’t believe that, but seriously, I’m from the future. It’s a really great thing; getting to see the past, watching events unfold… stuff like that. We know more now than we ever would.
Behind all the fun, though, there’s a more serious aspect. We aren’t supposed to go in our own lifetime, and we are NEVER allowed to contact our past selves. Let me tell you, I’m breaking that rule right now. Yes, kid, you’re talking to yourself. Your future self. I’m going to be executed for this, but you know what? I accept that. I’m preventing something by talking to you that is WORSE than death. I can’t tell you outright what to do, because the filters would catch it. This is the closest I can get, trust me. I can, however, send a little message.
You should probably read the first word of every paragraph, now.
Copyright Statement: Unless explicitly stated, all stories published on are the property of (and under copyright to) their respective authors, and may not be narrated or performed under any circumstance.
Oh god! when I looked behind me I saw we had no more pizza rolls
i really like this story and was actually kinda tempted to look behind me when i first read it
not bad. I like the ending really creative for my taste
Clever. That is all
I always look behind because I’ve had some really scary crap appear behind me in photos and stuff. I’ve gotten really sensitive to my surroundings.
I turned around and I got so scared my heart skipped a beat… There was a mirror, I saw my own reflection and I thought: “shit, am I really this ugly?”
what if you look behind you before you finish the story.
I was trying to send this to my kindle to read again later, but I forgot I have been signed into my friend’s amazon account. Now I feel like a genius, as I know she will undoubtedly read this and be scared. This story would make sense to pop up out of the blue. I feel so clever and cruel at the same time.
that was very creepy and i looked behind me and jumped expecting something to be there
I passed this to my wife to read then stood behind her with a knife and a menacing stare in my eye.. She won’t talk to me now.
I wish I had read this in a dark room with my back to a door. Still amazing though.
I really liked this one. It’s pretty clever. 7/10
Oddly, it made me want to look behind me
For some odd reason I believed that whatever was behind me was indeed my future self here to take me away to a better place in time/space where I’d be safe from whatever was after me.
Guess what? I looked behind me… and… there was nobody their, like always, for once I wish there would be someone behind me… I’m so lonely XD
*there, sorry for the spelling error
I KNOW this isn’t real. And yet. I can’t bring myself to look behind me.
I read this pasta on my phone while at the park, I looked behind me and saw two men forcing a third man into a car….
I laughed so hard when I read that comment
when I read this in the end I miss-read, and all I read was “Look Behind You.” so I looked behind me…..
My cat was cleaning his paw behind me, and there was a lamp. o…o
i did not really get it but it was kinda creepy once i read that it said “don’t look behind you”
so rosetnt it says dont look behind me
ha, there’s a wall behind me. SAFE!
This scared me more then other pasta I’ve read 0.0
Did anyone else look behind them after they read the story?
cool the last line struck me……I was really afraid to look back even if there’s a wall behind me …….haha keep writing!……XD
I really do not want to look behind me now.
Well… now im cuddling with my dog and listening to skydoesminecraft… heh.. ehh..
I just shit bricks!
he alwways was a loser
That is so creepy!!!
i see other things
i dont get what he means but its still creepy when he said read the first word,and i was all like,WHAT THE FUCK
This one is especially creepy since I call myself kid and have been doing so most of my life, and I believe in time travel … so that makes it especially creepy.
This Patsa was sorta ruined for me; there is a blank wall behind me, that I was leaning on as I read the story.
So I’m sitting with my back to the door and I turn around. The handle’s moving. My sister enters the room and I scream because I was expecting a serial killer or something creepy.
My sister just looks at me like I’M the crazy one.
I’d believe it more if this pasta contained phrases like “muthaf*cka” and “As fu*ck”. That’s definitely me
If you read the second word of each paragraph it says “Dismiss we all should.” and that probably means we all should dismiss something.
God, why could my “future self” have told me not to read creepypastas after midnight :,(
My back is against the wall, you shit.
There is a wall behind me,sooooo
Oh god…. the wild light switch appeared behind me!
Definitely got a bit of a chill at the end. Not bad.
the message is: dont look behind you
So, I look behind me and the door handle starts to move! Then my mom walks in. Almost shitted my pants! XD
what? my dad? why can’t i see my dad, lol
Holy shit it’s Candle Ja-
my heart dropped when i read don’t look behind you. I’m a 15 year old girl and i don’t usually get scared about things but that really creeped me out and i looked behind me i was actually waiting for something to look back at me.
OMFG this was the creepiest pasta I have ever seen! A clump of spaghetti that wont break apart! AHHHHHHH!
In all seriousness I will read this for my channel! ^__^
My back is against a wall so c:
Very creepy, very cool.
…. I was all like “pffftt!” So I turned around…
Then I thought, “Ha future self! There’s nothing behind me.”
Then I was like “… Wait. My future self would know I’d be a rebel and would turn around. So maybe the real danger was on my computer and turning around saved me…”
Am I the only one who looked behind themselves after reading this?
I can’t look behind me because I’m in a chair… YOUR MESSAGE IS IRRELIVANT TO ME
I read this and get all excited, I look behind me and realized its a wall. I now know I must be wary of walls and what they plot for me in my future.
