
Top-Ranked Creepypasta Stories (Sorted by Average Rating)

Average Rating:


I walk out toward my car, in my white jumpsuit, a white shirt underneath it. It was just another night. I'm 30 years-old, 6-foot-tall, and all of my short, brown hair, and work the night shift ...
Look, I even painted the moon, with one side dark and one side light.
Average Rating:


At my young tender age, painting was the only psychoanalysis I ever needed to retreat to, or how common people call it therapy. Every hour in the morning until the sun rises, my brush strokes back ...
Dr Ophelia
Average Rating:

Dr. Ophelia

The bell in the antique grandfather clock of the rec room of the psych ward struck twelve. It was time for your appointment. That was good. You actually liked your visits with Dr. Ophelia (officially, she ...
Composer of the unknown
Average Rating:

Composer of the Unknown

A mild night in the New England countryside. An empty field with an omnipresence of untrimmed grass and wild weeds left to grow unabated. The field is surrounded by a lumbering audience of trees. The moon ...
midnight visit
Average Rating:

Midnight Visit

The darkness of the nighttime sky hangs like a shroud cloaking the Earth in mystery. The shroud is empty, devoid of the decorations that usually dot its fabric every hour past sunset. There is no night ...
Santa's Other Workshop
Average Rating:

Santa’s Other Workshop

Perpetual darkness lingered at the top of the world. Thick ice, frigid air, and snow covered the lifeless mountainscape. However, the endless night did not go unchallenged. A single source of light illuminated the sky and ...
Average Rating:


She felt alone. The old room gave her two distinctly opposing feelings: comfort and a hollow heart. The windows were tainted with streaks from rain and a poor paint job, the aged wooden floor covered in ...
The Horror Section
Average Rating:

The Horror Section

I think it was my somewhat strict upbringing that fostered my intrigue for horror. Following the path of god and basking in the sun's rays is all well and good... but the forbidden aura of all ...
The Hum
Average Rating:

The Hum

The Hum is what people have called a phenomena that occurs in some places in the world. It is a low-frequency humming noise that sounds not unlike a distant running engine. However, the source can never ...
Top 5 Haunted Universities Worldwide Feeding Your Deepest Fears
Average Rating:

Top 5 Haunted Universities Worldwide Feeding Your Deepest Fears

If you were asked to recall some excitingly mystical details from the Harry Potter movies, chances are one of them would probably be Nearly Headless Nick wandering around Gryffindor. The ghosts living at Hogwarts School of ...
Unconscious Objection
Average Rating:

Unconscious Objection

I couldn't sleep. I didn't want to sleep. Sleep has eluded me for several days at this point, but to sleep is to give up and let guilt destroy me. That's what I call it anyway ...
The Howl in the Darkness
Average Rating:

The Howl in the Darkness

Horror can stem from a variety of sources, each with varying degrees of subtlety. Something as small as the flicker of a shadow has the ability to grip a person’s heart with an icy hand, just ...
Dark Radiance
Average Rating:

Dark Radiance

It's dark. When you don't know where you are or how you've come to be there, even the simplest things can be supremely frightening. So it was that when Walter awoke, his consciousness confused and hazy, ...
The Antarctic Bar
Average Rating:

The Antarctic Bar

At the bottom of a 50-meter high glacier, exactly two kilometers from Antarctica, lies the frozen remains of a long-forgotten civilization. The exact location of the glacier is unknown, only that it is two kilometers from ...
The Gurgling
Average Rating:

The Gurgling

I live in a small apartment by myself, on the fifth floor. One night, a while back, I heard strange noises coming from down the hall. They weren't shouts and they weren't banging noises and they ...
Average Rating:


It’s scary how times have changed, those we thought invincible, taken away without so much as a fight. The world feels a little colder these days, well, at least to me. I miss my mum, I ...
Bone Dust
Average Rating:

Bone Dust

I must warn you now that every detail included in this account is not of my own invention - though I wish from the bottom of my heart that it was exactly that, an invention - ...
The Prophecy of Zarah
Average Rating:

The Prophecy of Zarah

The discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls in the early part of the 20th century is one of the most important episodes in the field of Bible scholarship. They have been studied and transcribed for decades, ...
The Belgian Tribe
Average Rating:

The Belgian Tribe

My grandfather served in the European Theater of Operations during WWII, an experience he rarely talks much about. I've only managed to coax one story out of him. He and a low-ranking officer (granddad was an ...
The Lottery Number
Average Rating:

The Lottery Number

The lottery gives you a three digit number and a four digit number each day, right? What else has seven digits split into three, then four? That's right, it's a phone number. The lottery is a ...
A Halloween to Remember
Average Rating:

A Halloween to Remember

My friends and I decided to go trick or treating this year. We were teenagers that wanted some candy and to TP houses. We lived in a massive neighborhood, so there was a lot to go ...
All He Wants
Average Rating:

All He Wants

The sweet old lady rocks rhythmically in her recliner. Her head nods often in approval as she agrees wholeheartedly with her favorite evangelist late this evening. This has been Mrs. Weatherford's routine every night since her ...
The Dark Grove
Average Rating:

The Dark Grove

There exists a small circle of trees somewhere in the Rocky Mountains, completely unremarkable from the outside, but just inside no sun or star ever shines. Rumor has it that anyone that can spend three pitch ...
In the Water
Average Rating:

In the Water

I work in a psych ward. It’s a really strange ward, however. Most people have either done something horrific or had something unordinary happen to them. The unordinary happenings were the more frightening of the two ...

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