Top-Ranked Creepypasta Stories (Sorted by Average Rating)

The Painting
THE EYES There was once a young artist named Lisa. She was haunted all her life by disturbing dreams. One dream in particular made her dread sleep. It was always the same, a dark hallway and ...

5 Ghost Towns in Pennsylvania for Your Scariest Adventure
If you’re seeking thrilling adventures, visiting and wandering around abandoned ghost towns is probably one of the activities that might make you feel excited. And if that’s the case, you should know that Pennsylvania is the ...

What Comes Next?
Michael grew up in the digital age, he loves his smartphone and will always go for digital over real-life social encounters. However, there is one weekly event he never misses, the horror movie night with his ...

She’s Got Two Left
Church bells rang through the cold December night as softly as a whisper. The final ring hung in the air as she held her breath. It sent a chill down her spine that no cold night ...

The X-Ray Glasses
For a brief period in 1971, a New Jersey based company sold novelty "X-ray" glasses through the mail via advertisements in the Marvel line of comic books. People who viewed their televisions while wearing these glasses ...

7 Must-See Horror Movies For The Most Dreadful Cinematic Experience
Are you wondering what it feels like to experience feelings of excitement and terror at the same time? Then you should definitely explore more about the realm of frightful films. It’s a thrilling endeavor that appeals ...

Something is Coming to Get Me
It all started after I had that damned panic attack. I am a calm person by nature, always have been. Small stuff never bothered me, even while driving. And I certainly had never been so negatively ...

Dark Redemption
It was around 9:45 PM. loud heavy winds blowing hard as if it could rip trees from the ground like a bored child with paper. A snowstorm had hit the small hazy town that is located ...

Don’t Be Afraid
I was thrown into an inescapable void, and the depths of my soft blankets were the only protection I had from the shadows that seeped from the corners of my bedroom. After retreating into the safety ...

The Music of Lake View
Spending time at the family lodge at the lake was meant to be an escape. A place to reset, a place to rekindle my love for the violin. A love that I had lost to my ...

Grey sea beneath a grey sky. Tossed carelessly between the waves, I cling desperately to the promise of air. Something awaits me within the water’s depths; I’m certain of it. If I look down, in the ...

Children of God
Many of you reading this will believe it’s a work of fiction. But I’m currently sitting in my friend’s room while I type this, both of us terrified of what might happen next. The only thing ...

Dimension of Samhain
My names, “Otis Levenson” the Pizza Delivery guy. I’m a senior in high school, and I am an average student, who sometimes slack off. So, to make myself feel more productive I got this job. But ...

10 Best Horror Movies Based on Books
If you’re a horror buff, nothing can be more rewarding than reading a book and then seeing a movie based on it or vice versa. Watching the movie after reading the book allows you to see ...

The Observer
It was on the wall, right in front of me, over my bed, hung like a painting. It had one limp hand draped, with bony, serpentine fingers, just above the clock, and its skeletal body cast ...

Mr. Strangeteeth
Apparently everyone is in on the joke or I’ve been living under a rock so I'm sorry if any of this is redundant but I have to reach out because things have gotten really out of ...

The Garden of Secrets
I was running. It was such a normal day. Where was she? I took my seat and pulled out my book. No way would I make it out of here. The teacher droned on and I ...

A Friendly Phone Number
Annalisa bought a new address book. As she was writing the names from the old book, she noticed her friends name. Linda had died several months ago. She felt silly transferring the name to the new ...

At the Salmon Cowboy: A Found Letter
I fear that by the time you read this . . . it will be too late. Forgive me, Vanessa. I am so sorry. As you are reading this, your fiancé is lost—caught in an act ...

Positively Writhing
A gregarious cheer warmed the wide living room as we all sat 'round the fireplace, the soothing flames suffusing throughout and thoroughly staving the Winter chill frosted over the window panes. The decrepit mansion we decided ...