Side note: Incredible, Enjoyed every moment, quite enthralling. Just what I want to read when i come here
after reading this story and giving it a bit of thought i realized that this story shouldn’t really be all that creepy, think about it…. its coming from your “future self”, so nothing TOO bad could be behind you, or else you wouldn’t have a “future self”
wow, i like this one alot!
me and my friend instantly turned around! it scared us
I looked behind me and there was my old clown doll… Help. ;-;
well this scared me bacause before i read this i felt something move behind me……
i just loooked behind me.
This was boring. And then I got to the very end, and read don’t look behind you. It terrified me. Got chills.
that creeped me the fuck out LMFAO!! i got shivers and my hands got so clammy HAHAHAHAHHA!!! oh god…
omg now i wont loo behind myself any more that is preety darn scary
Anyone else looked behind them straight away? i did. :( and my co-worker scared the shit out of me.
I looked behign me to find my wall, OOhhh scaaarryy
how is it possible for future you to save your life by telling you to look behind you, if you die?
so im in class and i am reading this and i thought it was creepy and i had the feeling that i was being watched so i look behind me and it turns out that my friend was reading this behind me the whole time and he was just staring at it emotionless and it scared the shit out of me
Thats cool.
It wasn’t that creepy until I read the message. :O
I found this one actualy quite enjoyable, probs to the guy who made this
This legitimately scared me. Lol! I feel pretty silly for it but I did look behind me anyway. Very hesitantly and with major goosebumps, that is. This is the first creepypasta that actually scared me and didn’t just freak me out a little. Nicely done!
Yes, don’t look behind you
lol,someone suggest me a creepypasta to put on my youtube
I read this then looked behind me. There was a stuffed animal staring right at me.
feh i didnt see bubkiss
Ooooooo! That’s kinda creepy!
I just looked behind me and I saw nothing and I’m thinking to myself ” what a rip-off.”
most boring pasta ever.
it says
So what i looked behind me. guess what i saw nothing
Stale pasta.
To be honest, I don’t want to turn around anymore…
Funny, there was a mirror behind me. I was looking at myself LOL. I must be a danger to myself :P
Creepy. I don’t want to look behind me, and there’s only a wall that’s SUPPOSED to be there… Creepy.
I looked.
Shit, I saw my mom.
I can’t look behind me I am laying down
Thank you! This was THE creepypasta that I read that began my addiction. It’s probably still my favorite creepypasta ever.
Oh wait, there was no typo…
I looked behind me, and I saw was a TV, the couch, the wall, and an angel statue. Wait…where the hell did the couch come from?
I’m actually sitting in class right now so I felt safe but great pasta, I enjoyed reading this. :)
That was quite cool.
I had the sudden urge to look behind me. That’s the opposite of what I wanted myself to do.
maybe its just saying, don’t dwell on the past. “don’t look behind you”
i looked behind me and i looked at my mirror and i was like: “fuck” OnO
I’m sitting against a wall.
Some of the creepiest things don’t creep me out but this somehow did, and I totally see how this could be a Doctor Who reference
I looked behind me and there was a…………………………………………………………………………….. WALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I’m scared for life…. Thanks for warning me!!!!!!
I like shit bricks!!!!!!!!!
Is it like a Doctor Who reference?
well there’s a wall behind me and unless someone wants to turn into a wall, nothing is going to happen to me
Still looking behind me… I feel like something will come and get me… T_T I’m scared by this… It’s an awesome pasta!
I seriously looked behind me.
Lol, I love this
Don’t underestimate me and my skill for killing people who look at me.
I looked behind me and saw my about to jump on my head.
This was really good.
oh no a wall lol
…Well we all know that people will certainly do what you told them not to do out of curiosity…. even though we don’t want to look behind us we still have the urge to know why, isn’t that right?
I was weirded out by this It really was creepy and sent a cold shiver down my back Nicely played creepiness
so creepy. made me look behind me. 0_0
so i loked behind me
and i see mywall has a huge black stain that wasnt there before
just WTF
(a d if my future me knows what i was just browsing does it know i just had a terrible jumpscare that i almost had to go to hospital?)
I have a closet behind me…FML.
Looked behind teacher was staring me down.
this gave me chills at the very end o__o
As soon as I followed the instructions to read he first letter of each paragraph I was like ‘Holy shit.’ And I hid under the blankets XD
Wait…wait… future self, are you trying to tell me that my hamster is a crazy axe murderer? Sorry, when I turned around all I saw was my hamster running inncontly on t’s wheel….and wait when did I ever give it a little axe?!
No joke: I was in an office building across from another, and in the other’s window I saw someone duck away just after I looked.
I still havent looked behind me…SOMEBODY SAVE ME!!
Yum. A Tasty Pasta, but with a bit of a scary aftertaste :o
hahaha that freaked me out for a second, but there’s a wall behind my head, and i can see the entire room. fail.
Wait!……….if my futer me broke the rules……….ill break the rules in the future
this scared the shit out of me
Looked behind me and saw a chinese man… Shit just got real.
Don’t be crazy, I looked behind myself and nothing happen OH SHI
Oh my…
I actually got a chill reading this.
