
Top-Ranked Creepypasta Stories (Sorted by Average Rating)

Evil is Not a Toy
Average Rating:

Evil is Not a Toy

It was not a dark and stormy night. In fact, it was the opposite. It was clear, calm, and unseasonably warm for late October. The sky was full of cheerily twinkling stars, and well-light by an ...
The SCSI Temple
Average Rating:

The SCSI Temple

The first time I met Ada Klesco, she caught ahold of my hand and held it for a very long time. At first, I assumed that it was just a handshake, but there was no particular ...
The 5 Horror Movies That Precisely Predicted Future Tech Trends
Average Rating:

The 5 Horror Movies That Precisely Predicted Future Tech Trends

Have you ever considered going on a deep exploration into a prophecy-based horror movie to look for novel discoveries and new technical advancements while feeling exceptionally insecure? If so, you'll be thrilled to learn that horror ...
Behind Closed Doors
Average Rating:

Behind Closed Doors

Ever since I was young, my father would warn me to never open my mouth about my problems. “Nobody will understand you,” he would hiss, putting the fear of whatever he feared in me. “Nobody will ...
5 Horror Movie Soundtracks That Will Haunt You Long After Watching
Average Rating:

5 Horror Movie Soundtracks That Will Haunt You Long After Watching

Who can imagine horror movies without sudden, sharp clangs and eerie sounds? Music is an integral part of creating a sense of fear, tension, and suspense in horror movies. We can even say that it’s impossible ...
Average Rating:


I forgot who I was for a moment. My memory burnt out before flashing back in an instant. The bloodied knife in my hand and the body on the wet Manhattan concrete in front of me ...
The Murder Of Innocence
Average Rating:

The Murder Of Innocence

You awake at a crossroads. You have no idea how you got there or how long you have slept. There are five signposted directions to take: Life, Death, Fortune, Fate and Destiny. As counter-intuitive as it ...
My Sister, The Artist
Average Rating:

My Sister, The Artist

For as long as I can remember, my sister Ivory was always the creative one of us two siblings. She even made a career out of it. While I was working the typical office job, she ...
The Carnival
Average Rating:

The Carnival

"Hey, Ashley. Look! Theres a flyer for a carnival! It's in town and not that far from here" "A carnival? Isn't that kind of childish..?" "Ashley.. How long have we been dating? Everything about me is ...
The Monkey Jones Mystery
Average Rating:

The Monkey Jones Mystery

There we stood, all five of us, our feet held still to the ground, not too well, because we knew with any given moment our acceleration was a necessity of escape. Reece took our first steps, ...
Average Rating:


It’s late in the afternoon, and you decide that you want to invite your friend over for dinner, to celebrate your new apartment. The apartment itself was pretty- a simple place, nonetheless, but elegant in a ...
5 Creepy Songs to Get You Ready for Halloween
Average Rating:

5 Creepy Songs to Get You Ready for Halloween

Have you ever found yourself fascinated by the rhythms that provoke the perception of horror? If not, you should be aware that the creepy songs that accompany Halloween impose a dreadful experience of terror penetrating the ...
brothers of drane
Average Rating:

Brothers of Drane

The Brothers of Drane was a Canadian-American commune, gang, and cult that was active in the northeastern regions of the United States and southern Canada, particularly New Brunswick and Nova Scotia, in the early-late 1990's. Led ...
Seinfeld Lost Episode: The Mason
Average Rating:

Seinfeld Lost Episode: The Mason

There’s a story about a "lost" episode of Seinfeld floating around the internet. The episode was supposed to air around season six, but it was mysteriously cut. The “official” story about the episode was that it ...
Zero Sum
Average Rating:

Zero Sum

The vault is open. Fisch has some flash bangs he snagged from when he was in special forces. He tosses one through the open door. We cover our ears. Inside, civilians are sprawled out on the ...
Top Haunted Spots in Pennsylvania: A Guide for Paranormal Places
Average Rating:

Top Haunted Spots in Pennsylvania: A Guide for Paranormal Places

Some people find paranormal places attractive not only during the Halloween season but also during Christmas, summer, and all year. If you’re among those people, you probably realize that one can find hidden gems for ghost ...
Welcome Ireland
Average Rating:

Welcome | Ireland

From the quietest place I have ever known. Ireland 2012 - Michael B. My first trip to Ireland was like no other. Before going to Ireland, I had never been to Europe. I found myself adoring ...
Why I Killed My Father
Average Rating:

Why I Killed My Father

My name is Edward Thubbard and I recently killed my father. Now, before I am plagued with judgements of self-righteous proclivities allow me to first explain the circumstances surrounding my actions and in exchange I will ...
Average Rating:


In Portland, Oregon in 1981, an unheard-of new arcade game appeared in several suburbs, something of a rarity at the time. This game was called "Polybius". The game proved to be incredibly popular, to the point ...
The Tattoo
Average Rating:

The Tattoo

You wake after a wild night of partying to find that while you were wasted, for some reason you had a crude smiley face tattooed on your foot. You write it off as a lesson to ...
Echos of grief
Average Rating:

Echos of Grief

The night was suffused with a bone-chilling mist that clung to the abandoned streets of Crestwood. Detective Ryan Brooks stepped out of his car, his breath forming wispy clouds in the frigid air. The disappearances from ...
Under cover
Average Rating:

Under Cover

“Hi, D”. The voice was familiar, perhaps even too familiar for her liking. As she rolled her eyes he briskly walked over to her desk, almost as if her eyes were a hook and she’d caught ...
Memory Lane
Average Rating:

Memory Lane

There was a bright pink tint to the sky and it brought a smile to Jared's face. The light afternoon breeze shook up his dark brown hair, flipping it in apparent life. He loved the scene ...
The New Year Burning
Average Rating:

The New Year Burning

POP-POP-POP-POP! It was only 9:45 PM and the local kids were already setting off cherry bombs. Lydia expected such, but even so, it startled her to the point of spilling the tea she held in her ...

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