
Top-Ranked Creepypasta Stories (Sorted by Average Rating)

I Worked at a Top Secret Government Research Lab. I Need to Share My Journals.
Average Rating:

I Worked at a Top Secret Government Research Lab. I Need to Share My Journals.

These logs are from Senior Technical Operations Specialist III K.Z. Okpala's private files. These files have been compiled using an offline text software built by K.Z. Okpala. These files are conjecture and only reflect the opinions ...
The schoolhouse
Average Rating:

The Schoolhouse

Storytelling has been a popular pastime among humans as long as language has existed. Through this telling of stories, folklore of strange creatures, haunted places, cryptids, witches, and other supernatural occurrences have evolved over millennia. Accounts ...
Sometimes its better to leave survivors behind
Average Rating:

Sometimes It’s Better to Leave Survivors Behind

They said it was nothing. A routine rescue op at a facility known as the Tantalus Site. But that quickly proved untrue. Terribly, horrifically untrue. The report said we’d be flying into the Baghlan Province of ...
The suicide engineer
Average Rating:

The Suicide Engineer

NOTE: I am a friend of Andrew Talbot, the man that sent me this recording. I recently received an email from Andrew that contained a recording of his podcast that, to my knowledge, never aired. There ...
I made a horror game about liminal spaces that nobody will ever play
Average Rating:

I made a horror game about liminal spaces that nobody will ever play

I'm sure there isn't a single person reading this that doesn't know what liminal spaces are by now. But, just in case: The concept of liminal spaces relates to physical locations that are typically transitional in ...
in the corner of my eye
Average Rating:

In the Corner of My Eye

Have you ever seen him; the little boy just out of view? For me, he's always been there. Even when I was a kid myself, he was there, just in the corner on the edge of ...
im not going anywhere baby
Average Rating:

“I’m Not Going Anywhere, Baby.”

It has been a little over 8 years since my Dad died. We were so close, I was always his little girl despite being such a rotten kid. Whenever I rebelled or lashed out he would ...
the growing settlements
Average Rating:

The Growing Settlements

Hello there! Look what the cat dragged… oh my! Are you alright?! Hurry, get inside! … You need to get here earlier if you’re gonna pay regular visits! Just because you’re safe inside doesn’t mean you ...
the cat scratching at my door
Average Rating:

The Cat Scratching at my Door

"I never thought a childish prank would save me and my brother's life." It began in late September, my family cat had passed from old age a few weeks prior. I missed her terribly and assumed ...
After Death
Average Rating:

After Death

"Alright, Jack. Are you ready?" After being strapped down by the orderlies, an older gentleman with a white coat stepped over and looked down at me as my back caressed the cold, metal slab I was ...
The Big Man of Arden Street
Average Rating:

The Big Man of Arden Street

I’ve lived in the same house my entire life. I grew up here, and now I’m raising my own family under this roof. Our home is no mansion…far from it. We live in a small-terraced house ...
The Murder That Saved My Life
Average Rating:

The Murder That Saved My Life

I was done. This time I meant it. There were several times in my life where I found myself considering it, contemplating taking my trip to the other side. The last time I had called the ...
Average Rating:


Out in The Dives lies a place that does not exist – at least, not all of the time. It is a place with promises of euphoria and hedonistic pleasures, capable of allowing you to live ...
The Rental
Average Rating:

The Rental

I stood still for a moment, awestruck. The pictures didn't do it justice. It was a large but quaint home located on a secluded island near Cape Cod. A small piece of land void of life; ...
I Found a Diary Tucked in a Brick at an Abandoned Psych Hospital
Average Rating:

I Found a Diary Tucked in a Brick at an Abandoned Psych Hospital

I grew up on Long Island, right outside of the Kings Park Psychiatric Center, home of the legend of Cropsey. I was always a good kid, never broke any rules, never really pushed the limits of ...
The Last Halloween
Average Rating:

The Last Halloween

I don't celebrate Halloween. When the trick-or-treaters come out and start prowling my street, I make sure to keep my front porch light off and pull the shades down. If someone rings my doorbell despite all ...
The Promise
Average Rating:

The Promise

The anniversary of Layne’s death wasn’t for another three days, but when “Cochise” came on the radio as I approached that curve, I took it as a sign. Layne’s favorite song. I pressed the gas and ...
An Old Man's Last Secret
Average Rating:

An Old Man’s Last Secret

My grandfather is 95 years old and doesn't have long left in this world. There’s nothing but a mess of tubes and wires to tether him here with us. It’s difficult for him to speak, but ...
My Soul is in a Paper Lantern
Average Rating:

My Soul is in a Paper Lantern

Do you know what it’s like to live without a soul? Because I do. It’s like watching a romantic movie that’s so perfect you find yourself falling in love with the character. Then the lights come ...
The Reaper's Scythe
Average Rating:

The Reaper’s Scythe

There is no fear as potent as the fear of the unknown. No monstrous visage discovered yet has been as terrifying as the infinite potential for horror which exists before the mask is removed. That is ...

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