Not bad!(:
as i read the first word of every paragraph i looked behnd me very slowly…
best pasta ever scared the hell out of me but still the best ever
Doesn’t really work… I wouldn’t ever talk to myself in english…
I am behind you
As soon as i read that and looked behind me i saw one of Tosh.0’s disgusting videos…this guy was right. I’m pretty awesome if i do say so myself
i look behind, and i see MAC computers! NOOOOOOOOOOOOO
I’m in a busy libary… I looked and im suddenly totally alone… im creeped out…
I hate you all.
I looked behind me and a monster stole my bacon!
But if your me, and everyone else, THEN OMFG WHOA! THE FUTER IS WEIRD.
To be honest with you, I really was wishing something was there.
Why can’t I look back? Its just my tv? And Sponge Bob’s on.
I looked behind me, and saw my sister. SCARY!!!!!! XD x3
Excellent work my friend! If I got this in my email, I would be frightened! :)
I turned around and there was my kitten
Thankies future self, but that won’t help me now, as I already turned around! I saw my brother….
Meh, I feel secure knowing that no matter what I do now, I’ll still be alive to tell my own past-self this same message. :D
This actually freaked me out…
if you look behind and there was a girl or animal and ur a dude….. FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU
Well, now I know how i’m gonna die :P
Ha, My chair is in front of a wall, I had my desk positioned in this manner so that nothing could come up behind me
I’m sitting against a wall right now….
I was leaning against a wall while reading thisl… -_- But if I wasnt I would be genuinely scared
I looked behind, there’s just a bookcase, a door and my broryuoriawq
You know how you said "don’t look behind you"? I LOOKED >:D
After reading this I turned around only to see the most horrifying thing I have ever dared to lay eyes on…………. MY BROTHER!!!!!!!!
Dear god what have I done!!!!!!!! D:
Wow, I really liked this! When I was first reading this, I was thinking "How could this possibly be scary?" until I got to the last part. Genuially creepy, and very clever!
The story itself was not scary.
When I read the final line, I chuckled.
I went numb for a bit after the few seconds it took to read those few words. Hairs stood on end.
First comment I’ve ever made. Genuinely creepy.
PS. I still havent looked behind me.
Holy crap! I’m genuinely freaked out! Lol
I didn’t think this would be creepy but it suprised me.
I looked behind me… There’s boy I love, sleeping. Well…
Fuck u author i was just about to get him.
If anyone’s read "Bedtime," they’ll understand why I’m so scared of the wall behind me.
that got me good. right behind my computer chair is a giant fear and loathing poster with johnny depp’s head blown up on it…i seen that and almost shit my pants…
Psht, that didn’t sound like me.
Well I’m sitting in front of a window, how fantastic.
As I finished this story my phone got a text……I don’t think I want to read it…..
so you’re fucking going to tell me that this mcdonald’s guy wanna kill me?
I read this during my tech class at school and when i finished reading i looked back and saw a guy mowing the lawn in the school court-yard…I almost screamed >.>
ok fak u o.o
I swear, every time creepypasta tells me not to look behind me , not only do I look… I dramatic look. I even make the noise. Famous last words?
Oh like there’s gonna be anything behind me. Theres my dog, my window, my angel statue, my……Wait…I don’t have an angel statue. Oh shi-
Whuh, huh WHAT! What were you saying poizn
Right when I turned around ( Im a daring mofo) my friend texted me and it scared the absolute shit out of me
it’s a good thing i’m sitting against a wall….
would have been creepy if i wasnt in school xD
I want to go get a glass of chocolate milk, but I refuse to turn around to get some.
….I love this, but forreal, what the fuck did i just read..?
I read the first paragraph entirely, I took the message from me as read the first paragraph very closely, I knew I wouldn’t care for the don’t look behind you, and I haven’t looked.
The message is telling me, to prevent time travel from occurring in my time line, and that this is from another time line, but they don’t want a me from a different time line that branched off to be stuck in their clusterfuck, to live a full life.
……………….im scared i dont want t o turn arou- something on my shoulder….. FFUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU-
theres 3 eyes behind me ._. what in bloody fucking hell fucking vermin is gonna die it has 3 eyes o^o
sooo glad that I’m against a wall right now
This seriously wasn’t creepy at all. “Don’t look behind you”. OOOOH SHIT!! HOW ORIGINAL!! STEP BACK, THIS GUY’S GOT CREATIVITY!!
erk but i never say “outright”?!
ooh, this is fabulous.
i’m lying in my bed, behind me is my pillow :)
I looked behind me and saw…
Gave me a chill. I liked that. C: 8/10.
Holy crap that was creepy. got me worse than most of the really long ones.
Jeez La Freakin weez…. Fuckin Creepy!
This was stupid. Really stupid.
Wait…. I’m going to be executed in the future?!?! CRAP!
Honestly I would’ve flipped shit and turned around but I’m laying on my bed with my head up against a pillow.
Still, it gave me a bone-chilling feeling and was written in a nice room.
If it would’ve said, “Don’t look to your side.” I would’ve literally shat bricks! It’s pitch black in my room. However, I use that so I don’t see shadows. You could say I suffer from schizophrenia, but that’s only when there’s light to confuse me and conjour up shadows.
There. Is. A. Closet. Behind. Me. Yup, leaving the room now.
tht just made tea comeouta my but anybdy want some
There is a window behind me scared to look awesome creepy pasta I love it
I saw something exactly like this when I was 12. Unoriginal, so 5/10
this totally deserves a higher rating! 10/10
Genuinely felt a shiver down my spine when I read “Don’t look behind you”. I honestly don’t want to turn around right now!
The first time I read this was a while ago on a different website. It scared the hell out of me. I was trying so hard to fight the urge to turn around. I was freaking out for ages afterwards. I’m a scaredy-cat retard, I know. But the scariest part was that the next day the person had deleted it o_O I started panicking like “Oh god, what if that was real?!” Thankfully I found it here XD
nice try me but I’m sitting against a wall
loli cant even look behind me AND its super sunny, AND i would, never…NEVER EVER use the word kid to talk about myself, i would say babe, or hun
I’m in my bunk bed, genius
I looked behind me, and.. OH MY GOD, A WALL!
Heh. After waiting several minutes to look behind me, (cuz i’m kinda scared after reading pastas all day) I looked and expected to see the corner of my room. But nope. There was my stuffed bat. Right next to my head. Scared the shit out of me. It’s fuckin beady eyes staring into my sooooooul.
Well, i must say, that had some massive potential, as the message could have been something much freakier than tired old “dont look behind you”. id give it 7/10, could be higher if it wasnt using a big cliche.
Good story, pretty glad I’m leaning on a wall right now
fix up *bit*
wow that is just a little buit creepy it give all of us the creeps :0
@Frank, that’s a brilliant idea. I now have to do that.
My thought on this is that since your future self knows you better than anyone else, then perhaps they will understand how you will feel in a certain situation in the near/far future where the urge to look behind you will strike and you will know from this story not to look. Not necessarily referring to right now. Makes me feel better for the moment. Still haven’t looked behind myself though.
I thought it said to read the first line, the one of “some raving lunatic” and that I was about to get killed by one, that`s why I got scared haha
Future me is a total bitch.
I looked and I saw my budgies, and was thus reminded that I have to clean their cage.
I’ve been reading for like an hour now, and this one really creeped me out. My back is all tingly….
What? Read every first word of all paragraph? Look behind? Ok. *Looks behind*
There’s nothing just an clow– OMFGLAZ0RS IM GETTEN OUTTA HEAR
I looked behind me and man! I look handsome in the future. what? read the first word of ever paragraph? (starts reading) OH SHI-
Only problem in this…
I…don’t…talk or write like that.
I suppose I just don’t fall for anything where the writer tries to involve me directly.
Actually, I’ve developed a code word to use in case I ever travel back in time. I don’t see it here, so fail.
Chills were felt and bricks were shat. I know I’m just Random Anonymous Person, but I thank you for that startling. Holy hell I am jumpy now. x.x;
i was legit scared to look behind me for a minute…
This was so awesome…. I looked behind me and I find my pillows and a cupboard. Anyway, this gave me the creeps. Very delicious pasta. More please!
Ok, so basically what i’m telling myself is if i look behind me, I will face something worse than death, and if I don’t look back, than sometime in the future I am gonna die because I told my other me that? I think i’m just gonna let my other me die…
omiflipping god i didnt turn around but then i showed my bro the first words and when i turned around i saw something.
ok just now somebody tapped me on the back there is a reflectionb on my computer.
im against the wall omiflipping god someone is playing with my hair and tickling my back slightly!
help, please.
my chihuahua was behind me..¬¬ sha puppa is gonna keel me T_T
Holy shit, I turned around- Twice. What’s gonig to happen to me?
Then I won’t.
This is good pasta.
I’m trying to open forum but sometimes there are no images on it :(
Unknown message
*looks behind me* All I saw was my mom! ^_^’
*looks behind*
Actually I didn’t.
I was too scared :’)
“Oh hey, another creepypasta…”
*2 minutes later*
“Well shit, that wasn’t so ba-”
*reads last line*
*reads secret message*
why are all the short stories so shit?
Very good. It’s difficult to make a message like that. The author obviously put some time and effort into it. Well done.
Fear the Darkness
Bahhh, as soon as I read those words, I looked behind me. I’m so paranoid now. xD
i looked and found a white wall :P
I still like it tho.
If something behind you were to hurt/kill you… then your future self wouldn’t exist to give you that message… paradox fail
I lol’d. awesome pasta.
waaahhh… so hilarious at first i didn’t read the last sentence (STUPID) and i scrolled down i saw the comments thinking what’s scary about the message, and so it happened to read it again, so that little message got me there thank goodness I’m in a computer lab in a middle of the day ^^ i enjoyed reading your comments and that’s a good stuff…it makes my day! clever story! like it 2 thumbs up for you!
Very good, very very good(:
it was really scary because when I turned around and looked, it was the scariest thing ever…….my older sister. :O
WOW, i still have goosebumps from the shit. Its said read the first words of each paragraph NOW, like that shit was important, and when i saw “Don’t” i was like O SHI-….for a second there i thought candlejack was gonna be there and kidna
I turned around and saw UBOA and Weegee behind me. Giygas was there too. awesome.
Ugh, I looked behind me and saw a wall. Fair enough. But then I looked behind me again a few minutes later, and realized that above the wall behind me…is a window. With the shades pulled shut. I still don’t have the courage to peek outside, screw that. I’ve been staring at the TV’s reflection in front of me for the past few minutes tho, to make sure nothing comes through my window.
AAH! Don’t look! I’m naked.
Haha, I looked behind me and saw my reflection in my TV screen, surrounded by a bunch of sinister-shaped shadows from stuff in my room (that never fail to freak me out on a regular basis, not just now.).
I jumped two feet in the air and screamed bloody murder.
Good thing nobody else is home.
Looked behind me to see my dog licking his balls.
I use this one from time to time when I troll Omegle :)
Shat brix.
Turned around, and there was a picture of me on the wall, but due to the lighting it looked distorted and freakish. D:
This was creepy but I’ve read stuff like it.
Btw, there is a kitten behind me.
haha thought it was
and i did look
i forgot the ‘dont’ xd
Omg that scared me so bad! O_O
I tried to be brave and not look.
5 minutes after, I looked.
saw a rainbow balloon saying happy birthday. :)
I looked. Nothing but a pillow. Behind that, a wall! :D
But I have to turn around in order to get out of my chair and go to the bathroom… ;-;
yeah, that creeped the shit out of me.
i could barely look behind me.
that was horrible – way to many future you’s and present you’s and you’s in general. worst pasta I have ever read.
I didn’t look and my dog is hiding under the blanket. Should I be afraid?
I turned around and saw a stuffed pony.
And a hat.
i’m laying on my back. the only thing behind me is a big red floor pillow…
Is it a dangerous pillow to acknowledge
this is still one of my favs
I looked behind me and my friend turkey-slapped me. >: C
oh fuck.
its amazing how chilling four simple words can be. This gave me some crazy, uber chills. Simple, effective = approval
5/5 stars
I shat brix.
Seriously though, this has to be the best pasta I’ve read so far :o I didn’t look behind me at first, and then heard like a loud ‘thump’ coming from behind me at the other side of my room, so I was freaked out even more by that…………
That’s not /my/ future me. I’ve got a secret word, and he didn’t use it.
I looked behind me anyway. :P
there is nothing to look behind me. because I can see behind though the mirror in front me. hahaha! you catch my attention that was pretty good. but the future thing.. oh well! but its good.
I can’t I’ve got a neck brace on hahahahahahahahahahaha funny me lol
Fuck man. Even though it may be fiction, it still gives me chills to slowly turn my head after reading it. If it isn’t fiction, I feel sorry for the one this letter is for. Heh
Oh man. That scared the shit out of me.
uhhhhm. glad i’m sitting against the wall.
*looks behind herself* hmm? oh thats just my hobo friend he must have came through the window again silly hobo *wags finger*
otherwise this pasta is lukewarm
dude, i looked behind me and nothing was there. You tricked me!
hahahaha my snoring boyfriend is behind me.
thanks future self, ill stay away from him lol
Not so effective as there was a wall behind me hehehe… Also I think the language used is quite male, i.e. calling the person kid, maybe it’s an American thing though? otherwise good, I enjoyed it.
fuuuuucckk D:
I would like a 2nd helping of this pasta.
My shadow was behind me. *Remembers reading The Closest Enemy* O_O. Oh shi-
that was creepy as fuck.
I looked behind me, and there was nothing there. :’D I was actually paranoid that there may be.
That was so creepy and I loved the whole don’t look behind you thing. I got goose bumps
oh god, a chill just went up my spine. that’s never happened before.
Ah, that was lame. Sorry.
Oh wow.. This is really funny… because i read the fisrst word of every paragraph and i turned around and i saw my cousin.. It freaked me out.. That was hilarious.. Man.. Who ever wrote this is a very good writer…
Loved it! n.n
I whipped my head around really fast to get it over with and slammed my face into a bookshelf. Asshole future me is an asshole.
Creeepyyyy…so what’s behind me right now? Closed bedroom door, dog, dog cowering from said door, door openin–
Read the first word of every paragraph-
I looked behind me – nothing :P
Good story
I looked behind me and saw this russian kid name “Karmen” from the class I’m sitting in.
He was packing his backpack
Might be bombs 0.0
Great work.
This is the only pasta that’s ever made me this paranoid O__<. I’ve always thought that the ‘don’t look behind you’-pastas were the worst/best/scariest ones and this one’s the best of them. Seriously, when I first read this, I went for three f-cking days without looking behind me. Especially since this is the kind of thing I would write to myself, so I figure future me would do it as well…
yeah, that creeped me the hell out.
Nicely done.
Sent chills up my spine, that’s fer shurr.
I looked behind me and saw my best friend, OMG AHHHHH!
Awesome, but I would never call myself kid and use the overall jargon :) still shat a fortress of brix
Freaked my ass out! lol
Oh my god, the wall is going to kill me…
My heart skipped a beat… because while i was reading the part saying I can however send a little message, i got a message on my phone, but it was just my sister… phew. The dont look behind part i only got after reading it again….
that was excellent, especially the paragraph thing :)
I was at school when i read this and i looked behind me and there was some creepy and ugly kid in my class that was staring at me… :'( he scares me more than any of these pastas..
I seriously looked behind me,
and screamed at my cat.
Look behind me?
But it’s so dark, I won’t see anything.
Get me a candle, Jack!
Haha, anyway this pasta was quite delicious and
Look behind me?
But it’s so dark, I won’t see anything.
Get me a candle, Jack!
Haha, anyway this pasta was quite delicious and
This one is actually really creepy =O
0-0 Holy shit, now I’m afraid to turn around XD Excellent job. *slowly turns around*
Not bad. Didn’t really scare me though. Firstly, I’m not American and I just would never type like that. I’d never call myself “kid”. Also, I always sit with my back to the wall. And I’m too damn lazy to turn around anyway.
Still pretty cool though, would repost.
Holy shit, fucking win.
I got goosebumps.
Hahaha. That is solid.
would the opening sentence count as a paragraph?
I looked behind me, and it’s a closet door.
Am I supposed to be scared? =)
Fuck you, me, I’m not looking at shit.
that was weird…that was actually quite and my friend almost pissed ourselves cause its night time and we were sitting in the dark alone in the big old house..lmao.
all i saw behind me was a wall
Awesome pictures. The ghost pic at the end is phenomenal.
You’re mean. Never post again.
oh ha ha I bet if I look back there candlejack or someone i
not creepy. a good creepy story is believable. you already ask the reader to stretch his or her imagination in the first place when you ask them to believe something ridiculous, like your some guy from the future. it is then the writers responsibility to make everything else as believable as possible, so we can begin to accept the absurdity of whatever they’re trying to make us scared of. sure one could believe this guys from the future, but then he claims to be you? sorry but not buying it as possible, or even plausible. fail.
not creepy. a good creepy story is believable. you already ask the reader to stretch his or her imagination in the first place when you ask them to believe something ridiculous, like your some guy from the future. it is then the writers responsibility to make everything else as believable as possible, so we can begin to accept the absurdity of whatever they’re trying to make us scared of. sure one could believe this guys from the future, but then he claims to be you? sorry but not buying it as possible, or even plausible. fail.
CREEPY YES. I actually looked behind me.
When I first read this one, I was sitting laying on a wall. Now I’m wondering if having a wall behind me was actually any sign of safety.
You never know what creeps inside your walls… O_o
this was stupid, not only did you try to convince me that your from the future and a future self…which i know cant be, but you made me look behind myself and see my bed and my wall…full of pictures…no creepy old woman version of me behind myself….made me waste my time and feel stupid….wow….but it was an interesting way to make sombody waste time….thanks
Wow, you’re all a bunch of pansies getting creeped out by this. If the future is set, there’s nothing to change it. So don’t worry about what you can’t change, and worry about what you can. The present.
I think future me expected me to look behind me… I think they saved my life…
When I looked behind me I saw something vaguely human but definitely not leaving the room.
my hamster was behind me and gave me an evil look
Aw, Looked behind me and saw nothing. I am upset now, but I loved the concept.
actually, I was taking a shit in my bathroom while reading this. My bathroom is like 10×5 if that, adn the toilet is right up against the wall. So, when I looked behind me, I saw the same wall I see whenever I look behind me in the bathroom. What a save by the future me. lol
Good job thouhg
I’m gonna kill you………
This blog I will look to so I can get in the mood to write scary, odd, or creepy music for a projects. Totally good. Thanks!
cleverly done
well that was really creepy because right when i looked behind me there was a weird person behind me, i screamed so loud i think people across the state heard me
“I looked behind me. All I saw behind me was a TV, the back door, a couch and an angel statue.
Wait, when did we have an angel statue?
Oh fuc”
LOL @Lachesis
No, seriously, Duck.
How did I become such a crappy writer in the future? Brain injury?
I looked behind me and saw future me jerking off….
Dammit; I’m dead now…at least in some dimension or another.
I figured it would say “You…just…lost….the….game.”
fuck man there was amirror behind me…lol that was in fact a lil bit creepy
So what this mail is from the past
If I wrote the message, telling me not to time travel, would I not have made the message?
Also, I forgot the first paragraph, I read:
“I looked behind me. All I saw behind me was a TV, the back door, a couch and an angel statue.
Wait, when did we have an angel statue?
Oh fuc” – Lachesis
Lol Dr. Who :D
that scared the hell outa me when i turn around my girl friend was behind me and asked for a ring ….
Love this pasta, very good. I was about to look but then the lights flickered…then again they always do that.
Ok. Now THAT freaked me out. Especially since I was reading this alone around midnight in my dark playroom. I looked behind me, but hesitantly. Very hesitantly. And then I logged off creepypasta as fast as I could.
Cocoas last blog post..5 reasons why it’s cool to stay pure
Oooooh, this was a short but delicious pasta. I especially enjoyed the ending.
I must admit…
I shat brix…
That really creeped me the fuck out. Brix have been shat.
i don’t talk like that…
10/10. that is actually creepy. its been a while. this is a good example of what a creepy pasta really is.
I thought this one was very clever, actually.
oh mother fricker…this scared the crap out of me especially the last paragraph..I hate those ‘dont look behind you’ stuff.
Epic cringe over here. Jeezus.
Don’t look behind me? what could possibly be behi jn vb
I looked and all I saw was a brown froALL GLORY TO THE HYPNOTOAD.
Hmm decent pasta. As soon as figured out what each letter stood for, I heard my door open. I then realized it was my mom…
DUDE! *brix*
If Snowden is cool with it then it must be good.
I turned around and saw my boss…told me to stop surfing the net so much :/.
Wish my future self would tell me who wins this sunday :D
My mom read this, and she got scared.
She said “you’re movin’ with your auntie and uncle in Bel Air.”
Looked behind me and some kid was stareing at me…with liek fucken wierd ass eyes and then when he noticed i saw him he turned back to his CPU. p.s.(I’m in a CPU lab)
I looked … and saw my boyfriend.
It was pretty yawn until the end. I never would have expected the last and redeeming sentence. Great stuff.
Sorry for the swearing but the first thing I did after reading this was turn around, rip off the plug, picked up the laptop and got the hell out of my house :S
Best/scariest/creepiest one on the site.
thinking ‘kind of meh’ until half way through, then the last line. Bloody hell
I looked behind me and being as I am laying down on my bed with pillows and covers propping my head up, all I saw was covers and pillows way too close to my face. I then suffocated on them. Future me is a dick.
Yes, yes, send your little message. Even this tidbit brings me ever closer to my return. You may have delayed your own death writer, but I’ll get to you eventually; all of you.
I await my next meal
Ok, cool. Just wait till after I’m done my tea :D
I didn’t read the first word of the first paragraph. What a dumbass, making that first paragraph all short so I automatically went, “TL;DR.”
I looked. It’s been nice knowing you all. :(
man, i will never look behind me now. :S
hyogas last blog post..Re: Battlefield Heroes – Beta Signup
Gahdammit, blackneonsharpie!
You made me lose the game!
And my husband, too, since I had to announce it!
Anywho, very creepy pasta.
Gave me a chill.
(And I actually did not look behind me, until right now, lol)
Yummy yummy pasta!!!!
thank you future self, that picture was CROOKED. i might’ve gotten quite a fright had you not warned me.
i liked : D
I looked and saw a guy with a machete and hockey mask. I invited him in for a cup of tea! LOL XD
YES! Creepypasta at its finest. Short, spooky, and incredible. Snowden’s seal of approval plastered ALL OVER THIS BITCH.
Ahahaha candlejack
I’ve never spun around so fast in my life.
My fucking neck hurts.
That was pretty funny :D
Lol, it took me about 3 minutes to actually bring up the courage to turn around!
Freakin’ sweet! I love when these sort of ‘personal’ pastas actually manage to pull it off. Very Nice.
I shat bricks.
10/10 Creepypasta.
Short, sweet, spooky and to the awesome point.
This gave me some chills. awesome!
I enjoyed this. It was a creative idea.
Wow that was good. I did not expect to be as scared as i am now
Somone is here nows last blog post..Faces In The Storm
I like it. To whoever wrote this, well done.
Ha, clever. It gave us that itch one gets between the shoulder blades. Of course, there was nothing behind us, as this wasn’t for us.
I saw this on the forums. It is horrifyingly stupid.
Very creepy. At first I thought “Oh, it’s just time travel, yawn.” But it was pretty good.
I’m getting that tingling feeling on the back of my neck…
Everyone know ‘it’ gets you when you look back at the screen…
Hell, ‘it’ comes outta the screen!
This one was actually pretty cool. Not creepy per se but interesting. I liked how they saved the true “creepy” factor until the end.
@Kidd: Did you not read the last sentence? “Read the first word of each paragraph”
What’s all this talk about turning around???
There’s nothing in the story that says anything remote to that.
Someone didn’t read the instructions…
Read THE FIRST WORD of every paragraph. Then you’ll get it.
First thing I did when I was done reading this story, I turned around.
I looked behind me….and my eggs were done. Thank you future self.
I so thought this was going to be the “You Just Lost The Game” thing I read yesterday. It told a long story and then told you to read the first word of every paragraph. And then i lost the game.
Which you all just did too, sorry.
I quit the game a long time ago.
You can never quit the game. You don’t play the game. The game plays you. The game plays all of us. The game will be the cause of armageddon on the 21st!!
22/12/2012. *cough cough*
Alright, so the persona wasn’t the best. The plea of ‘belive me’ wasn’t the best, a little weak honestly. However, the very last part did creep me out a bit. So nice job there.
Idk why u got so many dislikes. I thought the exact same thing.
crapped my hat
Actually no, it was me who crapped in your hat, soz.
I turned around, and my living room is just how it’s always been. There’s my sofa, my television, my recliner, the portal to Hell in the back wall, my Quaker Parrot. Ah, my good old American living room…
Actually, I liked this story very much. Way better than most of the ‘Don’t Look Behind You’ pastas you see on here.
You….. you’re a….. you’re a homestuck…..
Best freaking one ever
Oh shit, that creeped me out. I love it!!
I looked behind me. All I saw behind me was a TV, the back door, a couch and an angel statue.
Wait, when did we have an angel statue?
Oh fuc
Yay! Dr. Who Weeping Angels reference!
Ha, I just watched an episode with Weeping Angels a couple of hours ago! Creepy things…
Yea I know they can’t move when you look at them but it seems like they can teleport because how do they go so quick
Was it the one where Doctor Who visits his wife’s mother in the past? Also there was a weeping angel that was the statue of liberty.
I know they are creepy the weeping angels
Fuck Yeah, Weeping Angel’s comments!
Very nice.
I’m resting on my bed which is against the wall. So there’s pretty much nothing to look behind to.
I love such pastas!
short and creepy.
oh he means under your bed >;)
But what if his bed is a mattress on the floor
Me as well :D
Just go 88 mph, not exactly rocket science.
You also need a Flux Compacitor, which is probably a bit more than rocket science.
and a nice car. cant forget the nice car
Don’t forget the plutonium!
wow this really freaked me out
I still havent looked behind me XD
neither have i
I have
I got chills!
No. I am NOT moving from this spot. EVER.
I liked it, really. Though the last sentence was nice and kind of fit in, it did seems like it was just a tad thrown out there. But I did enjoy it.
Nice. Very nice.
I didn’t and won’t look behind me. Problem solved.
i was in front of a mirror when i looked behind me D:
Omg dude
You’re doubly fucked.
There are a few things good about writing this as the future you talking to the present.
For example, it covers the “Hey, I looked and nothing bad happened. I didn’t even see anything.”
Well, fuck, it’s the future you. You know you. You knew you’d look if you told you not to look, and looking may have been what saved you.
Also you can post this before a large number of people (Such as /x/) and it doesn’t lose anything. Like, future you is just telling you to look, to save you. Who cares if the other people read it. There’s no way to tell for sure if it was meant for you or not. Not to mention, future you would know that you were browsing whatever site you saw it on at the time you saw it, so of course you read it as you were meant to.
But wait, if future me thinks it would save me by telling me not to look, and then im torn between not looking and looking because what would the outcome be… fuck…. welp now i feel like somethings behind me ;_;
Exactly… ;-;
But knowing yorself would solve the problem. If i cough cough i mean the future you thinks past you would’t look if he told you not too then it would solve the problem
But if i thcough cough future you thinks that you will do as he says then he will tell you what to do if he thinks you won’t do what he says then he won’t say anything
Well I’m sitting in a car so I’m pretty sure there’s nothing behind me.
Incorrect; you have back seats, do you not? Or a trunk? And if there is no space in the car, what about outside the car?
Bottom line: there is always something behind you…
Whoooa… Poizn Just Blew My Mind ._.
Wibbly wobbly timey-wimey stuff…
I get the reference to doctor who
I do too :3
Hah yes doctor who reference…
Don’t blink , blink and you’re dead ….what of a weeping angle was the thing behind you so you looked and it stopped…..just don’t turn away…don’t blink
but if there was something behind you it woudnt harm you considering your future self managed to live long enough to tell you about the thing behind you that didn’t harm your future self therefore the thing(if there is one) that is behind you is either harmless are not fatal
Doctor who, my friend.
Well, he said he’s saving you from something worse than death, so that kind of ruins the whole “well, he still lived” thing.
Of course I wouldn’t even listen to my future me. Pft. Though… If it were something bad, my dog would take care of it…… Unless… It’s my dog… O.O
That makes sense….but if your future you wants you to save you…and I think it’s important. Why would your future you make thes message on a site that publishes unreal creepy storys? :DD
Actually, that was genuinly creepy.
I’m sorry but I don’t understand. Can someone explain it for me?
The first words of each paragraph is
… So you are telling yourself not to look behind you.
Or possibly you are the rebellious type and your future self knows that you were when you read this, so you look behind you, which saves you…
A lot of things must be assumed with this pasta. Even though i thought that this was good, i myself don’t think it deserves a 9.0, an 8.5 i think, but since while i’m writing this the rating stuff is bad… It does not work. So i cant do anything about it.
You are a lunatic. Just though I’d tell you the truth.
You must have watched ” LOOPER”!
*turns chair around* “Hmm nothing happened” *looks at story* *turns around again* *Mom is standing in front of me* “Holie shet lel I am about to get 360noscoped because I looked behind me.”
nice explaination
I’m laying down so…not anatomically possible. A disappointment.
i have my back against the wall. almost always do. im paranoid.
so am i! XD is Holy crap! it’s jeff the killlllllwustrjfilswnvwukvy,ibgm
see, i’m the opposite, the scariest fucking thing ever to happen to me was with my back to a wall. out of the wall someone or something whispered “hey” into my ear. i thought it was my then boyfriend but when i asked him he just said “you heard it too?” 100% serious.
look behind your bed duh
Laying down on the floor. #Rext
look at each word of the whatever
Pewdiepie fan much, I dont get this story
Some people have a hard time understanding the intricacies of language. Like the definition of a “paragraph”. Pretty advanced stuff, that English.
yes! at first i was like “oh this is boring.” then i read the last sentence. crrrrrrrreeeeeeeeeeeeppppppppppyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
Holy crap there actually was something behind me!
I turned around and got pied.
The last “paragraph” is only one sentence!
A single sentence can be a paragraph…
it made me look behind me xD
not the ….
Just as I finished this a bird flew in to my house and landed behind me in our Christmas tree. I almost wet myself.
I wish that happend to me becuose all thats behind me is a desk